View Full Version : Many many many thank you's.
01-13-03, 06:37 PM
Ok guys.... I just wanted to take a minute here to thank all of our community members!!! Some of you have been here since the VERY beginning and I would just like to thank you for sticking with us, beleiving in us and most importantly, helping and making the new members feel welcome!! To ALL of the members, what actually made me write this thank you was, I was just browsing the "new to the forums" forum and EVERY single person who joins, gets a grand WELCOME from you guys!!! I really didnt expect everyone to always welcome every single person who joins, but it really shows how much the growth of the community means to everyone! :) Very cool guys! I truly think we have one of the best user bases of any of the online reptile related forums and I hope we continue to grow and continue to keep our family, well i guess now that we have over 1200 members, our EXTENDED family atmosphere for years to come! So, yeah... THANK YOU, im sure i speak on behalf of everyone when i say that all of your opinions and picture sharing is a GREAT way to spend our free time and without ALL of you, it just wouldnt be possible! :)
Hey we like this place, it's like a second home. This place keeps me sane while I'm at work, it's on my autoload list when I turn on my computer at work.
01-13-03, 07:49 PM
No, no no, thank you Jeff
although a dident need another addiction...
Here's to your's and ours continued success
Greg West
01-13-03, 08:30 PM
This site is great because of the people, but also great because of all the work you and your moderators put into the site. Keep up the good work, and we will all be here for a long long time
01-13-03, 08:42 PM
You're welcome!;)
Thanks to you too!
Like Brian said, most of us didn't really NEED more addictions!:):):)
01-13-03, 09:36 PM
Addiction...that is a good name for it. I spend sooo much time here. I love it. Everyone here has such a great attitude, this is just a positive place to be. I hope this site keeps rocking like this for years to come. And I'm sure it will. It is obvious that a lot of time and hard work go into to maintaining the professional atmosphere we have here and I am truly grateful for having such a wonderful resource at my fingertips. And the chat room is like Cheers, everyone knows your name:p
Keep up the hard work and the great job Jeff!
Big Mike
01-14-03, 09:18 AM
This is a great community...thanks to Jeff, the other admins, the moderators and the members.
Cheers! :)
A big thanks should go to everyone behind ssnakess to kept it running and current. This is a great site. It is nice to see the beginner able to ask and gain knowledge from the experience on this board. When alot of people there was no site to ask questions so it is good to see.
You need sound for this ;)
01-14-03, 10:45 AM
I was just waiting for the "coming soon to a theatre near you...":)
01-14-03, 11:38 AM
this is my new home im moving in this family rocks ...jeff it take a awsome persone to create a site as you have . and i think i speak for EVERYONE when i say this "im glad to be part of this community no wait im glad to be part of this Family "
so Jeff to you i rais my glass and say thanks bro !
01-14-03, 11:52 AM
You made it possible and I thank you for all your hard work.. (and the moderators too !!)
The success of this community is a great achievement. ;)
I am truly glad to be part of it ;)
01-14-03, 04:38 PM
awww thanks guys! :D Im glad you all enjoy the site as much as we do! :)
Edwin: LOL!!! Loving it bro! :D
Jeff, you put a lot of work in to this site man, it seems everytime i talk to you you're changing something or thinking of something to make this a better place for all of us.. So definatly, a HUGE thank you to you bro.. Dont think we ALL dont appreciate all the time and effort you put in to this site and don't think it all goes un-noticed man.. We all notice and appreciate it everyday!!!
01-14-03, 05:00 PM
Hey there. I agree with a lot of what others said, thank YOU. I am relatively new here. but I know I am here suppporting you untill the end. You are an excellent resource, whether it is for amusement, information, or selling/buying of animals. Keep up the good work. If you ever need a new website design let me know, I can whip a nice design up for you.
01-14-03, 05:56 PM
as long as you dont turn to total crap like that "Other" site i'll be here till the end
01-14-03, 06:30 PM
May I ask why site that is? Kingsnake perhaps?
Them and Us
01-14-03, 06:55 PM
Well everybody already said it but I have to say it anyway and thats Thank You. In my short few months here i have learned so much and everybody has been really awesome . I believe my overall care for my animals is much improved due to knowledge I've gained from everyone at this site. Advice from people here got my first boa,my stuborn feeder, to start eating. Advice from people here over time allowed me to build my new enclosures,which are sadly still vacant but only for a few months. I've had an amzing time meetng new people and hearing others thoughts. I respect everyone on here and their ideals and opinions. I've had more fun online since september than i have ever had online. If I'm lucky maybe someday I will meet some of you amazing people. But until then I say Thanks to you Jeff and everyone else on this site all the moderators and members and all the laughs and support. Very cool.
Thanks to you Jeff. It was you who did one he!! of a good job to make this site like it is...
Aztec Fred
01-18-03, 02:14 AM
Let me say this first: I am new here and still trying to figure out how to navigate it.
Then let me say this: Its a nice change from what I have grown use to for 5 years. No heckling and good people, clean format, and again great people. and more babes than you can shake a stick at(Canada must have the monoploy on beautifull women, cause I have NEVER seen so many on the "other site"
Congrats to you Jeff ********
You deserve it.
Fred Albury
Aztec Reptiles
01-18-03, 10:22 AM
LOL Thanks Fred!! Dont worry either, once you get used the the program, its a breeze to use! ;)
01-18-03, 03:09 PM
I thank you Jeff and everyone on on the great job.I have been on many other sites 4 year,s and this is the only one that I call home.It is just such a breath of fresh air.The members of ssnakess are just about the nicest bunch I have ever seen.Jeff keep up the great job and Fred i would have 2 agrea with you there bud lol :) :)
for some reason it's only everynow an then i can get here now :confused: i'm not sure why, but i wish i could fix the problem cos i miss sSNAKESs,
i can't even manage to get into chat.
so everyone know that i miss you all muchly.
an i tell all the ozzies to join the ozzy possie
Just want to add my own thanks to everyone who is a member or admin here at It's about the friendliest place I've ever popped into and I find myself spending incredible amounts of time here but don't feel that time is wasted.
Plus, even though it's probably the most "national" of international forums with such a strong Canadian feel, I have never felt like an outsider being from the US and my friends from Europe seem to feel much as I do. It's very refreshing when a forum can be loyal to its native country and yet be so welcoming to folks from other countries.
Them and Us
01-19-03, 09:04 PM
I agree eyespy. it is awesome how welcoming everyone is here and the majority of the member base being Canadian. Especially since much of the rest of the world hates us USAins. but just to make sure I'm in..... The Canadian side of Niagara Falls is so much cooler.
01-21-03, 12:15 AM
Yes,this is a very informative/friendly/time consuming site.
Thankyou for your Time AND Effort involved.
btw... I am yet another american (southern at that :P) in the ranks here.
Friendly?.....Shockingly! thanks everybody :)
Trying to think of a different way to say thanks for the site is a hard thing to do. I guess I will say thanks for the site and the set-up of the site, It is easy to use which keeps this site number one.
Thanks Jeff, and awsome job.
01-23-03, 06:58 PM
Hey, as everyone has said already, GREAT job Jeff! You have created an awesome community here. If you ever need a new website design, I will do it in return for a snake :)
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