View Full Version : Smelly hide rock. O.o

02-16-12, 09:23 PM
The woman and I got our Ball a big, new tank. Washed everything before setting it up and all. The new hidey-cave-rock (not sure exactly what its make of...) is particularly smelly when it gets warm from the heat lamp.

I've read that if things "smell heavily of plastic" that you shouldn't use them. This rock doesn't strike me as having a "heavy plastic" smell, but it's kind of a weird-assed smell and is beginning to make my snake smell like the rock ever-so-slightly.

Hayter has been in the new tank for about a week and one half. Attached: she pokes her head out of the new rock...too bad you can't see it well.

02-16-12, 10:10 PM
What brand is the hide, and where did you purchase it?

02-16-12, 10:13 PM
If it is giving off an odor I would remove it. Replace it with a cardboard box or something else. At least until you figure out what is causing the smell.

02-16-12, 10:17 PM
I have the tag. It's a Zilla "Desert Series Rock Den" the medium size.

I got it at Petco, where the pets go.

edit* "Safe for terrestrial and aquatic environments. To clean: use warm, soapy water and rinse thoroughly."

I will probably return with an estimate distance from lamp to rock...but the rock never gets super hot and there is almost always a light on it.

edit** the distance from lamp to rock is approximately six inches and 3/16. Used a ruler.

02-16-12, 10:26 PM
That's odd. I've used the Zilla dens without issue. Then again, I don't use them under a light. I have a spare one, I'll set it up under a heat lamp and tell you if I smell anything.

02-16-12, 10:29 PM
That's odd. I've used the Zilla dens without issue. Then again, I don't use them under a light. I have a spare one, I'll set it up under a heat lamp and tell you if I smell anything.

Wow, thanks very much. :)

02-16-12, 10:39 PM
Not a problem. I may have selfish reasons, though. If there's a problem, I want to stop use immediately.

02-16-12, 11:55 PM
run it through the dishwasher a few times, let it air dry for a few hours afterwards. See what happens. If you can set up a second light outside the enclosure and see what happens.

02-17-12, 12:13 AM
Here's an update: I switched from the day to the red night light about an hour and one half to two hours ago and it's not quite as smelly now.

Also...I am my dishwasher... >.>

02-17-12, 12:43 AM
I would soak it in some soapy water, then let it dry outside. If it still smells, I am afraid i just wouldn't use it under any light, because it sounds like for whatever reason it either has a coating or it's material is just not that safe for the heat under a lamp.
The animals have a lot more sensitive lungs than we do. One of my hides broke, and i had to glue it...it was a ceramic thing, and after it glued i soaked it and then let it dry, a couple times, until there was no more odor.

On a side note...cool avatar! Is that a regular praying mantis nymph?

02-17-12, 01:14 AM
I don't smell anything.

02-17-12, 02:18 AM
I don't smell anything.

Well, damn...

02-17-12, 03:02 AM
Heh heh, was gonna link, but looks like you saw it already. ;D In case anyone else is interested... http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/general-invertebrates-forum/90144-ghost-praying-mantis-2.html#post687476

02-17-12, 09:45 AM
Hey it really shouldnt smell if you can clean it properly.

Get some bleach/water solution (1:10 ratio) and put it in a spray bottle. Then get a heavy bristled brush or even just a dishwashing sponge with a rough side, and spray & scrub every inch of the hide. Then rinse thoroughly with water & dry for 1-2 hours until there is no smell of bleach. How I clean everything I use basically.

02-17-12, 10:20 AM
place the hide further away from the heat source

i personally would not put a hide directly under a heat source mate

cheers shaun

02-22-12, 08:43 AM
I think it might actually be this "Zilla Humidifying Spray" that is causing the smell. O.o

02-22-12, 08:46 AM
That sounds very possible. I don't like that kind of stuff, it seems like they are inventing things you don't really need.
Just use good ol' h2o, 100% natural and 100% humid lol.

02-22-12, 10:09 AM
That sounds very possible. I don't like that kind of stuff, it seems like they are inventing things you don't really need.
Just use good ol' h2o, 100% natural and 100% humid lol.

Yup, water in a spray bottle is about the extent that you need to go for humidifying ball python enclosures. Get rid of that humidifying spray.

Edit: all of my snakes shed fine, as long as I am diligent at knowing when they are shedding, and boosting the humidity accordingly.

02-25-12, 11:45 AM
Yup, water in a spray bottle is about the extent that you need to go for humidifying ball python enclosures. Get rid of that humidifying spray.

Edit: all of my snakes shed fine, as long as I am diligent at knowing when they are shedding, and boosting the humidity accordingly.

I was suspicious of that stuff, but the woman ended up using it a little bit before we had agreed on anything. With the little bit that was used on her, it seems to have made her skin a little healthier, but that smell is just weird.

We haven't been using it a lot and I've already gone back to using water.

Thanks. :)

02-25-12, 11:49 AM
Yeah, I just misted her tank with water and got a huge wiff of that smell.

02-25-12, 03:46 PM
i looked that up and the main ingredient is aloe vera, depending on where they get it from, aloe can smell pretty weird