View Full Version : Excited hissing

03-02-12, 11:01 PM
I just thought it was funny to tell you guys how my hognose, Perry, eats. When we first got him, he was sooo tiny but i just could not get him to eat but he would hiss and strike. Finally one day he got the idea, and as i wiggled the pinky as if it was running away, he grabbed it.

So, now he's an eating machine. He's had one shed, and has gotten considerably bigger. He's probably ready to move to fuzzies, but i wanted him to finish up the pinkies i have in the freezer...so mr hungry has been getting two for the past few feedings. I open the lid, and he will wiggle around...and i can pick him up. When i stick that pinky in there though he starts sidewinding and wiggling and then opens his mouth and swallows it down at a ridiculous speed. He smacks his lips, and watches me....and i stick the other one in there...and he hisses and strikes and then eats it even FASTER. Each time. It's soo cute and funny. He gets so excited to have a second meal! He always hisses at the second one..he's not scared or upset, but you can clearly tell he's excited *lol*

My other hoggie Copper has never hissed for any reason!

03-02-12, 11:07 PM
I call for a video!! That sounds hilarious!

03-02-12, 11:24 PM
Hoggies are fantastic and fascinating snakes. When I feed mine, he "sneaks" up on it, circles it then goes in for the kill. After he's done he looks at me and it looks like he's grinning. Then he buries himself. So awesome to watch the lil bugger.

03-02-12, 11:26 PM
Great! Now I want one! Thanks everyone! :crazy:

03-03-12, 04:53 AM
I call for a video!! That sounds hilarious!

Definately calls for a video. :D I really want a hoggie.. And I guess it wouldn't take up much room at all really. Hmmm :rolleyes: :bouncy:

03-03-12, 07:05 AM
Yeah I like Hoggies as well. Too bad I cant have any here, native species that they are.

03-03-12, 05:44 PM
AHAH awwwwwwwww that sounds adorable!!