View Full Version : Is Black Betty Crossed with MGB?

03-03-12, 04:06 PM
I posted this pic in another thread but I want to ask anybody who might know. Based on what you see in Black Bettys side pattern, does she have some MGB in her and could that possibly explain her size of 9 1/2' and 23 lbs?

03-03-12, 04:11 PM
She does look kinda different than my dum but my is young so I don't know

03-03-12, 04:22 PM
What's MGB?

03-03-12, 04:23 PM
Sorry, Madagascar Ground Boa. I know its possible since both MGBs and Dums are from different parts of the same Island and MGBs are usually larger than Dums. Ive always wondered this about Betty.

03-03-12, 04:50 PM
I think it's possible. Who has a known normal Dumeril to compare to these?
Also for comparison purposes:

03-03-12, 04:55 PM
And now that I've compared them myself, I say yours is pure Dumeril's.

03-03-12, 04:59 PM
I got a normal dum there's pics of him posted already

03-03-12, 05:01 PM
In order, we have Euryale, Kermit, Miss Piggy and Popeye.

03-03-12, 05:05 PM
Also there is Arwen and Gandalf the Grey.

03-03-12, 05:07 PM
Black Bettys side pattern is more intricately detailed than the other Dums I have, so....

03-03-12, 11:58 PM
That could explain it. I only have limited knowledge of my dumerils, mainly from a breeder and you, and I'm ignorant about MGB's right now. I hope to rectify that soon though. With your experience and knowledge as well as your collection, you're guess would probably be better than most of ours! lol

03-04-12, 05:43 AM
Ok. I will take Strutters word on this one. Tysm for your imput. Betty is just an unusually large Dum. I suppose thats possibnle as well since seeing is believing. Its just weird how her side pattern is more intricate, like I said.

03-04-12, 04:52 PM
Here a pic of a MGB.

Here's a Dumeril.

exwizard can you post a good head shot of the top of Betty head?

03-04-12, 05:22 PM
Wow both almost look the same lol

03-04-12, 05:22 PM
I know her pattern is primarily Dum but her side pattern and her size made me question whether or not she was a cross. Anyway, heres a pic of the top of her head and her side pattern. What do you think?

03-04-12, 05:25 PM
That's a big head good thing she's nice

03-04-12, 05:40 PM
Yeah well, she is mellow enough for me to be able to handle her by myself in spite of her size. Usually the rule for me is 1 person for every 8' of snake but she is the exeption to that because of her temperment.

03-04-12, 06:46 PM
The head pattern screams Dumeril, but the side do make you wonder if she might not have some MGB in her blood line some where. To bad you don't have pictures of her parents that might help give you a idea of why she looks that way.

03-05-12, 05:28 PM
hey just a question i just joined this forum and when i try to click on attatched photos it always says i am not privileged to view this content. anyone know what i can do?

03-05-12, 09:16 PM
hey just a question i just joined this forum and when i try to click on attatched photos it always says i am not privileged to view this content. anyone know what i can do?

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06-09-12, 05:00 PM
Ok I came across a couple of comparison pics and after looking at it, tell me what you think...

The first attached pic is that of a Madagascar Ground Boa. The next pic is of a Dumeril's Boa. The last pic is of Black Betty. Notice her side pattern. I am going to get a DNA test done ASAP to either confirm or debunk this suspicion, but I need to know.

06-09-12, 05:45 PM
I'd say you have a valid concern. Just researching to confirm/debunk your hunch, or do you plan to breed or somethin' of the like?

06-09-12, 06:02 PM
No breeding plans for her. Im just curious.

07-17-12, 06:31 PM
She just looks like a big Dumeril to me. The Philadelphia zoo has a really big Dumeril.

07-17-12, 06:37 PM
Ok Im glad you brought this thread up again. I totally forgot about it as well as my plans to do that testing. Youre probably right in that shes just a big Dum. 9 1/2' although rare in a Dum is not unheard of either. I wouldnt be surprised if thats what the test results come up to be... just a really big Dum.

07-17-12, 07:34 PM
I'm interested to know. I love these boas! I've got one male and want to get a few more. Are they slow growers though?

07-18-12, 06:30 AM
I got mine in March. She was 30" long, and 4 months old. At the beginning of April I weighed her and she was 450g. Now she is 39.5" and 1050g. I think it takes females 4 or 5 years for them to get to adult size. Exwizard could tell you more he has several of them.

07-18-12, 07:24 AM
Dumerils themselves can be quite variable. I had a juvenile pair that had very distinctly different patterns and coloration. Also, remember that Dumerils tend to dull out as they mature; those hues fade and the patterns shift around a little bit, so comparing pics of juvenile animals from either species probably won't help too much.

While I agree that such a cross is certainly possible, I doubt there is any MGB in Betty. Here are my reasons for thinking this:
1.) There's a significant price difference between MGBs and dumerils. Creating such a cross would possibly decrease the value of the hybrid animal, not increase it. Other than just mere curiousity, what is the benefit of the cross? I admit, I'm not too deep in the Acrantophis market, but it just seems to me that from a business standpoint, I would make more money selling pure MGBs and pure Dums than crossing them.
2.) I just don't see any MGB in her! lol...I mean, the two species look rather similar anyway, but there's nothing in her that I haven't seen in other adult Dums.
3.) If it was a straight MGB x Dumerils cross, I would expect to see more MGB influence in her. I don't. So if she does have any MGB in her, its less, so one could speculate she is a hybrid bred back into a pure Dumerils, making her 75% Dumerils, 25% MGB. I find this scenario unlikely.
Has anyone even heard of anyone breeding these species together? Again, I'm not saying it isn't possible, but personally, I've ever heard of it. My guess kinda goes back to my reasoning in #1; there's a reason no one has really bothered to.

07-18-12, 09:33 AM
Some of the literature about dumerils says that they tend to be bigger where the MGB's and Dumeril habitat overlaps. There is some speculation that this is the result of crossbreeding.

07-18-12, 09:46 AM
Some of the literature about dumerils says that they tend to be bigger where the MGB's and Dumeril habitat overlaps. There is some speculation that this is the result of crossbreeding.
