View Full Version : Ottawa reptile show

01-13-03, 04:28 PM
Hi All,

I am proud to announce the "Ottawa Alternative Pet Expo" hosted by Chris' Creepy Crawlies will be taking place in Ottawa on April 5, 2003 between 10am and 4pm.

The tentative venue is the Jim Durrell arena hall at 1265 Walkley Ave.

Vendor tables will be $50 for each 6ft table and admission at the door will be 4 dollars for adults and 2 dollars for kids 10 or under.

I look forward to seeing everyone there!

Email creepy-crawlies@rogers.com or call 613-829-8116 for info.

01-13-03, 11:03 PM
The venue sounds great, that's a 2 minute walk from my house. Any vendors lined up yet?

01-13-03, 11:06 PM
No vendors yet (apart from me) I only made the announcement today though.

I have high hopes for this show because it has a good location... close to Montreal, Kingston and not a far drive from the GTA.

01-26-03, 10:30 PM
How's the vendor list coming along?

01-26-03, 10:44 PM
Yeah I'm curious to know, I'll try and make it ottawa that weekend!


01-27-03, 07:16 AM
You know I will be there 4 shure Chris give me a call 2 night bud :) :)

01-27-03, 07:23 AM
Figures....I move away from Ottawa and then they start having herp shows.....me and my crappy luck!!! LOL It should go great, about time Ottawa had something like that. Good Luck with it Chris.

01-27-03, 11:24 AM
Good luck Chris, I'll be there for sure. I hope more vendors will show and support local herping in Eastern Ontario vs. Toronto and Montreal.


P.S. If you need some help, I would be more than willing to lend a hand.

01-27-03, 07:29 PM
So far for vendors I have Global Exotics confirmed for 2 tables and a whole heap of "probably"

Once word spreads around enough I am sure the list will grow...lets get the party started folks!

02-04-03, 05:37 PM
How are you expecting to have vendors come to your show when you invite them then you don't reply when they answer you back? Arachnomania & Arthropoda are interested. We've told you many times and you haven't gotten back to us about our needs. Please reply at your earliest convenience.

02-04-03, 05:41 PM

You said you would come as soon as I let you know about selling tarantulas. I am still waiting on a definitive answer on selling them and AS I TOLD YOU IN EMAILS... I will let you know when I know something.

02-05-03, 05:43 PM
I went public with this complaint for a particular reason. organizing a show is like organizing a party. everybody will ask you who's going? If you keep answering that nobody confirmed, they won't confirm either because they want to go where the BIG party is at. If you where to confirm Arachnomania & Arthropoda, that's already 4 vendors coming to your party which is a good start. "Let's get the party started folks".

02-05-03, 08:37 PM
Try the link again Robert,

I have 4 confirmed vendors for a total of 8 tables posted on the site, and after this weekend I am sure I will have many more.

Thanks for your concern but playing games aren't going to help me sell tables.

02-05-03, 09:36 PM
What games??

02-11-03, 10:08 PM
WOW Chris. I've spoken to quite a few people about the show and there is certainly a buzz going on. I can't wait. Looks like it is going to be an excelent show.


1.1 Pueblan
1.1.1 corns
1.1 Royals
2.1 Kenyan Sand Bos's

02-12-03, 09:05 PM
Hi Chris, Without adding to much text to this thread, I need to get something off my chest. I was speaking with a well known herper today and I was apalled at what I heard. I know this is "hear say" but there must be some truth to it or it would not have been brought up.
I need you to confirm this for me.

This person told me that "The Man" from Port Credit was trying everything in his power to make this Ottawa show a flop.
Some of the things that he told me made my jaw drop.
When he mentioned that Toronto dates had been changed "unexpectantly" I could think nothing except that he is an ahole. This was only the start.
You See, "The Man" spoke to someone he should not have.
He than began to tell me how "The Man" canvassed his regulars to Boycott the ottawa show. I think this is the lowest of the lowest.
I think I've seen my last show hosted by "The Man".
The only gratifying thing to come of this is a stronger turnout in Ottawa of all the breeders that are fed up with his Bull.

I just thought you and everyone else might want to hear about this.


02-12-03, 09:30 PM
OMG!! When will this stop!
Alright, I was at the Toronto show, and we were all planning on hitting the Ottawa show (that's right, even those who live in Toronto were going to make it down) and then head off to Toronto afterwards. There was NEVER and mention of anyone trying to ruin anyone's show. Can we be done with all this???

02-12-03, 09:31 PM
You just made the ottawa show look even worse!! You should have just kept your mouth closed really... Its a show in a completely differant City and the guy who is throwing it, thinks he is going to start up a show and have 50 vendors show up. The cold reality is that I was even going to come down and get a table but the show doesnt even have a exemption from the bi laws, so really what kind of garbage show is that going to me??? A couple table with corn snakes and spiders, and a bunch of people wishing and waiting for the show in toronto the next day. I was still thinking of going but now its definatly sealed. Chris the organizer should thank you for making him look even more stupid.

02-12-03, 09:46 PM
Hey, Like you. I'm interested in an Ottawa show but i keep hearing all this rubbish.
What are you talking about "making the show look worse"?

An Ottawa show should be embraced by all breeders.
How could it not be? It's an untapped herp heaven..
What I am saying is that we should all be supporting this show...It will mean alot to everyone that's involved in herping in this country.

02-12-03, 10:08 PM
I have 2 say this Jeff and all I am sorry EVERYBODY butt I have gotten fed up this is why I have left so many other sites for reasons like this 2 ppl have worked thing,s out and thread,s turn into nothing more than mud slinging,flame wars and it is not something this site need,s I and others really enjoy ssnakess and all this BULL S__T should just be dropped COME on ppl lets gett past it.


02-12-03, 10:09 PM
Ok now I honestly think this is starting to get a bit too much...
I know "The man" in question here and am pretty good friends with him at very least one of those regulars your talking about.
eventually "The Man" is going to give up on the community because of crap like this..If this keeps up I wouldn't blame him if he canceled all shows in Toronto and that would seriously hurt the comunity, He does alot to promote the hobby including the Ottawa show....lets just give it a rest

02-12-03, 10:17 PM
Good points guys and your completely right.. This is all heresay and it is not needed in the forums whatsoever. I will not let the forums become a place for people to accuse or state things that they "heard" or anything negative in nature whatsoever. Im closing this thread because nothing positive is going to come from it at this point.