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02-22-12, 12:00 PM
Anyone have tortoises? You guys might laugh, but I'm kind of freaked out by them :robo: But my boyfriend loves them. He's always talking about how much he wants to have one, how sweet they are, etc etc. We won't get one until we have a house and can house one properly... but first I'd have to get used to the idea, hahaha. I've seen that there are tortoises that come in different sizes and have different needs.

I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with them... I'm interested in temperament; do they bite? etc. :o

02-22-12, 12:04 PM
Turtles are like any Herp. Trust is key! If they feel threatened they will bite, but if you care for it properly you can form a trust bond with it and you will have a pet that will be there for a long long time!

02-22-12, 12:19 PM
I had red foots and a sulcatta tortoise when I was younger.Very fun..friendly,some can be very cheeky.Alot of info out there on these two.You will love them.WARNING-very addictive!

02-22-12, 12:20 PM
Turtles are like any Herp. Trust is key! If they feel threatened they will bite, but if you care for it properly you can form a trust bond with it and you will have a pet that will be there for a long long time!
Turtles and tortoises to very different things!

02-22-12, 12:23 PM
Do they have claws? teeth? I've been googling but can't get enough information about that sort of stuff. I'm just wondering about how much they can hurt someone...?

02-22-12, 12:25 PM
And yes, I'm asking about tortoises, not turtles :)

02-22-12, 12:27 PM
Do they have claws? teeth? I've been googling but can't get enough information about that sort of stuff. I'm just wondering about how much they can hurt someone...?
No teeth just jaws..big ones hurt.They usally don't bite.They have nails/claws for digging.
As for hurting someone..doubtful..they are not aggressive by nature.

02-22-12, 12:29 PM
i would LOVE a tortoises, im trying to talk my husband into getting one and making a outdoor cage for it so in the summer and something for it in the snake room in winter but i have to see after we get the snake room fixed up if i have room for one.

their faces are so cute.

02-22-12, 12:31 PM
I have friend who breeds indian star and leopard tortoises.Awesome!

02-22-12, 12:34 PM

I've been looking at the Greek tortoise... they stay around 8"... but I'm not sure if that refers to heigh or length though...??


02-22-12, 12:36 PM
I believe that is total length.I would go for a red foot only a few inches longer.More colour and personality.More fun when it comes to feeding as well.

02-22-12, 12:38 PM
I believe that is total length.I would go for a red foot only a few inches longer.More colour and personality.More fun when it comes to feeding as well.

More fun how? What do you mean when you refer to tortoises having personality? Sorry but (for now) I just see them as quiet, munching, defensive creatures :o

02-22-12, 12:42 PM
More fun how? What do you mean when you refer to tortoises having personality? Sorry but (for now) I just see them as quiet, munching, defensive creatures :o
Some are,but alot are like small dogs in a shell.Red foots will follow you around and interact with you.Will as much as a tortoise can.Sulcattas are even more fun,but they get huge.They are quiet and they do like to munch:D

03-03-12, 09:53 AM
I don't have a tortoise, but I do have a Gulf Coast box turtle. I really, really want a tortoise. I love chelonians of all kinds. I just can't decide what type of tortoise I want!!

03-22-12, 03:53 PM
I agree with Trent....go with a redfoot before a greek. I have experience with both and the redfoot is much more personable. I refer to the tortoises as dogs all the time. The recognize me and interact with me. Amazing creatures!! But I have found that some tortoises are better pets than others. Top 2 for me are Hermann's and Redfoots. Alessia you would fall in love with a tortoise in no time!!

03-23-12, 10:24 PM
i just got a sulcatas tortoise alessia, they do get big, witch im sort of worried about for winter... but i will think of something.

03-23-12, 10:38 PM
I really want a red foot tortoise one day! Amazing animals!

03-23-12, 11:00 PM
I really want a red foot tortoise one day! Amazing animals!
ya buddy! best tortois to get imho, can get a baby and actually out live it perhaps, and not have to hope your childrens children decide they will keep it too LOL, no just kiding on the others ie sulcatas, i had a little baby for years lol sorry really could not help it :P and they get a good indoor size, but i will get a red foot when the time is right. if i buy some land one day, i can ganrantee i will take in a couple sulcatas that need rehoming that is for sure, i find turtle to be so magestic, unbelievable how strong they are, cant imagine the way their legs look, that they would even hold them up, but effortlessly can carry a small child on their shell. very cool!

03-23-12, 11:03 PM
ya buddy! best tortois to get imho, can get a baby and actually out live it perhaps, and not have to hope your childrens children decide they will keep it too LOL, no just kiding on the others ie sulcatas, i had a little baby for years lol sorry really could not help it :P and they get a good indoor size, but i will get a red foot when the time is right. if i buy some land one day, i can ganrantee i will take in a couple sulcatas that need rehoming that is for sure, i find turtle to be so magestic, unbelievable how strong they are, cant imagine the way their legs look, that they would even hold them up, but effortlessly can carry a small child on their shell. very cool!

I just htink its amazing that they have been around for as long as they have been, same with snakes though...

03-23-12, 11:07 PM
ya i agree, i really like tortoises

03-23-12, 11:25 PM
ya buddy! best tortois to get imho, can get a baby and actually out live it perhaps, and not have to hope your childrens children decide they will keep it too LOL, no just kiding on the others ie sulcatas, i had a little baby for years lol sorry really could not help it :P and they get a good indoor size, but i will get a red foot when the time is right. if i buy some land one day, i can ganrantee i will take in a couple sulcatas that need rehoming that is for sure, i find turtle to be so magestic, unbelievable how strong they are, cant imagine the way their legs look, that they would even hold them up, but effortlessly can carry a small child on their shell. very cool!

I read an awesome article on them in a magazine while my internet was out, since then been reading up on them a lot more. Not really ready for the commitment of a tortoise just yet, but I definitely hope to be. I like their small size and temperament mostly, but their colours are awesome as well! Seriously great animals, let alone reptiles!