View Full Version : How to introduce breeding pairs of Corns

01-10-12, 01:25 PM
So, once my girls shed, do I put her into his enclosure, put him into her enclosure, or.... put them both in a neutral teritory (like the feeding tank)???

Which gives the best breeding chances do you guys think???

01-10-12, 01:43 PM
I would put him into her tank.
If you put the girl in the boy's tank she's more likely to explore rather than be interested in the male :)

01-10-12, 01:44 PM
Ive never been a professional breeder and breeding is a bonus to me since all my snakes are pets. That having been said, I have heard from many different sources that the male should go into the female's enclosure. Im sure others with more breeding experience can expand on that though.

01-10-12, 02:11 PM
alright, another question I have is:

is there a certain time of day that it is best to introduce them, also how long do I leave them together?

(Kathy loves book said to wait for a humid evening, well I live in coastal BC, EVERY evening is humid!!)

01-10-12, 02:29 PM
About 9 pm. A little candle light, Barry White playing softly in the background and a DO NOT DISTURB sign on the viv ;-D
(As you can tell I have no idea what im talking about, but I could'nt resist. Sorry)

01-10-12, 02:40 PM
that's alright, you always make me giggle at the very least!!!

01-10-12, 02:46 PM
In that case I must away, for my work here is done ;-)