View Full Version : Silk Worms

01-13-03, 03:22 PM
Question: can bearded dragons be fed silk worms? I will be starting with pinhead crickets when i get the baby dragons. But i want too find another food source for them that doesnt make alot of noise and is not too difficult too breed.
If you have other ideas on what too feed them, then by all means, share it with me :D
Thanks for any input,
Greetz Doenoe

01-13-03, 03:37 PM
Absolutely! Silks are nutritious and many beardies love them. Butterworms are another good food source.

Pinheads are generally too small for hatchlings, they are literally the size of dandruff. Try 1/8 inch, also sold as 14 day crickets, instead.

01-13-03, 04:07 PM
Silkworms are an excellent food source, however they can be a little pricey
