View Full Version : FREE CALIFORNIA KING SNAKE, oshawa
Hi! I am in a really bad situation right now and I need to get rid of my snake. I am willing to give it away for nothing FREE. It is a California King Snake all black with a white belly, about 3 or 4 feet long. PLZ get back to me as soon as possible, my msn address is and my icq number is 179078244. I am willing to get rid of it as soon as i can!!!! The reason is that I got the tank and the snake but I want the tank and not the snake woul liek another animal for it.
01-11-03, 06:10 PM
Why dont u just buy a new tank or rubbermade enclosure?
is the snake in good health your reasion does not seem like a very good reason to get rid of a pet if all is on the up and up I could take it though
PM me with your number
well i already brought it to a good home and i am not a snake lover and i guess it wasnt in good shape. It wasnt my pet in the fisrt place, i got a offered a good tank and i wanted an iguana i wouldnt knw the next thing about a snake so it is better off that way! The guy that owned it didnt want it anywayz!!
01-11-03, 07:29 PM
You are getting a snake-sized "tank" for an iguana??????!!!!!!!!!
I would do a little re-thinking on that one.
Iguanas need a minimum of 6 feet tall, 4 feet wide and 3-4 feet deep. Thats MINUMUM cage requirements....
Theres no "tank" on this earth that will accomodate an iguana...
01-11-03, 07:35 PM
sure there is a tank big enough , one that is 6' tall 4'wide wide and 3-4' just kiddingyou dont need a huge tank 4 a baby iggy andrea!!!!
Well actually I dont want a big iguana and i am sure my tank will be fine! It is a 100 gallon tank and i am buying a baby one so it can grow to its surroundings! And not to mention I dont want a big lug of home made crap looking cage for my pet in the middle of my livingroom thanks! It will work out fine trust me!!!! ;)
01-12-03, 04:55 PM
Wow, you haven't done any research have you?
It will not just grow to its surroundings, you obviously haven't read up on them yet!
And a baby ig will outgrow a 100 gal in 6-8 months.
"trust" you? You dont know anything about igs, how can one trust you with their lives?
Please pick up a copy of "Green Iguana; The ultimate Owners Malual" by James Hatfield or "Iguanas for dummies" by melissa kaplan. Read it cover to cover!!!
Ask questions at the iguana fourm at ************** to get started. http://forum.**************/iguana/
Please don't go into this not knowing what you are doing. Iguanas are IMHO, the most high demand and expensive lizard you can get.
01-12-03, 04:56 PM
I guess ssnakess doesnt like kingsnake . c o m propoganda, lol
It is a good souce for all of your questions though...
Andrea is correct.
Iguanas do not "grow to there" tank size. And will reach their max or because they are left in a too small tank they will die.
A 100 gallon tank is a JOKE. My iguana could *break* that tank on a bad day of hers. She is almost 6 feet long. If you don't want a "homemade" enclosure then do NOT get an iguana or else you are just another irresponsible person who is going to treat a Iguana without the respect and care it needs.
p.s. why should we "trust you" when you don't own a iguana? Shouldn't you in fact "trust" me because I DO own a 7 year old 6 foot iguana already?
Well if it is really that important to you i did the research today and I didnt get an iguana if it makes u feel any better! I ended up getting something else. And i was saying "IT WILL WORK OUT FINE, trust me" meaning it would not be something i would have to worry about at the moment, my tank would have been fine for about a year and after that what would need to be done would have been done but now that is not an issue. :)
01-12-03, 07:14 PM
so bobz what did you end up getting...please nont say a snake LOL
No. LOL. Actually i went out today and looked around and ended up getting a gecko! It is cute but doesnt like to play :( it bit me. I plan on getting a whole bunch of different ones to put in there but of course ones that will get along! :)
bobz, you cant keep different species together. No two breeds have the same food, humidity, heat, light, substrate etc etc requirements! And even though they look like they get a long, you may end up with one really fat gecko who ate all the other ones! You need to do some serious research before getting involved in caring for any more animals.
01-12-03, 07:50 PM
what kind? you should get a tokay
i got a golden gecko there has gotta be some other kinds that can live with it
Bobz, there are some species that *can*, though it isn't ideal. White lined geckos, for example. Since you tank is big, you can probably simulate a few different changes in temps and humidity (but don't go from desert or rain forest or anything), so you can keep them all happy. It is, of course, best to have all the same species, but if you want diversity stick with similar species (white lined and golden for example).
Good luck!
Thankyou! What about those bearded dragons? what would they be like together? not good? I am new to this so dont mind me i just dont wanna want to hurt it or have another one be hurt in that matter:) Do you know alot about them?if so do u think you could hook me up with what ones could work together?
Bearded dragons definitely not!!! They are huge, come from a very different climate etc.
Stick with medium sized, nocturnal geckos with adhesive lamellae with similar humidity, heat etc requirements.
Is there any geckos that are slow and friendly? that could get along with mine?
The best geckos for handling would be fat-tailed geckos, leopard geckos and crested geckos.
However, none of these can really be kept with golden geckos. Maybe consider getting another 15gal tank for the golden gecko, and making a terrestrial setup for some leos or fat-tails?
really would a 15 gallon tank b big enough for a golden gecko? in that case if i ended up donig that r there a few different types of reptiles i could put into the big tank if the golden gecko is gone?
Yes, a 15gal is big enough for one golden gecko.
Bobz, it's never a good idea to mix species. Even with species that seem very similar, it is always better for the geckos to be kept with their own kind. So I suggest you find one kind you really like and stick with it. Leos are interesting, if you get into them then you can have many different colours (hypos, blizzards, tangerines, albinos, lined, snow etc etc). Same with cresteds. Fat-tails are also really cool, they are friendly and breed very easily.
Herps ain't herd animals, bobz. In nature they don't generally hang out in groups, they are more solitary. Plus they cannot get away from the other's feces, exhalations, etc. so the air quality goes way down when another animal enters the enclosure.
Your gecko will live a longer and happier life being alone.
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