View Full Version : My sav :)

02-21-12, 08:20 PM
I would like to introduce my sav, Spence.

He's my first monitor, and I've had him for about two days now. He was a bit of an impulse buy at a petstore, I of course knew a bit about them at the time but I'm learning much more now. I did make the mistake of feeding him raw turkey and a rat, which after reading some links and posts on this website, realise it was wrong. Today he got lots of mealies and crickets. Also in the first couple of pictures, his substrate was forest bark or something like that, which I've changed to soil now which I hope is fine.


02-21-12, 08:21 PM

Also we're going to be building him a very large enclosure soon so no worries. :D If anyone has any tips and suggestions, feel free to tell! I want to ensure my Spence gets the best care I can provide for him.

02-21-12, 08:25 PM
Hi and welcome to the madhouse. you'll get all the help you need here ;-)

02-21-12, 08:36 PM
Is he eating a rat? That's pretty much a no-no from what I've learned.

02-21-12, 08:38 PM
Is he eating a rat? That's pretty much a no-no from what I've learned.

If you read the original post he explains it..

02-21-12, 08:39 PM
Hello Spence....

Well Skits, I hope you are ready for this. The fish tank has to go, it's never going to keep Spence healthy.

You are going to need a cage like this one because humidity is paramount for your Monitor's health long term, Otherwise I can assure you he/she won't last beyond a year or two before passing away a very gruesom death.

I know because it happened to me. :(


02-21-12, 08:41 PM
Read these links..

The Savannah Monitor, Varanus exanthematicus (http://savannahmonitor.org/)

Varanus.US (http://www.varanus.us/)

The information there is going to be your best friend.

02-21-12, 08:41 PM
If you read the original post he explains it..

She :p But yes thank you.

I was on another forum and hadn't researched much at that time and thought it would be fine but I've changed his diet now to crickets and other bugs. ;)

02-21-12, 08:42 PM
She :p But yes thank you.

Haha sorry Skits.. everyone is automatically a guy unless I know for sure.. bad habbit.

02-21-12, 08:43 PM
And infernalis, thanks for the links I'll check them out. We're going to start building him a new enclosure ASAP. I'm hoping to get it started in the next week or two.

02-21-12, 08:46 PM
Whoops sorry, I read that post but somehow I must have missed that part :p

02-21-12, 09:41 PM
In the mean time, add substrate to fill about half of that tank, and be sure to cover any screen on top.

02-21-12, 09:56 PM
argh... I want a monitor!
I need to stop checking the varanid sections on various forums.

02-21-12, 10:02 PM
In the mean time, add substrate to fill about half of that tank, and be sure to cover any screen on top.

Will do, thanks for the tip. Could I use alluminum foil? I would think it would hold in humidity.

02-21-12, 10:30 PM
Alluminum foil works, but I find that a moist (but not dripping) towel works well to add to the humidity. Something to remember, they are savannah monitors, not desert monitors. They require humidity.

02-21-12, 10:39 PM
Will do, thanks for the tip. Could I use alluminum foil? I would think it would hold in humidity.

yup, does a good job, I used it. But you also have to remember it tears easily.

02-22-12, 08:50 AM
Alluminum foil works, but I find that a moist (but not dripping) towel works well to add to the humidity. Something to remember, they are savannah monitors, not desert monitors. They require humidity.

Yeah of course :)

yup, does a good job, I used it. But you also have to remember it tears easily.

I figured it would, I'll see how it works out, if not I'll put wood over the tank or something. We're officially starting to build his new enclosure on not this weekend but the next. :bouncy:

Also would it be fine if I use 'plantation soil' for his enclosure? I can mix it in with the soil he has?

02-22-12, 09:15 AM
If it is organic sure

02-22-12, 09:37 AM
I think "plantation soil" is coconut fibers, that would be fine for now, it holds humidity well and does not mold up.

02-22-12, 12:18 PM
Ok good thanks :)

I re-did his tank, I hope it's fine for now. I'm still going to have to add more substrate though. I added a larger hidey and he went inside and burrowed which is good.


02-22-12, 12:27 PM
Looking better.

Any way to measure the temperatures inside that tank??

Temperature is important also.

02-22-12, 12:55 PM
I use one that shows me humidity and temperature but it's not in the tank at all times. Would an exo-terra one work?

02-22-12, 03:57 PM
For temperature, I recommend the PE2 (TempGun (http://www.tempgun.com))

Always use digital when measuring the temperatures and humidity levels.

02-22-12, 05:36 PM
I'll second that. Go with a non-contact temperature gun. Not only will you get accurate surface temperatures on the basking site, you'll also be able to quickly find out temperatures all over the enclosure by pointing, clicking and looking at the digital readout. In my opinion, non-contact temperature guns are a 'must have' for monitor keeping (or any reptile, for that matter).

02-22-12, 09:25 PM
Ok perfect I'll get one as soon as I can. :)