View Full Version : Parasite? (pictures)

02-11-12, 09:51 PM
I rescued this snake, she was fed a diet of, rarely, goldfish, and had a substrate of carpet in the aquarium.
I do not know if it has worms, or something else, pictures aren't turning up on Google.
I just got a new job, so no $ for the vet... yet.

Let me know what you think, keep in mind that I've always kept fish, not snakes.


02-11-12, 09:59 PM
First things first.. No more goldfish, Goldfish contain heavy amounts of Thiaminase an enzyme that blocks thiamine absorption and will cause organ failure.

Looks entirely too thin, so we need to get the snake healthy first.

Worms infect the digestive tract, what that looks like to me is a cystic boil under the skin.

More to come in a few minutes...

02-11-12, 10:08 PM
yeah goldfish is a no-no in my book.
so i should feed it...
night-crawlers and freshly thawed fish?

02-11-12, 10:10 PM
Here is a detailed Garter snake Care sheet, the best there is.

Thamnophis.com Care Sheet (http://www.thamnophis.co/caresheet/)

I feed my garter snakes pinkie mice and cut up rainbow trout, Do not buy packaged store fish, it contains preservatives that are bad for snakes, buy organic fresh trout or feeder guppies from a pet store.

For housing an aquarium with a screen top is suitable, substrate should be coconut (Eco earth), aspen, repti bark or carefresh.

A water bowl, a hide and a small 45 watt basking lamp will set the whole cage up nicely.

With a proper diet, a proper cage setup and a little TLC, that boil will heal itself.

02-11-12, 10:12 PM
In the first picture, are those cuts on him?? Or am I seeing wrong?

Nevermind.. now that I look again.. it looks like shed XD

02-11-12, 10:13 PM
hello and welcome

wayne (infernalis) knows his garters,so your in good hands mate

i wish you all the best,in getting the wee guy back to full health

all the best shaun

02-11-12, 10:20 PM
In the first picture, are those cuts on him?? Or am I seeing wrong?

Nevermind.. now that I look again.. it looks like shed XD

it's hard to tell from just pictures,not being able to feel the texture/consistancy of the lump/scales

it could be a cyst,boil,abcess,skin infection

once it's feeding and put a little wieght on,a trip to the vets may reveal the problem,as they will be able to run tests,take biopsys,etc

cheers shaun

02-11-12, 10:21 PM
With a proper diet, a proper cage setup and a little TLC, that boil will heal itself.

Thanks, that's really good news for this snake.
I thought it might have been a worm, because I read they can move from the lungs to under the skin.