View Full Version : Savannah monitor pic
Thought I had more pics of this little girl.Have to get the camara out :p
CK SandBoas
01-20-12, 12:29 PM
She's beautiful!! I know i won't be able to have one, but i am falling in love with Savs:)
01-20-12, 12:34 PM
Just a heads up, you may want to change the bedding. Savannahs need at least 18" of digable sandy soil. Also, it looks like your enclosure is way too small.
01-20-12, 12:58 PM
And if you are sure it's a she, save up some money for a hysterectomy. Once she reaches maturity, she will cycle and make eggs every few months...
Spaying her will prevent all of that from ever happening.
Virtually all female Savs in captivity go through this, and since no one has really figured out exactly what the ideal nesting spot is, they are very prone to egg binding.
01-20-12, 07:40 PM
I still dont know what my sav is, hope i dont have a female lol :P I ran into a person, cant remeber where, but they were from africa and said they had bread them in captivity, he went on to say to breed them in captivity you need like 8- 10 feet of burrow space or they will never do it, he was saying all the nests he had dug up back home were extreamly deep, how true this is i dont know, but makes sence why no average keeper has ever done it, only a very small amount of pros had had success, now im curriuos to how true this info is? anyone shed ight on this? , AND nice Sav! you need to get that girl into a much larger cage asap.
01-20-12, 09:03 PM
My brother has successfully bred savannah monitors, and I volunteer at a reptile conservation center that has a very strong breeding project. There are more keepers working with captive breeding savannahs. It is difficult, but then again, so are breeding other species of monitor.
01-21-12, 11:03 AM
I agree with wayne you need to figure out if she is a female or not and if she is she needs to get spayed unless you want to offer her 12 feet of substrate :P and that cage is much to small
From what I have heard it is not impossibly hard to bread them, it can be done as BarelyBreathing stated. It is more about the fact that it isn't worth the trouble when you can go pick them up pretty much anywhere for $40.
It is disgusting that an animal that needs such specific requirements can be bought for so little. Hench why there are so many people who get them and can't take care of them when they are priced in the same range as gecko's.
01-21-12, 10:21 PM
Out of curiosity does anyone actually know how big that cage is?
01-21-12, 10:23 PM
From the width of the two walls in the picture, it looks no bigger than a 40 gallon fish tank. That's my best guess.
01-22-12, 12:52 AM
From what I have heard it is not impossibly hard to bread them, it can be done as BarelyBreathing stated. It is more about the fact that it isn't worth the trouble when you can go pick them up pretty much anywhere for $40.
It is disgusting that an animal that needs such specific requirements can be bought for so little. Hench why there are so many people who get them and can't take care of them when they are priced in the same range as gecko's.
There is a kid on another forum who just got one as his very first herp. :(
01-22-12, 12:59 AM
The guy who wants to drive it ten hours weekly?
01-22-12, 01:32 AM
The guy who wants to drive it ten hours weekly?
Yep that one...
01-22-12, 01:34 AM
I need that gif.
01-22-12, 09:25 AM
There is a kid on another forum who just got one as his very first herp. :(
that seems like a recipe for disaster :no:
There is a kid on another forum who just got one as his very first herp.
The guy who wants to drive it ten hours weekly?
What huh? where is this?
and unfortunately this doesn't surprise me.
01-22-12, 10:55 AM
The guy who wants to drive it ten hours weekly?
What do you mean by this?
I can't figure it out but if I'm being oblivious to something point it out :p :D
01-22-12, 11:05 AM
What do you mean by this?
I can't figure it out but if I'm being oblivious to something point it out :p :D
On another forum....
A young man wants to take his Savannah monitor on a weekly commute, his girlfriend/job (or whatever) is 5 hours away from where he lives.
He wants to take the monitor back and forth with him every time.
He wants to have an enclosure at each location, and subject that poor animal to the stress of going with him..
Several of us have suggested that a Sav does not fit into his lifestyle at all, and he should give it away before he kills it.
I think we are derailing THIS thread, so in a few minutes I will move this part of the discussion to a more appropriate thread. ;)
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