View Full Version : Whats everyone using.......?

01-13-03, 06:07 PM
In there humid hides? Currently i am using peat moss and i find it dries out kinda quick and gets cold quickly? I was thinking of buying spagnam moss (spelling?) good idea????

01-13-03, 06:09 PM
One of those reuseable tupperware things they have out now with a hole cut in the lid (for those that fit), and some wet paper towel. I'd use moss but the corns just ruin it and scatter it, and my Ball Python seems to ignore humid hide anyway :)


Scotty Allen
01-13-03, 08:22 PM
Assuming you are talking about leopard geckos Jake, I always used a coarse grade of vermiculite. Makes a perfect substrate for egg deposition as well.

01-14-03, 07:44 AM
I use papertowel

Kyle Barker
01-14-03, 02:12 PM
I used moss with good success, but now i use coco-earth.

01-14-03, 02:32 PM
I use paper towels in a small plastic container.

01-14-03, 05:00 PM
I used to use vermiculite, but the leos kept making such a mess of it that I gave up and started using paper towel...

Now that I'm keeping them on newspaper though, I just might switch back...since now it doesn't really matter what kind of a mess they make, it'll be easy to clean up anyways :)

01-14-03, 08:26 PM

I used to use spagnum moss and i loved it, but I wanted to try vermiculite and i find it dries VERY quickly and the leos put some everywhere!! I think ill change back to the spagnum this week-end.


01-14-03, 08:48 PM
i have used it all...
i found papertowel dried out too quickly
peat moss was so messy and didn't get wet easily...water kinda floated
sand and vermiculite separately can be messy but work well together...i have sand on the bottom with vermiculite on top so they won't munch on the sand...and the sand holds the moisture nicely and helps keep the verm. damp so they can't kick it out too easily (I have the hole on the side of the hide)

01-17-03, 12:24 AM
Papertowel over the cool end of the enclosure, misted every two to three days to prevent the drying out of it. Cheap, cost effective, geckos all seem to love it and lay in it 100% of the time. Whatever works...

01-17-03, 04:24 PM
I use papertowel for my hatchlings and juvies. Once they reach about 6 months I switch them to a mixture of peetmoss and vermiculite. I would love to try spagnum(sp) but I can't seem to find it around here, not even at the gardening stores. :) Little towns, got to love em. lol.