View Full Version : rubber boa laws?

Kyle Barker
01-12-03, 02:54 AM
I am curious (in BC) why rubber boas are illegal to own without permits, but you can own any other boa. However, we have one rattlesnake that lives here and we cant own any other pit vipers (or maybe any vipers). Does this have something to do with their venom? If so why can we legally own cobras and other hots? I am not very knowlegable on this matter but the little I have been told really doesnt make any sense to me. Thanks for any clarification.


01-12-03, 07:05 AM
Rubber boas are now very rare in B C and were never too numerous to start with.I have heard they are very hard to care for breed infrequently and have a high mortality rate in capativity.So it would seem the provincal government is looking out for these boas before it is too late I say good job!!!!


Kyle Barker
01-12-03, 03:17 PM
Its not that part that im confused with, in fact i am in total aggrement with protecting ANY native species. What im confused with is we have ONE type of rattle snake and they banned the goup (pit vipers) , and we have ONE type of boa and they didnt ban any others. Im not complaining about being ablke to keep boas it just seems really strange to me.


01-12-03, 03:39 PM
If you can figure out our government, let me know, cause I've been trying for years:)

Kyle Barker
01-12-03, 04:50 PM
LMAO!!!! True true. Just thought that there would be *SOME* logic in this:0