View Full Version : I have officially lost my mind
01-27-12, 12:21 PM
Wayne I do not know where to put this so if there is somewhere you would prefer please move it
I have just given my husband the go ahead to have Ts and Scorpions provided he follows my conditions.
His face lit up like a little boy. He's been after me to get Ts for a while now and after reading all of the information on here about them I am not so paranoid so I figure letting him have them wouldn't be a terrible idea
Since one of the provisions is that they're vivs are locked and that they are locked in the reptile room
I am a completely terrified of spiders
01-27-12, 12:25 PM
Sounds like a step in a good direction to me!! Getting over a fear is awesome- sounds like you might get the chance to do that now!
Very brave of you. I think they're neat but I'm not into them enough to have any of my own even if Becky wasn't terrified of them.
CK SandBoas
01-27-12, 12:28 PM
Your husband must be thrilled! And as Alessia said, it's a step in the right direction! Just take your time in acclimating to them.:)
01-27-12, 12:29 PM
wish Jessica would let me get a pet T
01-27-12, 12:29 PM
he's already gotten me over my fear of heights, deep water, and horse back riding (yes I was afraid of horse back riding) so I guess its time to get rid of this too
In total he's gotten me to snorkel, kayak, snow shoe, horse back ride, zipline, white water tube down class four rapids, go on a cruise, rock climb, winter hiking, eat spicier food, and swim in the ocean all of which I never did before him
so he's my adventurer
01-27-12, 12:31 PM
he's already gotten me over my fear of heights, deep water, and horse back riding (yes I was afraid of horse back riding) so I guess its time to get rid of this too
In total he's gotten me to snorkel, kayak, snow shoe, horse back ride, zipline, white water tube down class four rapids, g
spiders will be a piece of cake in comparison to your accomplishments ;) You are well qualified to take this one on
01-27-12, 12:34 PM
haha maybe we'll see but if he intentionally freaks me out with them I reserve the right to get rid of them if I find one loose because it escaped I will give it my version of the banhammer... except it will be a framing hammer
CK SandBoas
01-27-12, 12:35 PM
haha maybe we'll see but if he intentionally freaks me out with them I reserve the right to get rid of them if I find one loose because it escaped I will give it my version of the banhammer... except it will be a framing hammer
If he knows what's good for him, he will never do that:p
01-27-12, 12:37 PM
Nah he's a good guy he's just a little mischievous at times
01-27-12, 12:37 PM
arnt all guy's like that XD
CK SandBoas
01-27-12, 12:38 PM
He sounds like a wonderful guy :)
01-27-12, 12:40 PM
haha maybe we'll see but if he intentionally freaks me out with them I reserve the right to get rid of them if I find one loose because it escaped I will give it my version of the banhammer... except it will be a framing hammer
you know, that's kind of overkill, a nice heavy boot would work just fine!!;)
01-27-12, 12:58 PM
Awesome! I have a feeling that you'll eventually learn to like them. They really are cool!
01-27-12, 01:04 PM
you know, that's kind of overkill, a nice heavy boot would work just fine!!;)
I would change it but its already part of the agreement
01-27-12, 01:05 PM
wish Jessica would let me get a pet T
buy her a big diamond... and wait it out like my hubby did and nag
01-27-12, 01:08 PM
I would change it but its already part of the agreement
The funny part is that you're terrified of something that will ultimately prove to be -boring-. T's don't do much and I think you'll find your fear goes away quickly.
I ended up with 40-50 of the buggers so I could see at least one of them when I wanted to :p
01-27-12, 01:17 PM
bugs aren't my thing I scream when crickets get loose and I refuse to feed off crickets to my lizards my husband has to do it lol
If I never see them thats OK by me
01-27-12, 01:40 PM
congrats on taking the first step to overcoming another fear.
01-27-12, 01:46 PM
You lost your mind huh? Welcome to the club! That makes you Shaun, swany ands me. Like the four musketeers or something. :)
01-27-12, 01:49 PM
As others have said, I commend you on your efforts to overcome your fears. I used to be deathly afraid of scorpions. I would cringe when I looked at them in pet stores, and I'd run away if someone had one out. I was convinced they would just sting me and sting me over and over and chase me. My fiance really wanted one when we first started dating (I think more because it scared me than he truly wanted it), but I said NO WAY. After about a year, we were at the zoo and the handler had an Emperor scorpion out for people to hold and touch. He dared me to hold it, so I made myself do it, ...and I loved it. I was amazed by the scorpion, and bought one that weekend. As long as your husband is gentle and kind about it, you should be able to work yourself up.
I recommend a Chilean rosehair or an Antilles pink toe as a first tarantula (both are very docile although pink toes can be quick) and an Emperor scorpion for a first scorp. They are very unlikely to sting, although they can pinch if really upset. Mine never pinched or tried to sting me.
Best of luck! :)
01-27-12, 01:49 PM
hahah thanks Kevin it makes me feel better to have company
01-27-12, 01:51 PM
thanks Kim I know he had a rosehair before and I'm pretty sure he will get one of those, and i think he was looking into the emperor scorpions too later on I think he wants a cobalt
01-27-12, 02:11 PM
Getting some exposure to them might help get over the fear of the tarantulas. Once you actually observe them going about their daily routines, you start to see that they're actually quite interesting little beasts.
I had a Bird Eater for many years and she was fascinating to watch. Almost every night she'd excavate her tank and by morning her burrow was in a different corner. I found it really neat to watch her during this process - she was incredibly industrious.
I also used to keep Goliaths and they weren't for the faint-of-heart, so I'd certainly advise not to let him get one of those...yet :)
Think of it as a learning experience, if you can get that far with the idea, lol.
01-27-12, 02:12 PM
My wife wants a scorpion. Cab you get them as babies? I just realized I have never seen an emperor scorpion under 3"
The cobalts are awesome! There really are some absolutely beautiful arachnids. But like BlindOne mentioned those rarely like to come out while you are around. I didnt used to like spiders much either until I got a tarantula. They are so fun to watch hunt though!
01-27-12, 02:16 PM
thanks Todd I am ok as long as they're locked up lol and i think you can Kevin
01-27-12, 02:29 PM
Congratulations on this step. I think you will enjoy them a lot. I am facinated by the idea of having tarantulas, black widows or scorpions but right now, Im so busy with work, hundreds of rodents, household chores and 16 snakes that I dont have enough time to take on more. Maybe one of these days.
01-27-12, 02:33 PM
right now we have 4 (soon to be 5) snakes and 3 lizards the spiders are all his I take care of everything else lol
01-27-12, 02:40 PM
Laura mentioned an option of downsizing the snakes and I was like "After getting Schatzi back? Um no!"
After selling Schatzi to get the pair of Carpets, I felt that hole that she left behind so I vowed that none of these snakes are going anywhere since they are ALL pets. I will get rid of the rodents before any of these snakes go anywhere.
01-27-12, 03:21 PM
Yaaay for your hubby! Seriously, if you've gotten over those other fears, I don't foresee you having major problems with this one. ;)
Oh, and Exwiz, arachnids are a LOT less work than a snake.
02-03-12, 01:45 PM
Laura mentioned an option of downsizing the snakes and I was like "After getting Schatzi back? Um no!"
After selling Schatzi to get the pair of Carpets, I felt that hole that she left behind so I vowed that none of these snakes are going anywhere since they are ALL pets. I will get rid of the rodents before any of these snakes go anywhere.
Which one is Schatzi?
02-04-12, 09:23 AM
Schatzi is the Amel Corn.
02-04-12, 03:01 PM
ah, she's pretty.
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