View Full Version : Olive is not a girl

02-06-12, 07:21 PM
I just found out Olive is a boy for sure he is a boy he tried humping my cat that was one I never saw coming no pun intended. I guess he is a really Pussy cat hound. Anyways now that is cleared up I have a couple quick questions one do they make lizard condoms nah just kidding real question do lizard go in the water to pull out fish or do I have to take them out of the water for him? Question number two I have read and been told that I need to make the side of my pen deeper to about two feet so he can dig more... I have had him in this pen for about I guess maybe 4 to 5 months pretty much the whole winter and He has yet to even dig down an inch never mind a foot or two.. If he chooses not to burrow does this mean it is a waist of time making it deeper it is about maybe a foot now and I have never seen him dig honestly he really never even goes on that side of the pen as you can see from the pics he has a place to hide where he is most comfortable and a place to run around chasing bugs and I let him run around the living room when I want to let him excercise plus the frequent swimming times that I let him. He is not lazy in any way but I just can't help but wonder if maybe he just does not feel the need to burrow...

02-06-12, 07:26 PM
You totally should have got a video of that.

What are the temps on the far side?

02-06-12, 07:29 PM
You cannot tell that it is as Sav by it humping your cat. This means nothing. when it poops you will either hemipens (I think wayne has a good pic of this so you can compare)

Yeas it needs deep dirt, it will not choose not to burrow. They need to burrow to maintain proper humidity. If your sav knows there is not enough to burrow in it probably wont try. It is possible that your dirt is too dry and not holding any attempts at burrows.

It is never a waste of time making necessary improvements on enclosures.

Warning you may be shocked when you see the pic lol

02-06-12, 07:30 PM
I just found out Olive is a boy for sure he is a boy he tried humping my cat that was one I never saw coming no pun intended. I guess he is a really Pussy cat hound. Anyways now that is cleared up I have a couple quick questions one do they make lizard condoms nah just kidding real question do lizard go in the water to pull out fish or do I have to take them out of the water for him? Question number two I have read and been told that I need to make the side of my pen deeper to about two feet so he can dig more... I have had him in this pen for about I guess maybe 4 to 5 months pretty much the whole winter and He has yet to even dig down an inch never mind a foot or two.. If he chooses not to burrow does this mean it is a waist of time making it deeper it is about maybe a foot now and I have never seen him dig honestly he really never even goes on that side of the pen as you can see from the pics he has a place to hide where he is most comfortable and a place to run around chasing bugs and I let him run around the living room when I want to let him excercise plus the frequent swimming times that I let him. He is not lazy in any way but I just can't help but wonder if maybe he just does not feel the need to burrow...
Are you kidding?? Humping the cat..LOL..must a be male for sure!
Where is B breathing I want her take on this!

02-06-12, 07:36 PM
The cool end is about 75 to 80 and I am very confused about the comment that I cant tell its a sav by it humping my cat I know its a sav that was not what I was getting at I said I know its a boy from the humping. I did not feel the need to explain that I saw the hemipens twice I figured that was a given

02-06-12, 07:38 PM
An aroused male savannah monitor


02-06-12, 07:38 PM
I am very confused about the comment that I cant tell its a sav by it humping my cat I know its a sav that was not what I was getting at I said I know its a boy from the humping. I did not feel the need to explain that I saw the hemipens twice I figured that was a given

Sorry typo, I meant to say can't tell it is a boy by humping.
Also, nothing is a given. I didn't know you saw the hemipens.

02-06-12, 07:40 PM
this is not my picture but I researched it after I saw it and it is an extremely clear picture of what I saw

02-06-12, 07:40 PM
omg Wayne that's disturbing :eek:

02-06-12, 07:41 PM
Poor cat lol

02-06-12, 07:42 PM
Your right nothing is ever given I forgot how much of a problem me calling Olives house a pen became

02-06-12, 07:42 PM
omg Wayne that's disturbing

Hence why I said warning you will be shocked when you see the pic! lol

02-06-12, 07:42 PM
Poor cat lol

Nah the cat didnt stick around long lol

02-06-12, 07:46 PM
Nah the cat didnt stick around long lol

lol I'd have paid good money to see that :-)

02-06-12, 07:51 PM
Great I have a website if your over 18 send me all your money and I'll give you an all access pass. Just kidding its not that expensive half your money will do

02-06-12, 07:53 PM
Great I have a website if your over 18 send me all your money and I'll give you an all access pass. Just kidding its not that expensive half your money will do

Damn, I'm only 17 1/2 I'll get back to you in July :-)

02-06-12, 07:56 PM
Sorry I think it will be global by then and then I will be to important for the small people

02-06-12, 08:05 PM
Missed out again. Dammit

02-06-12, 08:05 PM
Darn.. will an IOU work?

02-06-12, 08:05 PM
The only sure fire way to sex a monitor is either by seeing its hemipenes (by the way, most keepers can't tell the difference between hemipenese and hemiclitorous), or to have it blood tested.

Question number one: yes, some will get them from the water, but others won't. Do what works for you monitor.

Number two: No, it's not a waste of time, it means that most likely your conditions aren't proper. What type of substrate do you use, and how deep is it?

What is the humidity in the enclosure, and what are you using to measure it? What is the temperature on that side of the enclosure that he doesn't use, and what are you using to measure it?

Also, having one side of the enclosure for digging is actually not a very good idea. The reason they need deep substrate throughout the enclosure is so they can have a temperature and humidity gradient both above and below the substrate.

02-06-12, 08:09 PM
Gah, I tried to post this a few minutes ago, but my internet went haywire.

75f is actually a perfect temperature for the cool end!

When you saw it everted, was it smooth at the end or did it look rough?

02-06-12, 08:38 PM
I do not know if it was rough looking or not I am ashamed to admit I was in shock...

answer 1 I would say its about 50/50 dirt sand at about a foot high I understand I need to go all the way across I thought it was for digging not for humidity levels as much... Guess I will not have to run the humidifier as much if I do that....

answer 2. I try to keep the the humidity at the lowest 50 percent and I raise it about once a week or when I notice the dirt is getting dry.... I use a Hygrometer Thermometer that I bought from petco for like 25 or 30 bucks...

02-06-12, 08:43 PM
That's completely normal not to notice these things. Believe me, it took me a while to be able to get past that "I can't look away but I don't want to look" phase and start actually being able to identify them.

Try to boost the humidity by ten percent?

The reason it's so important for these monitors to burrow is because they actually use these tunnels (which hold humidity better than air) to stay hydrated. The air actually pulls moisture from their skin.

02-06-12, 08:52 PM
Will do see now that makes sense.... Thanks for the advice

02-06-12, 08:58 PM
No problem. See, I'm not all that bad, am I?

02-07-12, 04:41 AM
The reason it's so important for these monitors to burrow is because they actually use these tunnels (which hold humidity better than air) to stay hydrated. The air actually pulls moisture from their skin.

That is part of where I went wrong, Chomper had no tunnels, so he had no shelter from exposure.

02-07-12, 07:41 AM
That is part of where I went wrong, Chomper had no tunnels, so he had no shelter from exposure.

Without sounding like a heartless person from your pm you sent me at the beginning this is exactly why I am paying extra attention. I love my lizard and would not want to see this happen

Barely Breathing I dont think Your a bad person I think you heart is in the right place but You have to understand if you can help one Person that is good but to do that You have to have a little faith not all People are bad not everyone is a strong at the mouth as I and may have done what I was planning on doing bolting. If someone is not planning on fixing the problems then there is nothing you can do about it but if they are the message you posted to me in reply to why I need more dirt was spot on, I was really unsure if the pen needed more dirt seeing as he/she never digs now I understand that it certainly does even if just for moisture, and for that I thank you..

02-07-12, 11:40 AM
It's so important. I really can't stress that enough. You have a much better set up than 99% of the people who join forums looking for help (I've seen people keep adult monitors in 30 gallon fish tanks). With just a little bit of improvement, it will be perfect.