View Full Version : Odyssius the Cat.. originally Written by Laura, my Wife

02-21-12, 05:07 PM
I found this and dug it up because the story is just too funny. :) This happened more than a year ago and you would think that this cured him of his unnatural attraction to snakes... NOT!!.

"Ok, funny thing happened the other night. Exwizard had Kermit the Dumeril's Boa out for a while, and I asked him to come set the table, and he put Kermit back in the rack in the living room.

So a little while later we're eating dinner, and we hear some sounds like Odysseus the mostly grown gray tabby is trying to paw his way into one of the snake tubs again. We yell at him from the table and keep eating. We hear something again, and this time it sounds like one of the snakes is striking at the tub. (A common sound in our house, what with the two Macklot's).

So this time Gary gets up from dinner to check, and when he gets over there, the cat is nowhere is sight. Then we hear him meowing mournfully... The little dumbass had climbed into the open tub, and when Gary put Kermit back, he shut the cat in too! We open the tub to find a very upset cat, and a very upset snake! They didn't do any damage to each other, but when I checked on Kermie a full half hour later, he was still riled up, in full s-curve strike pose as if he were a Mack and not a Dum. I didn't try and pick him up because he was giving me the evil eye, as if it was MY fault that the darn cat climbed in his tub. I'm hoping you are picturing this, because it was just one of those priceless moments.

The next day Kermie is back to his old self, and so is the cat. LOL!!"

02-21-12, 11:15 PM
lol! My cat is always watching the snakes, and they watch her.

The scorpion upset her earlier. She was pawing on the glass at him and he got all defensive and was trying to claw her through the glass. Not sure if she knew what he was trying to do or not, but it spooked her enough to where she jumped up and ran off!

02-21-12, 11:43 PM
ha ha, funny, if slightly stressful story.
Carlos (our dog) is mesmerized by the snakes. I keep him far enough away, but he'll sit on my bed and watch them if they're moving around in their tubs, or when I take them out and let them cruise around on their own. He just doesn't know what to do with them.

04-08-12, 05:02 PM
For those newer members, this is funny.

04-08-12, 06:26 PM
Exactly why I taught my cat "don't touch" :D

04-08-12, 06:28 PM
Yeah well Odysseus is a lost cause, even when Black Betty is involved. Weird cat! :p