View Full Version : Old Water Dragon cage

02-24-12, 02:33 PM
So I was going through some old pics and I found some of my old water dragon setup. It had live plants and fake plants. I still have the cage but I need to repaint it and stuff like that. I think I want to do a similar type setup in this cage for a red tailed green racer when I can find a ch or cb one. Anyway, here's what the cage used to look like. Enjoy!



02-24-12, 02:35 PM
That's really nice- and complex. I can't imagine the upkeep to maintain it... It looks GREAT but it would be way too much work for me :p

02-24-12, 02:39 PM
i really like it but yeah that looks like a pain to clean lol.

02-24-12, 03:14 PM
Haha yea it was definitely more work than the tubs I have now but there's something about a tank thats more "natural"(I use that word very loosely since either way you look at it the animal is still in a confined cage.) that draws me to it. The up keep wasn't that bad, it was more of the water dragon soiling his water 2-3x a day. If I set this one up again, I'll definitely do things a little different to make things go a little smoother.