View Full Version : Two new faces

01-18-12, 11:42 PM
Mine first of course; new to the forum and to boa ownership. Please to meet you all who I feel I know so well based on my frequenting of the pages here for research on my new acquisition.

New face number two: my new baby Bagheera! A Peruvian Rainbow born on 9/12 and purchased from Jeff Clark. She just arrived yesterday in the blue and I was pleased to see she shed this afternoon while I was in class. I've been trying to avoid handling her but when I saw her new scales for the first time I got too excited and had to pull her out to take a picture or two. Being more familiar with colubrids, I've enjoyed observing the differences in behavior. I can appreciate a relaxed snake such as my Baghy, and boy am I glad she's not aggressive :D

I was worried she might not shed well as she hadn't spent much time in her new environment yet. Although she didn't shed in one entire piece, shedding in chunks instead a tleast it did not appear flaky for which I am grateful.

01-18-12, 11:46 PM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


01-18-12, 11:48 PM
Sometimes, "not agressive" means scared...

Just sayin.

01-18-12, 11:52 PM
Hi! Pleased to meet you both! Bagheera is really cool! She has really bold black outlines. Maybe hypermelonistic? Is there such a thing I wonder?

Anyway, Welcome. Hope you enjoy your times with us.

01-18-12, 11:57 PM
nice looking snake!

01-19-12, 12:33 AM
Hi and welcome. What a gorgeous snake! Also, you look kind of familiar. You don't happen to live in Colorado, do you?

01-19-12, 02:05 AM
Hyas & Welcome!!

01-19-12, 06:21 AM
Welcome! Nice looking Rainbow. :)

01-19-12, 06:26 AM
Welcome to the madhouse. Nice looking baby

01-19-12, 07:28 AM
Welcome to the forum! Glad you came out of lurk mode ;) Your new snake looks awesome. Congrats!

CK SandBoas
01-19-12, 08:05 AM
Hey there! Welcome to the forums!:D

01-19-12, 08:07 AM
Hello and welcome to the forum

01-19-12, 08:17 AM
Welcome! Out of curiosity did you see the video of the garter snake biting a guys tongue? Your pic totally reminded me of that!

01-19-12, 08:55 AM
Great looking rainbow, watch the way the snake breaths, its generally a good indicator of their state of mind.

01-19-12, 08:56 AM
Hi! Pleased to meet you both! Bagheera is really cool! She has really bold black outlines. Maybe hypermelonistic? Is there such a thing I wonder?

Anyway, Welcome. Hope you enjoy your times with us.
First hello and welcome to our zoo. Bagheera is beautiful. Once she settle in we love to see more pictures.

As for the bold marking Peruvian Rainbow have darker and thicker marking than Brazilians. As adult they tend to be a dark red than Brazilians also.

01-19-12, 10:32 AM
hello and welcome

cheers shaun

01-19-12, 12:08 PM
Welcome to the forum :D

I was just wondering, how do you pronounce her name exactly? She's a very pretty looking rainbow

01-19-12, 01:31 PM
Welcome to the forum :D

I was just wondering, how do you pronounce her name exactly? She's a very pretty looking rainbow

:eek: have you never seen The Jungle Book? If she meant it the same way it should be Bah-Gee-Ra

01-19-12, 01:45 PM
:eek: have you never seen The Jungle Book? If she meant it the same way it should be Bah-Gee-Ra
what was the name of the snake in the jungle book he was cool

and on topic welcome to the forum nice looking snake have a good time here

01-19-12, 01:49 PM
what was the name of the snake in the jungle book he was cool

and on topic welcome to the forum nice looking snake have a good time here

the snake from the Jungle Book is Kaa!


and Bagheera


01-19-12, 01:52 PM
kaa he's a badass snake

01-19-12, 09:07 PM
Wow that is a gorgeous snake!

I love Rainbows for the irredescance but I have to say their faces are pretty cute too. Mine looks so goofy it makes me laugh all the time

01-19-12, 11:47 PM
:eek: have you never seen The Jungle Book? If she meant it the same way it should be Bah-Gee-Ra

Well of course I've seen it... Just not in yeeeaaars ... at least 10.. at least.

01-20-12, 05:19 PM
Welcome, Alesis. Bagheera looks very nice!

A rainbow not shedding in one piece *can* be a sign of low humidity, so keep an eye on those levels.

Again, welcome!

01-22-12, 11:41 PM
Hi and welcome. What a gorgeous snake! Also, you look kind of familiar. You don't happen to live in Colorado, do you?

I live in Charlotte but I nearly moved to Colorado not long ago for college. Interesting coincidence.

Thanks for the warm welcome and praise to my new pride and joy. Yes, it is pronounced like Ba-geer-uh in Jungle Book. :P And indeed her markings are dark due to her being of the Peruvian locale. She is doing well in her first week, although she does hide for a good amount of her time. I've only really seen her out and about once but I hope once she gets more comfortable and a decent meal in her she will get a bit more active.

I do have a question regarding humidity.. I've found the only way to keep it up is by spraying a few times a day. The viv is heated with a human heat pad set at medium. The temperature is around 83 on the warm and 75 on the cool with a relative humidity of 90% post spritz that drops to 70% within a few hours of me spraying. She's in a rubbermaid container with three small 1 cm holes drilled in the lid for limited ventilation. Her substrate is cocohusk and she has a decently sized waterbowl with large surface area. I understand that as a youngster she needs very high humidity and I thought those factors would help maintain the humidity for longer than a few hours. Is there anything I'm doing wrong or am I fretting for no reason?

01-22-12, 11:48 PM
Too funny. Again, nice to meet you.

01-23-12, 04:49 PM
I do have a question regarding humidity.. I've found the only way to keep it up is by spraying a few times a day. The viv is heated with a human heat pad set at medium. The temperature is around 83 on the warm and 75 on the cool with a relative humidity of 90% post spritz that drops to 70% within a few hours of me spraying. She's in a rubbermaid container with three small 1 cm holes drilled in the lid for limited ventilation. Her substrate is cocohusk and she has a decently sized waterbowl with large surface area. I understand that as a youngster she needs very high humidity and I thought those factors would help maintain the humidity for longer than a few hours. Is there anything I'm doing wrong or am I fretting for no reason?
Your setup sounds fine for humidity. It's perfectly OK to have a slightly lower humidity level in the general cage, so long as the animal has a higher-humidity area to retreat to. In most cses, the moist moss hide fills that slot, and most rainbows spend most of their days curled up inside that hide. If you do not have a moist hide yet, add one and you should be fine! (The only other suggestion I could make is to cover one of the three holes and see if that makes a difference.) Good luck!