View Full Version : New expo pick ups!!

03-04-12, 12:39 PM
okay, this will be quick, and pics will be later, i am sick (flu or meningitus) but i just got back from the cleveland ohio retpile show, ipicked up...

0.1 pastel ( for some super pastels)
0.1 spider (for anything awesome that has spider in it)
1.0 enchi ( no plans on getting one of these, but couldnt pass up the price!!)

as i said, pics up later tonight of tomorrow!

thanks guys!

03-04-12, 03:42 PM
Sounds good... need to see pics though :p *waits patiently*

03-04-12, 04:14 PM
Yay Spider! :D One of my favourites...plus you can get some sick morphs out of them.

Excellent pick-ups!

03-05-12, 03:47 PM
so my pics wont upload... im making a video today when i finish my rack, so everyone will be included in that, sorry for the lack of pics, i am still very sick though.