View Full Version : Some of my enclosures :)
Here are some of my enclosures, if anyone has tips or criticism I would love to hear it to better them.
Asian forest scorp
Leopard gecko
RES turtles, and tetra neons.
Bairds rat snake
Ball python
American toad (only most recent picture I found. Excuse the dirty water!)
Boa constrictor
And attempted shot of getting a picture of my G.Rosea's tank. :p I'm sitting in the dark, about 20 feet from the tank so it's not a clear picture. It's the smaller enclosure to the left.
I think that's it.
Some interesting critters you have there.
02-21-12, 10:50 PM
i really think you should get a better enclosure for your bp
02-21-12, 11:09 PM
if anyone has tips or criticism I would love to hear it to better them.
First of all, I'd like to say that this is a great and admirable attitude to have. Props.
I love your arachnid enclosures, especially the forest scorpion! It looks great!
I noticed three things that should be improved upon. First, your leopard gecko needs a humid hide. This is a cheap and easy fix, as you can make one out of a tupperware or margerine container.
Second, your ball python should be switched to either a Sterilite type tub or a long enclosure, like a 20 gallon long for a baby or a 40 long for an adult. They are mostly terrestrial dwelling snakes, and will benefit greater from more floor room rather than more arboreal space.
Third, though I'm not a turtle person, I happened to notice that there wasn't a whole lot of above the water resting areas. Hopefully somebody who keeps turtles will chime in, but I feel that a larger land area is something that should be considered.
Thanks :)
And my BP was in this:
but I'm temporarily housing a monitor in that tank. Since my BP is just a baby, I didn't see any problems with having him in that tank for 2 weeks.
EDIT: Barelybreathing, thanks as well :) I'll add in a humid hide. It's funny but I actually had one before. I don't remember why I took it out. :S
Also he was in a 40 gallon before, I'll have him out of this tank in 2 weeks at most. :)
And for the turtles, I'm not sure much either. They're mostly my brothers turtles. :P I'll try to find a larger resting rock for them. The turtles aren't too big yet but when they will be, I'm sure they'll definitely need it. lmao
02-21-12, 11:11 PM
You're correct, no problems for two weeks. :)
By the way, I love the owl.
Alright that's good. :) And haha thanks, he really loves it. He's always in it when he's about to shed. He'll be sad when he outgrows it. :laugh:
02-21-12, 11:51 PM
All nice looking! My only criticism/question is, how do you keep your temp/humidity up for your boa? Seems the Pegboard hacking may allow too much ventilation?
Thanks :) And on the back of it I had to stick some sticky plastic sheeting. I forgot what it was called. We're going to redo the whole enclosure in 2 weeks so I'm excited about that.
02-22-12, 07:16 AM
You have some great tanks. As stated above yes the Royal needs more floor space and yes 2 weeks in that tall tank will be fine as long as temps are good. Switch him back soon though.
Now for the red ear sliders.. they need a basking platform above water. You can get one that clips onto the side of the tank and floats on top of the water like this one..Floating Basking Platform Medium - Brand New in Box | eBay ( They need to be able to dry out and soak up the heat when they want to. I know most people that keep RES have a raised box with a ramp on it to allow the turtle some land like this Penn-Plax Turtle Topper Above Tank Basking Platform | eBay ( things like this will make your turtles much happier and let them live longer. They also need to have a UVB light. Hope this helps.
02-22-12, 08:39 AM
I agree with the advice that's been given to you so far. Besides that, they all look great! Well done :)
02-22-12, 10:02 AM
I agree with the advice that's been given to you so far. Besides that, they all look great! Well done :)
Same. Seems like you've got it covered... I don't really know much about turtles.
Thanks :)
Also I'm not sure if you could see it in the picture but they do have a rock, they both fit on it but they will need a bigger one soon. I do really like the turtle topper though, I'll have to get them one of those! And they have a repti-glow UVB light in, I hope that's fine?
EDIT: I hadn't realised how yucky the rock looks. I'll have to scrub it!
02-22-12, 02:31 PM
Oh yeah .. I did miss that floater rock in the first pic. They do love to be warm and the uvb is really good for them. What size tank do you have them in? What do you feed them?
I used to have 3 in a 75 gallon with a 3ft long x 2ft wide dirt area off to one side. I built it on top kind of like the box I showed you. They loved to rut around in it and eat there. As well as in the water.
They're currenly in a 15 or 20(?) gallon, but we have a 55 gallon housing goldfish and we'll be moving them in there, once we move the goldfish into a 110 gallon. I'll build them an area of land once they get it, or I'll see if I have anything in my basement that I can build them something now. :D I know one of the turtles, Sheldon, already somehow escaped once. He was just walking around the house as if nothing, lmao.
Their diet is about 2-3 pieces of commercial food a day each, and they get romanian lettuce, carrots. And they get crickets here and there as well.
I've been switching their diet here and there though. We got Sheldon from a petstore and his shell had white patches all over it, I've been trying my best to get it back to normal. It's been a slow proccess but he's getting there.
02-22-12, 03:40 PM
Mine used to love feeder fish.. It was always fun to watch them. I only used the feeders as a treat here and there though. Sounds like you have it mostly under control then. I miss mine... maybe someday I will get more.
03-03-12, 09:04 AM
I like it. Although I think those a Neon Tetra's. non Tetra neons :)
Tetra is the fish and neon is the color :P
Nice Collection. Looks good!
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