View Full Version : Sonic the Cat

02-25-12, 10:44 PM
Figures this would be my next post, thanks to Jaleely... Sonic is one of the kittens I fostered 2 years ago to get my sisters a kitten each for christmas. I went to the SPCA and they had this litter of kittens with a really bad Respiratory disease and they were coughing sneezing drooling and nose spewing all over the place.... all 5 came home with me.... 1 didn't make it........ the other 4 thrived after a bit of one on one care...(Coco, our other cat, almost went the same way as her twin brother, but she held on, we ended up keeping her as well) But Sonic was different... I was his mother goose apparently.... and well, he technically belongs to one of my sisters, there's no doubt he's my cat... or dog?! He's a weirdo, doesn't really know what a cat is supposed to do or something... He plays fetch with pipe cleaners, he loves going for car rides, I take him for walks on a leash, he knows sit, stay, come, and almost knows say please now... He follows me everywhere, howls when I go to work, and gets depressed when I'm out all night(let alone a couple days...) He's even learned how to open doors now, the little bugger... If I don't lock the bathroom behind me, he'll just waltz right in... I'll be in the shower sometimes next thing I know things are falling off the counter.... But other then that he's such a goof ball, super friendly, always greeting company and rubbing up on people... Walk in the room he'll run past to the bed just to flop down and look cute so you'll pet him... Always helping with the snakes............ Enough talk, here he is!


02-25-12, 10:47 PM
A few more...
Thanks for looking. Caylan.S.

02-26-12, 06:10 AM
Aww hes so cute. :) A cat that acts like a dog. Thats priceless. Kinda makes you want to call him Fido. Definitely a keeper for sure. :)

02-26-12, 09:15 AM
Aw what a sweet big kitteh :D

02-26-12, 10:06 AM
Caylan he's huge! Sounds like a cool cat!

02-26-12, 09:14 PM
Haha thanks everyone!! He's 25lbs of pure love at least lol. His training is moreso my doing, but it sure takes a special cat to take to it like he did. He thinks he's my kid or something... I love my dog-cat!

02-26-12, 09:55 PM
I love the belly shot, and upside down shot!! My adorable HUGE black long haired cat lives with my parents in Oregon, because he is such a brat he would run out here in the big city and get lost or hit by a car. They litterally live out in the middle of nowhere, and he goes and plays in the snow and catches gophers all day. He's happier there, though i wish i could have had him with me all these years. He's a monster too. Like 20lbs or more sometimes (he gets more exercise during summer, but he also gets shaved then too...so that's a lot of weight off right there! lol)
Binks, said cat, used to play tug-o-war, and used to fetch me toys when he was little!!!

02-26-12, 10:39 PM
He sleeps on his back all summer lol. Looks hilarious and take up most of the hallway... as for upside down, he does that to look cute, he does a somersault first though(a very pathetic one..) and then lays there with his feet spread eagle.... I think he didn't get enough oxygen to his brain as a kitten with his nose always being plugged up...
We had an outdoor cat as well once upon a time, and he unfortunately met the fate of being hit by a car as well... even made the news as it was one of the busiest intersections in Calgary... I was just a tyke then. Beat the hell outta me...
Sounds like your big guy has extra personality with his extra size too, that's awesome! He must love catching gophers, my old cat loved chasing squirrels and birds, always bringing home live babies.... Its unfortunate he couldn't be living with you all this time, but like you said, its for the best and he enjoys it there...
I want to shave sonic this summer as well, lion cut style lol. Poor boy actually pants in the summer it gets too hot.... I didn't even know cats could until him... then again he is a dog in his own mind... I wonder how much weight he'll lose lol.
I've tried to get sonic to play tug of war, but he just lets go and gets ready to run.... lately I've been setting up pillows as hurdles for him to jump over to lose some more fat. He jumps like a freakin' horse... tucks his front paws in, extends the back legs, and can easily do a 3 foot high pile of pillows... I'm surprised he can jump at all lol, but he seems to have cougars hind legs... everytime I walk by he jumps on his hind legs so I can pet him with out bending over, because he knows I have a bad back right now lol. If I was ever going to anthropomorphisize an animal, it would have to be this guy... he's no cat!

02-26-12, 10:50 PM
My cat is an idiot! The funniest thing my cat did was in my old house. We were selling the house so we went to the store to get a new rug for the washroom because the old one was ugly and stank! Anyway we are at the store for an hour and we come home with the new rug and she comes and greets us like always. Anyways (again) we go and put the new rug in the bathroom and she comes up the rug and starts to sniff it and walk around it. After about 5 minutes of walking around she finally gets the courage to step on the rug. Sooo she doesn't walk on the rug she backs up and takes a run for it so she can be on the rug as short as possible. She takes the run and the second she steps on the rug she jumps at least 4 feet in the air! LOL It was a hilarious sight to see. She did this a couple times and then stopped. She must have thought it was to fluffly! :) LOL

02-26-12, 10:53 PM
We had a cat that did that exact same time with a bathroom rug... easily cleared a 5 foot jump from standing.... Crazy cats

02-27-12, 04:06 PM
One big happy kitty :)

02-27-12, 04:20 PM
Wow! He's a big kitty! So cute though!! :)

02-27-12, 04:28 PM
I wonder why they do that?

02-27-12, 06:34 PM
Cute fuzzball. :)

02-27-12, 11:30 PM
When Binks was little he would tug-o-war and he'd put his ears back, and flat while he did it. I laughed and laughed every time. He will still tug o war a bit...but it's entirely more lazy and more like "here let me just sit on this and act like i'm pulling" lol

I miss him! I couldn't risk him being down there though. We are surrounded by extremely busy streets, fast cars. He's just actually out in the boondocks up in Oregon so there's hands down no choice. I have to say though, when i got him it was before i really knew or cared about clawed or declawed, and my mom made me get him declawed because at the time we rented. He was to be a strictly indoor cat....my dad put him outside in the SNOW...and that was it. He will scream, and knock you over to get outside. He climbs trees, and he reaches his paw into gopher holes, lets them BITE his FUR and pulls them out. He's the most wild and capable un-clawed cat i've ever seen. I wish i had never had him declawed, but i'm very glad it hasn't hindered him at all! I think he's going on about 12 years old now. Talks up a storm. And he may be an outside cat during the day, but he will scream at my mom until she gives him 2% milk each night. OH yes. She claims he knows the difference *lol*

Anyway, the point is, your cat is adorable and he may be a different color but he reminds me of my Binky!

02-28-12, 12:18 AM
Thanks for all the comments! Sonic and I appreciate them lol(he's right here next to me of course...)
Tug of war would be awesome to play with my cat if he understood it lol. He's got some crazy strength about him... But he's too keen on fetch.... We pretty much have say please down pat though, which I love because he has the coolest meow's. He howls when I go to work, a very bizarre sound apparently. I wish I could hear it lol.

Binks sounds like an awesome cat just like Sonic, I thought he was one of a kind but it sounds like he's one of two now lol. You definitely need to make binks a profile on here if it isn't too hard on you, I'd love to read more about him! It's unfortunate he was declawed but you sound more remorseful about it then he does, he seems to be getting along just fine! Its cool he can still climb, I'd love to see that! My cat climbs like a weirdo.... but he's never been outside lol. I just can't see how he would be able to do it with out front claws though lol. But it's not he can't jump 5-6 feet if he wants....
I know the difference between 1% and any other milk, I even know the difference between brands(I'd drink milk more then water if I could), so I can believe Binks has some idea lol. I wish my boy was a little more vocal, I'm trying to teach him more.... they seem to need to be born with it though.... as long as he says please for treats and to be let in, I'm happy ;)

02-28-12, 01:41 AM
Your cat sounds awesome.

I really have never liked cats at all... however with all this cat talk and my mother in law having 2 really chill cats I am looking at kittens on craigslist and what not.. :hmm:

02-28-12, 03:37 AM
Your cat sounds awesome.

I really have never liked cats at all... however with all this cat talk and my mother in law having 2 really chill cats I am looking at kittens on craigslist and what not.. :hmm:

Just train it like a dog lol, you'll love it! Kittens are amazingly cute, its not even funny.... but they're hilarious as well lol. Everybody needs to have a dog cat!

02-28-12, 03:42 AM
I don't think I will ever actually get one. No matter how cute they are my house will only ever be big enough for 1 cat and I am it..lol :p

02-28-12, 03:45 AM
You're missing out... but I can get where you're coming form at least. But I'd stop looking, and never actually hold one... Might be screwed then lol.

02-28-12, 03:47 AM

02-28-12, 07:46 AM
I have never really been a "cat person", i dont dislike them per se but i am much more keen on dogs and am willing to put up with cats just to get a peaceful life.

However a couple of years age we got Bridget, a silver tabby and she has converted me, she follows me around the house, everytime i sit down she is on my lap and i think i might love her!

here she is from last night


02-28-12, 11:25 AM
I agree many cats can be rather.... cat like? But many are also very affectionate and love their owners more then anything! Glad to see you found a good one Rob! Bridget looks really happy and content! Very nice coat too!

02-28-12, 09:22 PM
Aw i love the black and grey stripes! She's a cutie.

I will put up some Binks photos. I have a few from my last visit, but a lot of my pics of him are old actual 35mm photos...Who does that these days????? lol

Okay and now we're on to Talkers! Binks is SOO vocal. He talks and talks. There's a greeting, a scream, a pur, a questioning sound, an "answer" when you call for him and he's outside...he has like 1,000 things to say all the time!

Every single time i call my mom and he's in the house i can hear him in the background. She will put he phone up to him and i will call his name (i say biiiiiiiiinks all high pitched) and he talks back almost every time! IT is SO cute!

His best that i love to copy when i tell people about him, written, would be "puurrrrrrroww???"
And he will call me or my mom. First is the purrrow? Then Mrrrrrow??" then...MAAARRROOWW??? if we haven't answered. lol My parents go camping every year and Binks has gone with us since he was a kitten. Sometimes if he strays away from camp a bit, and he doesn't know where we are it sounds very desperate MARRROOWW??? lol! Then i'll say his name, and he comes running going "Puuurrrrrrrrow!"

it's very hard to type to people what a cat sounds like btw, i'm proud of myself ; )

02-28-12, 11:56 PM
Aw i love the black and grey stripes! She's a cutie.

I will put up some Binks photos. I have a few from my last visit, but a lot of my pics of him are old actual 35mm photos...Who does that these days????? lol

Okay and now we're on to Talkers! Binks is SOO vocal. He talks and talks. There's a greeting, a scream, a pur, a questioning sound, an "answer" when you call for him and he's outside...he has like 1,000 things to say all the time!

Every single time i call my mom and he's in the house i can hear him in the background. She will put he phone up to him and i will call his name (i say biiiiiiiiinks all high pitched) and he talks back almost every time! IT is SO cute!

His best that i love to copy when i tell people about him, written, would be "puurrrrrrroww???"
And he will call me or my mom. First is the purrrow? Then Mrrrrrow??" then...MAAARRROOWW??? if we haven't answered. lol My parents go camping every year and Binks has gone with us since he was a kitten. Sometimes if he strays away from camp a bit, and he doesn't know where we are it sounds very desperate MARRROOWW??? lol! Then i'll say his name, and he comes running going "Puuurrrrrrrrow!"

it's very hard to type to people what a cat sounds like btw, i'm proud of myself ; )

I've heard many different sounds come out of sonic as well, he definitely has an answering purrmeow which sounds like "Hmmm?" You did really well spelling tha cat sounds lol, I doubt I'd do that well! I want to take Sonic camping, but I haven't yet, not sure how well that would work out lol.
cats sure make a lot of sounds, way more then any dog I've met!

02-29-12, 12:17 AM
I agree.....with the exception of my current basset hound. I cannot seem to catch the noise he makes on camera/video, but it is crazy. He talks all the time. Grunts, goans, moans, cries, whines, baaroooohs (not a bark) Screams, barks, howls....and this one thing he does sounds like a crazy whine/growl/gurgle. When he gets really excited, he does it and it sounds like when someone rolls their "r's" .... I may have had a laugh spelling out the cat noises but i can't think of how to describe the sound he makes *lol*
I always get to hear it when i come home from work. It's really cute.

02-29-12, 12:33 AM
Yeah that dog looks like he has that type of personality, I've heard some dogs make a few sounds but never that many lol. Little dogs sure seem to have a lot more then bigger dogs... I'd love to meet your basset someday lol, he sounds like a total riot!

03-04-12, 08:55 PM
My buddy's ex-wife had a cat that was very dog-like. It would play tug of war, come when called, respond when spoken to. My parent's two cats are close, but don't play tug off war and only sometimes come when called. But they are talkers.

03-05-12, 12:42 AM
Is your buddy's ex wife's cat a big one too? That seems to be a common attribute of these dog cats.
Sonic is making strides in the 'Say Please department', Big meow before he tries opening the door... big meow when he wants a treat, and a big meow when he wants to play fetch... I created a monster.....

03-07-12, 12:50 AM
Is your buddy's ex wife's cat a big one too? That seems to be a common attribute of these dog cats.
Sonic is making strides in the 'Say Please department', Big meow before he tries opening the door... big meow when he wants a treat, and a big meow when he wants to play fetch... I created a monster.....

yup, huge, and appropriately named Garfield. Both of my parents' cats are tubby tabbies as well.