View Full Version : Just updating, with pics

01-09-12, 04:39 AM
Yesterday was day one of the Pamona reptile show...so...of course i got something! Don't be silly...as I may have said in another thread...i was the girl wearing the "Snake Addict...i can quit whenever i want" t-shirt, the snake jewelry, and hauling around a backpack full of rats...not to mention the dolly with the 40gallon tank filled with OTHER tanks and sanichips *lol*

Here's my very own baby pastel boy...we named him Tigger...or Tiger if i want him to sound majestic *lol*

I love, love, love his eyes! He is very pumpkin and peach, too. He's my first "morph" i suppose. Pastels can be found in the wild, but i'm glad i have this guy. He is so sweet, charming, and curious! He's a little explorer! Was happy and eager to down his frist rat with us. I saw him getting a drink right away too...and so today i was feeling around and noticed he had a lot of hard knots near his vent, which was slightly prolapsed today. So a nice warm running water on the end and a little bit of easy mushy coaxing from mom sent is old dried up urates shooting out to clear he path for all his backed up poo :( Poor thing. Huge rocks for his size.
He was felling better after, and i let him rest...then he came out to watch me...following me around the tank and peeking, while i took care of the other snakes. lol


For some reason i never knew pastel bps had such cool duel colored eyes!!

My next prize from the show, was from Treacher's creatures. A 15 month old Tanzanian Flame Kenyan Sand Boa (say that ten times fast). I just liked her color, and she was the silliest fattest cute little eyed thingo!


Here's a pic of her and my old sand boa. I got him for thansgiving (snakesgiving). I don't know how old he is, and as far as i know he's just a good looking normal. We decided to keep with the flavor that they are really goofy little critters and named him Googlie, and her Mooglie. (moo cuz she's fat). She ate as soon as she saw food, too. I love happy hungry eaters!!! She's also in blue, so expect some really eye poping colors when she's shed!




Okay, well that's the update. Everyone else has been fed, and shed, and only one male remains a stubborn eater (still that bratty dumeril's boa. He's active enough, stays cold, peeks around, but just doesnt want to eat yet)
The two ball python rescues are doing great. Ribs is in shed, and bitey got an upgrade to a 40 gallon take at the show...and he loves it. He comes out more now, and explores, and i see him happily curled up in different places, rather than just sitting over the uth like before. He also got a bigger one of those, so that helped.
Got a bigger tank for my carpet python too, to give her some more climbing space...and a bigger UTH...and now she's doing just that! Climbing all over...over the uth *lol*

Lots of tank rearranges.
I'm pretty pleased, actually. The show didn't have any garter snakes (boo) so that will just have to be a project i do ordering online for. I did see a couple hognose snakes, but they were all males, except for one guy who had a couple sad tiny females and one nice one that he was holding back to sell with 4 other hognoses that were supposedly related snakes...he was weird, he kept turning away customers. whatever dude!
I'm thinking of saving up some money and getting a really nice one from extremehogs.com

Well, i should have plenty to tide me over right now, at least. buwahaha!

Oh yeah we saw a male pixie frog there...that was as big as a dinner plate, and my hubby goes "THAT's what we have????" i'm like yeah honey, that's what we have. And i think we have a female...buwahahaha! (i got one of those a few weeks ago, to update you, if it wasn't that obvious). We named her NomNOM because i have never see any frog jump so high to get what it thought was food. I have to figure out a way to feed this thing in a seperate container or i'm going to lose a finger. For real. It brushed me with a fang the other day...when i thought i was well out of the danger zone...and then took both hands to shove its food in it's mouth. Greedy, Greeeeedy NomNOM!!!

So there's the update. Not too much exciting...just happy owning herps!!!

01-09-12, 05:23 AM
Very cool!!

01-09-12, 06:52 AM
Nice pickups!

01-09-12, 07:52 PM
Thanks for sharing. They all look great.