View Full Version : Charmander!

01-24-12, 12:10 AM
Charmander somehow still resides with me, despite many people saying they would like to buy her.... Regardless she is doing quite well still, she sure loves the winter's cooler temperatures. She lost her tail on the drive to Red Deer in August 2011, she was supposed to be going to someone else but they never got back to me... lost her tail for no reason now(stupid construction...) but she still looks pretty sweet, and her colours are still fantastic! Thanks for looking, Caylan.S.
PS check the classifieds around springtime for this girl, unfortunately my house is far too warm in the summer to keep her thriving, I have decided to let her go. PM me for details if you wish.

01-24-12, 01:15 AM
Gotta catch em all....

01-24-12, 01:17 AM
Nice pics!!!!

01-24-12, 08:46 AM
I love those eyes!! :eek: adorable! Why do cresties lose their tails and how come it never grows back?

01-24-12, 10:25 PM
DAMN IT! your in canada and im in the states i would love to have her but i would not lov the import fees :'(

01-24-12, 10:28 PM
I can see the charmander in her.

01-24-12, 10:36 PM
aw I love her little Gecko Butt

01-25-12, 02:26 AM

nice name

01-25-12, 10:18 AM
I love those eyes!! :eek: adorable! Why do cresties lose their tails and how come it never grows back?

They generally lose their tails when they are scared or if the tail is pulled on somehow. I have 4 cresties, and only one of them has dropped his tail. I can't really blame him though. He ran down the stairs and had a really close call with one of my dogs. Luckily, I was able to catch him in time but he dropped his tail immediately. The creepy thing about it is that the tail continues wiggling and moving for about 10 minutes after it's dropped.

They really do fine without their tail though. In fact, in the wild, the majority of cresties don't have tails.

01-25-12, 10:38 AM
I've always found it a shame that cresties don't regrow lost tails. I find it rather odd too considering the benefit it seems it would be to have a new tail in case you had another run it with a predator.

01-25-12, 10:13 PM
I can see your reasoning DragonsEye. That is a good point and I guess it would make more sense if they regrew there tails because then they could lose it agin if they do have another run in with a predator.

01-26-12, 12:11 AM
Thanks everyone!! Based on my limited experience on Crested gecko's, I;ve read that their tails are supposed to mimic bird droppings. The crests going down their back allow them to know if their body is completely concealed by a leaf, and the tail sticks out resembling bird poo... odd defense, odd theory, but once it's gone, it's really no longer needed, as it was never really needed in the first place. The fact that it falls off once should be all the gecko needs, as after that it should be able to remain completely concealed rather easily, and less chance of a run in with a predator. They are nocturnal and hard to find at night by humans even, let alone other animals, and they are never found during the day by humans. The tail in my experience is also a hinderence. Ever have your gecko jump only to have it snag on something and they do an awkward flip... not to mention floppy tail syndrome... No need for tails, though they are really pretty....
http://i735.photobucket.com/albums/ww355/Inugohan/Reptiles/Female%20Crested%20Gecko/DSCF3972.jpg Caylan.S.

01-26-12, 12:13 AM
I like the 'without tail' gecko butt

01-26-12, 12:34 AM
I'm starting to like it more and more. Didn't at first, I'll admit lol. Caylan.S.