View Full Version : Substrate/Temp control for racks.

03-04-12, 02:53 PM
Having never used a rack before, I have a couple questions. I know the Maddy's have grown up on aspen and don't have high humidity requirements, but should I keep the BRB's and/or Suri's on Eco Earth, misting throughout the day? Everyone will have a damp hide.

Also, who is familiar with the HygroTherm from Zoomed (http://www.zoomed.com/db/products/EntryDetail.php?EntryID=260&DatabaseID=2&SearchID=5&SearchContext=YTo1OntzOjg6IlNlYXJjaElEIjtzOjE6IjUi O3M6MTA6IkRhdGFiYXNlSUQiO3M6MToiMiI7czo4OiJLZXl3b3 JkcyI7czoxMDoiaHlncm90aGVybSI7czo4OiJTZWFyY2hfeCI7 czoyOiIyOCI7czo4OiJTZWFyY2hfeSI7czoyOiIxMiI7fQ==)?

How do I best utilize this tool with a 6-shelf rack each with UTH.

Thanks for the help!

03-04-12, 03:01 PM
Only thing I can say is repti bark with light misting be easier to deal with what I keep most of my reptiles in cept my desert ones

03-04-12, 03:04 PM
I like Repti Bark too, and the soil. The M.G.B.' don't require that high humidity, so they're fine in the aspen.

03-04-12, 03:10 PM
Yea the MGB is fine with aspen but on the BRB I would use repti bark