View Full Version : Experienced sav keepers
03-01-12, 10:08 AM
Hello again! Just me, I was working with my sav Cassie again, and she is not making any progress, I want to take my time and I'm giving her space, but im afraid if I'm not just a little more aggressive and take charge, she might grow up to always be like this, anyone know what I should do? :(
Ha! Easy Brady, you already know the answer to that question man. ;)
You were just saying the other day that you were making great progress with her. She is coming onto your arm and doesnt mind you picking her up. Those are big steps in such a short time! Its hard to be patient for us, but its what is needed for these animals. Being more aggressive will lead to regression most likely, not progress. Plus as they get bigger and older they do become easier to work with. They arent so afraid of you as they bigger so Ive found that progress was much easier with mine the longer I waited. Its hard, but you just gotta be patient.
03-01-12, 10:25 AM
Ha! Easy Brady, you already know the answer to that question man. ;)
You were just saying the other day that you were making great progress with her. She is coming onto your arm and doesnt mind you picking her up. Those are big steps in such a short time! Its hard to be patient for us, but its what is needed for these animals. Being more aggressive will lead to regression most likely, not progress. Plus as they get bigger and older they do become easier to work with. They arent so afraid of you as they bigger so Ive found that progress was much easier with mine the longer I waited. Its hard, but you just gotta be patient.
Yah I'm just a little inpatient, it's really really hard to wait long! I wanna have a lizard that like me! When I say Cassie Cassie in her cage she responds I think, she was in her burrow and she came right out. I guess she is making progress it's just slow :p it's easier when there bigger?
She may never warm up to you. One mistake on your part she won't forget, their memory is outstanding.
03-01-12, 10:42 AM
She may never warm up to you. One mistake on your part she won't forget, their memory is outstanding.
Ya, I've done nothing wrong to her exept move her and she's hates that! I don't know she will love me eventually! I hope
03-01-12, 10:57 AM
She is coming along, but you have to be willing to take the time.
We raised chomper right out of the egg, it was almost 2 years before he bacame that loveable "puppy dog" with scales.
03-01-12, 11:23 AM
Oh wow, okay then she is coming along, alright, I'm gonna put a bigger water dish in her cage
03-01-12, 11:29 AM
same are nice and some are not, like my Jojo if im by his cage and i have no food he wants nothing to do with me lol but im ok with that i still love him.
To give you something to compare to...I have had my Sav for almost a year now and ONE time I was able to pick him/her up 2 inches off the ground in the enclosure then put him down. I tried it again the next day and he puffed up. I put him down right away and he ran and hid in his burrow. This was over a month ago and I am just being able to pet his body while he is eating.
I have come to the conclusion that MY sav will never be "puppy dog tame". I am okay with this and I knew it as a possibility going into the situation.
I try to work with his/her personality as an individual. I don't compare how far we have come to other peoples animals...I just go with what works for us.
For now, he lets me pet his head and he will lwalk over my hand and arm to get to food. I am happy with this because I know he is healthy and not scared of me.
You are doing very well with yours, don't worry do much. Enjoy the time now while she is small, she won't stay that way forever! lol
03-01-12, 03:00 PM
Oh wow! Okay :)
03-01-12, 03:30 PM
Go ahead, take charge and be "Dominant", watch your animal hold a grudge against you and hate you. lol.
You purchased a monitor, guess what, news flash that I think no one is willing to put bluntly- ITS NOT A DOG. It may never "tolerate" you, and it certainly won't "like" you. Lizards don't "like" people like social animals do. She may tolerate you and let you touch her, maybe even hold her- but if you want an animal to pick up and love and cuddle with- go get a dog, a monitor is not for you.
03-01-12, 03:58 PM
Remind me to touch base on conditioning Mr. Pickles to use his crate. I'm in the car right now and can't type a long post.
03-01-12, 08:48 PM
Remind me to touch base on conditioning Mr. Pickles to use his crate. I'm in the car right now and can't type a long post.
Here's your reminder, BB ;)
03-01-12, 11:09 PM
And I just got home. :D
Okay, so Mr. Pickles has began going to schools to get kids aquainted with reptiles. In order to do this, he had to be A: friendly, B: tractable, and C: load into a carrier and be able to be transported without stress.
I used tong feeding much as you're doing to get him acclimated to people. I switch off who feeds him. I let children feed him (as long as they can take instructions well), so he can get used to seeing different people as friendly.
Mr. Pickles is crazy about food. He loves everything he can get his mouth on. I used the tong feeding method to lead him out of his enclosure. At first, it only started with a couple inches out. Then I would place some treats several inches apart leading away from his enclosure (please make sure all other pets are put away). Once he became comfortable with coming out of his enclosure to take food, the rest fell into place really quickly. He became really curious with his surroundings, and started exploring right off the bat. I made this as stress free as possible. When I was done with him, instead of picking him up and putting him back in his enclosure, I led him back with food. Then I started leading him over different surfaces (tile, carpet, granite, wood, stone, tarp, etc.).
Finally, I led him into his carrier. At first I didin't close the door. Every time he was in there, he got a piece of food that he really REALLY likes. I let him go in and out on his own. He learned that he could get his favorite piece of food by going in there, so he does it on his own. Then I started closing him in. Close door, get food. Open door, no food. Then it was close door, lift carrier get food. When carrier's on the ground, no food. Now he loves his carrier.
And again, this all happened really fast after he learned that it was not only safe, but rewarding, to explore. The moral of the story is to have a confident lizard, bribe it with food. Lol.
03-02-12, 12:22 AM
The moral of the story is to have a confident lizard, bribe it with food. Lol.
Lol, why does this not surprise me?
03-02-12, 12:25 AM
Yeah, long rant can be summed up in one sentence. Lol. Monitors will do anything for food.
03-02-12, 08:00 AM
Wow :) I'm doing that now! I'll wait a couple months till she's really comfortable with poor ol me
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