View Full Version : Leopard gecko help

02-19-12, 11:47 AM
Hey! This is my cousins leapord gecho. I don't think it's healthy! I took out the sand it was in and put it on paper towel and fed it, they feed it crickets, usually a couple every week! I kno I kno it's Terrible I'm trying to gather information! It was on sand so I put paper towel down instead here's some pics....



02-19-12, 11:50 AM
If I'm not mistaken, aren't geckos suppose to eat everyday?? Not just a couple a week?? He definitely looks to be on the skinny side..

His tail should be a lot thicker..

02-19-12, 11:51 AM
Yah were feeding him everyday now

02-19-12, 11:51 AM
Yes, more food.

Is that lettuce in the pic?

02-19-12, 11:53 AM
Omfg feed that thing. Tell your friend to go online and look up how not to starv a gecko to death. Thats grounds for a rescue. Mine eats 2 crickets a day.

Also is it getting calcium on the crickets?
If not… better get some. Is his tongue hanging out yet?

02-19-12, 11:55 AM
Very skinny..more food..butterworms [High in fat]be good choice to go with the other foodstuffs.

02-19-12, 12:03 PM
Holy cow, it looks dead. :(

I would keep a bowl in there with meal worms and wax worms and some calcium 24/7, and offer the crickets a few each day.

02-19-12, 12:27 PM
Yah I know it's super sad :( its my cousins! I'm trying to help him. Im buying him meal worms today

02-19-12, 01:43 PM
Holy cow, it looks dead. :(

I would keep a bowl in there with meal worms and wax worms and some calcium 24/7, and offer the crickets a few each day.


How do people buy animals and not look up how to care for them? I seriously don't understand humanity some times, and they're probably not "bad" people they just don't get it I guess. :unhappy:

Yah I know it's super sad :( its my cousins! I'm trying to help him. Im buying him meal worms today

how old is your cousin? did his parents just get him a gecko and expect him to take care of it?

02-19-12, 02:50 PM
They got her a gecko, she's 12! No one told her how to take care of it so I'm going to get it healthy again for her

02-19-12, 03:02 PM
If you give it back to her, make sure she knows how to take care of it correctly this time.

02-19-12, 03:09 PM
Well she lives 10 mins for me so I'm going over there right now again to take care of it, I bought her some meal worms. Going to put them in a dish and mist her tank. The temps are great. But there feeding is rough. I'm going to put meal worms in a dish for her gecko and leave 10 in at a time to try and get him fat, and il springle calcium on her food

02-19-12, 03:16 PM
Don't mist the enclosure. Make a humid hide instead. It's as easy as cutting a hole in a deli cup and placing a moist (but not dripping!) paper towel inside.

Also, provide a bottle cap of calcium all the time.

I've noticed some leos don't like meal worms. If gecko doesn't eat them, get some crickets.

02-19-12, 03:21 PM
They got her a gecko, she's 12! No one told her how to take care of it so I'm going to get it healthy again for her

So tell her parents how neglectful they are. People like this will only just keep buying animals in the future and not giving a crap

02-19-12, 03:27 PM
Sneak a couple roaches over. My gecko loves roaches.

But yeah, that poor thing needs to eat.

02-19-12, 03:57 PM
Yah she had cancer so how don't you get her a gecho that she wants.... You have to! Im filling her in, not her fault! Do I just place a bottle cap with calcium beside the water dish

02-19-12, 04:09 PM
You can put the little calcium cap anywhere in the enclosure.

02-19-12, 04:11 PM
Alrighty! How often do I replace it

02-19-12, 04:16 PM
Anytime it's low, sticky, or solidifies.

02-19-12, 04:16 PM
Either use Repashy Leopard Gecko Calcium+ or calcium without d3.

02-19-12, 07:28 PM
Yah she had cancer so how don't you get her a gecho that she wants.... You have to! Im filling her in, not her fault! Do I just place a bottle cap with calcium beside the water dish

well, you do.. but you also look into how to actually care for one :unhappy:

im glad you're going in to help in though, update us with pics if it fattens up nicely :P

02-19-12, 07:30 PM
yah i deff will! i changed the gechos habitat,i told her and my uncle it was going to die soon. sooo im helping out

02-19-12, 10:06 PM
I don't think being sick give you the ability to wrongfully take care of a living being and because of that make another living being suffer. Parents have to realize pets are more then just 'toys' and 'presents' and that they are a gift of a much higher quality and should be treated as such.

Sorry if that is harsh but its how I feel.

02-19-12, 10:20 PM
I don't think being sick give you the ability to wrongfully take care of a living being and because of that make another living being suffer. Parents have to realize pets are more then just 'toys' and 'presents' and that they are a gift of a much higher quality and should be treated as such.

Sorry if that is harsh but its how I feel.

I'm in the same boat, I'm trying not to be mean because you are probably close to your aunt/uncle, but I would give them a "Talk" about living beings.

03-03-12, 09:56 AM
How sad. :(