View Full Version : corn morph breeding question

01-19-12, 06:06 PM
Specifically the different "localities" of Normals.

So If I breed an Okeetee to a non Okeetee, and the corn calc says the babies will be "Normals" will those Normals look like the mamma Okeetee, or a "Carolina?? (which many seem to deem as the "true normal"

01-20-12, 09:28 AM
Bump! I am pretty sure you will get corn snakes. ;)

01-20-12, 10:17 AM
thththththth!!!!!!!! smartass!!!!

01-20-12, 11:28 AM
I think plain normals,but I havent breed corns in years:crazy:

01-20-12, 11:32 AM
yea they will plain but the baby's if you breed them together they will have a chance when the lay for those baby's to be the morphs

01-21-12, 02:00 AM
why wouldn't the babies be otakees? some recessive thing i guess

01-21-12, 10:52 AM
I have no idea because they are both sort of "normals"

01-21-12, 11:17 AM
right, that's what I am saying. If NORMAL X AMEL on the corn calc = narmals het amel. And Okeetee IS a normal type, wouldn't they look like the mamma Okeetee.

Although when you look at Ian's vivarium, he lists the "wild types/Localities" as the
1) Miami
2) Keys
3) normal - Carolina
4) Okeetee

So I'm thinking now that the true "plain" or "normal" is actually the Carolina and all others are localities. But I can't actually work it out on the corn calculator because Okeetee, Miami or Keys are not options on the calculator, only "NORMAL"

01-21-12, 11:17 AM
thththththth!!!!!!!! smartass!!!!

Hey! I was just being helpful and bumping it for you! Is okeetee a dominant or recessive gene? If its dominant then you should get both should you not?

01-21-12, 11:27 AM
I know and thanks!! it was the cornsnake comment commenet that caused the smartass comment!!;)

I'll check into the dominant/recessive gene. I gues I dumbly assumed that the wild types would all be dominant!! (smacks seld if forhead!)

01-21-12, 11:42 AM
What! I give you some deep insight and I flies right over your head! Why are you calling me names!?!? ( I keep checking my custom title to make sure Wayne hasn't changed it to that on a whim)

01-21-12, 11:51 AM
Oh, where is the right emoticon when you need it!!!! LMAO

01-21-12, 01:41 PM
right, that's what I am saying. If NORMAL X AMEL on the corn calc = narmals het amel. And Okeetee IS a normal type, wouldn't they look like the mamma Okeetee.

Although when you look at Ian's vivarium, he lists the "wild types/Localities" as the
1) Miami
2) Keys
3) normal - Carolina
4) Okeetee

So I'm thinking now that the true "plain" or "normal" is actually the Carolina and all others are localities. But I can't actually work it out on the corn calculator because Okeetee, Miami or Keys are not options on the calculator, only "NORMAL"

I would think that it would be more bland colored than a true Okeetee but the pattern would be close. Unless you breed an insanely colored Okeetee to an insanely colored Okeetee you will get bland normal's of random variety. Then again I haven't looked a ton into it because I will never breed..

01-21-12, 01:50 PM
right, that's what I am saying. If NORMAL X AMEL on the corn calc = narmals het amel. And Okeetee IS a normal type, wouldn't they look like the mamma Okeetee.

Although when you look at Ian's vivarium, he lists the "wild types/Localities" as the
1) Miami
2) Keys
3) normal - Carolina
4) Okeetee

So I'm thinking now that the true "plain" or "normal" is actually the Carolina and all others are localities. But I can't actually work it out on the corn calculator because Okeetee, Miami or Keys are not options on the calculator, only "NORMAL"

This makes sense since in Corns, all the produced morphs that Ive ever heard of are genetically recessive. When I had my bloodred stripe (2 recessive genes that were homozygous in that snake) I bought my amel from a local breeder with the plan to breed them together producing triple het normals. Then I was going to breed 2 of them together to produce a wide variety of morphs in hopes of producing a fire stripe. That plan had to proceed this way due to that recessive nature in these morphs.

01-22-12, 03:24 PM
Breed a okeetee to a Carolina and you will get a corn that looks like.... well.... a cross between the 2. Basically, by breeding those 2 together, you are muddying your bloodlines. You want okeetees, breed to okeetees together, you want Carolinas, breed 2 Carolinas together and so on with the localitys. I hope that answered your question.