View Full Version : normal? or something else????

01-10-12, 10:02 AM
Eleanore, I have had her for 2 years now... Is maybe 3 .. I aware there is something other then normal in her.. she has Orange flames and a weird coloring up the side... I'll post pics later, but I am for sure breeding her... Or him... Lol. I will be getting 2 more balls, albino female, and het something male... So either way, I will breed him/her out.

01-10-12, 10:14 AM
if you dont know who bred her or him or what s/he is mixed with from a trusted source s/he could be a normal just a real pretty normal.

I dont want to bust your bubble or anything but normal BPs can have varying colours and tints and yet still be normal I will use mine as an example: Mav is a 1.5yr old male sold to me as a normal but the striping near his tail has a green tint which is very noticeable

Then again pictures would help

01-10-12, 11:42 AM
yup, give us a pic to work from!!

01-10-12, 12:29 PM
I have some on profile: eleanor, age also has the green eyes of a pastel...