View Full Version : Profile: Dexter

01-30-12, 02:51 PM
Dexter is a 5 month old BP. I got him back in late October from a small very friendly breeder in AZ. This boy has some nice white size and pounds back f/t small rats like crazy. When I got him he weighed in at 225 grams and he is now up to 470 grams. He doesn't have the typical spider wobble until he goes into feed mode and even then its not very noticeable.



Om nom nom


Recent pics...

In blue


Fresh skin




01-30-12, 02:55 PM
He's beautiful! Glad he's eating well for ya. I really love his head pattern.
It's the wobble that stops me from even thinking about spiders... I'm not sure where I stand with regards to breeding and having wobble as a result in some :hmm:

01-30-12, 03:00 PM
Beautiful snake. Glad he's able to eat and the wobble's not too bad ;-)

01-30-12, 03:02 PM
Thanks Alessia I too like his head pattern. I have to agree on the wobble aspect but I couldn't pass this guy up since I was getting him in a pair with a female pastel and I love the looks of the spiders. He's not being bred to her this year but I do plan on giving it a go possibly next year. Im weary about it though because of how severe the wobble can be. There are lots of pros and cons in breeding spiders so thankfully I have a good amount of time to decide.