View Full Version : New to the Forum and Snakes

02-23-12, 11:35 AM
Hello, I have been interested in snakes my whole life but I couldn't afford them until now. I plan on getting a snake this summer, but I am having a hard time deciding. I have been researching for months about different species. I have a general idea of what snake to get, but I am open to opinions. I would like a snake that is generally tame and docile, and has a stronger feeding response. I have been thinking about Kenyan Sand Boas and corn snakes, but like I said before I am open to suggestions. Thanks for your help in advance!

02-23-12, 02:28 PM
Welcome to the forum :D
If you are looking for something with a Strong feeding response, you could always go with Carpets.. most of them seem to have nice appetites.

02-23-12, 02:41 PM
Hi and welcome to the madhouse.

02-23-12, 02:46 PM
Welcome to the forum! Corn snakes are great snakes for beginners :)

02-23-12, 02:46 PM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


02-23-12, 02:53 PM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


Wayne failed?!?!?!?!
Welcome to the forum, I second the notion of a carpet. So much personality. IIRC diamonds are the most tolerant of climate changes. Hopefully Shaun will chime in here and confirm/deny this.

02-23-12, 03:07 PM
Kenyan sand boas!!!

02-23-12, 03:46 PM
I was also thinking of a rosy boa. How big do carpets get? I think I heard that Iran Jaya Carpets get around 6 ft and coastal carpets in the 10 ft range, is that true?

02-23-12, 04:05 PM
Yup. Carpets are long and lean with a completely different body shape/type than a ball python or a boa.A big carpet is not a scary thing to handle where as an equal length boa is much stronger and normaly has a bit more "attitude". A couple other people have asked similar questions to yours. A large portion if us agree that carpets are great snakes to have. Very easy to care for. Strong feeders (other than in winter) and don't just sit in there hide all the time. They are also very forgiving for the little mistakes new snake owners make. Eg. Couple days with humidity low or slightly wrong prey size. Ect.
I do not own a sand boa but find them to be more of a "cute"snake.
Knowledge is power and this is a powerful site. Everything you will need to know is here. Just ask. Enjoy!!

02-23-12, 04:29 PM
I vote for either corn or Ball python. I am actually suprised no one said Ball Python. They are very cute. They don't get to big. They are forgiving with little things. They are very calm and seem to enjoy being handled. The only thing is that they can go on eating strikes every once in a while.

02-23-12, 04:35 PM
I vote for either corn or Ball python. I am actually suprised no one said Ball Python. They are very cute. They don't get to big. They are forgivving with little thing slike a change in humidity. They are very calm and seem to enjoy being handled. The only thing is that they can go on eating strikes every once in a while.

Yes, ball pythons are also a great option for a beginner. But you have to pay more attention to husbandry than you would for a corn snake.

However, they are not as forgiving of things like a change in humidity as GarterPython implied. They need good humidity levels in order to shed well, stay hydrated, have healthy skin and eyes, and overall good health. But, with the right set up and hygrometer, it's easy to monitor and adjust.

They can go on eating strikes and they can be picky eaters, but overall they are great snakes that I also recommend :D

02-23-12, 04:36 PM
Yea I guess that exampe wasn't a very good one! I will edit it.

02-23-12, 05:33 PM
Hi and welcome!

red ink
02-23-12, 06:51 PM
G'day and welcome

02-23-12, 07:03 PM
Welcome, you've com to the right place. I recommend a nice corn snake. Easy to care for, nice snakes to handle and they come in tons of great looking color/pattern combos.

02-23-12, 07:57 PM
Thanks so much for your opinions. It really helps because most people I talk to get annoyed when I talk about snakes haha. I have a lot of time to think about this (thankfully, there were so many good suggestions!) And I appreciate all the ideas and always up for more suggestions and opinions. Thanks for your help so far!

02-23-12, 10:34 PM
You can look through the different sections of the forum... There's one dedicated to corn snakes, another to ball pythons, sand boas, etc. Reading through some of them and looking at photos might help you decided too :)

02-23-12, 11:44 PM
Thank you. I have just started looking through this forum and it is awesome!

02-24-12, 08:22 AM
Welcome to the forum! I'm biased when it comes to carpets, an IJ was my first snake. But if you're looking for something smaller, all the suggestions everyone had made are great beginner snakes.

02-24-12, 12:14 PM
UwabamiReptiles, I think that is what I plan to do. Since it is my first snake I want something a little bit smaller and more manageable (mostly because I live in an apartment as of now). However, I really do like Carpet pythons and am thinking that is a snake I will have to invest in the future, maybe as a second snake.

02-24-12, 12:24 PM
Hello and welcome :)

02-24-12, 01:13 PM

I just got my first snake, and i got a corn!!!
Would definitely recommend getting one of those, But get one as a baby!