View Full Version : BCI has escaped!!!

Them and Us
01-11-03, 05:15 PM
this is very terrible. we live in an apartment and its cold in here so out of the cage its bad. since its cold I'm checking the heat sources. my worst fear is that he/she went into the hole in the wall behind the enclosures. that would give access to upstairs apartments or worse....my mother's room. figures... i just bought stuff tonight the fix the hole in the wall . I' moving into my own place this summer. with no holes in the wall. why couldn't it have made an escape then?

01-11-03, 06:36 PM
Ack! I'm so sorry to hear that :( My BP went AWOL on New Year's... it was my own fault, I was rushing around doing stuff and left his cage open... I was soooooooooo mad at myself. It was like the worst possible thing that could happen, my parents don't even know that I have him, and I kept having nightmares about them finding him in their bed or something. I searched the whole house for him, didn't see him anywhere. I knew that he had to be around somewhere though, because there's no holes or anything that he could've gotten into. I tried putting out a heat mat, water bowl, and a rat pup under my bed, to see if that would draw him out... no luck though, and the rat started to smell so I had to throw it out. I was a nervous wreck, waiting for something terrible to happen.... and then miraculously, a week later I went to feed my cats in the morning, and there he was, climbing up the cabinet that I keep their food in. It had to be about the biggest relief of my life!! :) I'm so happy that he's back... and now I'm completely paranoid about the lid on his cage... hehe...

I hope that your little baby shows up too... don't give up hope, I've heard of snake showing up months later, looking none the worse for the wear...


01-11-03, 07:04 PM
Chances are that hole is a good place to hide so i do feel for you. If the appt you have is cold I would set up an area with a heat lamp to help lure said boa out into the open Just be advised if it is a common boa it can take temps much lower than you would believe and will be hard to round up.try leaving out food at a time and place were you can be around and there is heat present just might lure the boa out. Very best of luck to you.


Them and Us
01-11-03, 08:02 PM
it is a common so that s good. i left a human heat pad on the floor on medium. good news is after further inspection of the hole it used to be for an old phone jack and there is a metal box inside with no openings big enough for the snake to get into the wall. however it still could havegotten into mommy's bedroom. I am moving out this summer with a friend for college so the herps will have their own room and no holes in the wall haha.

01-11-03, 08:46 PM
My friend's brb escaped once, and he found her the next day under the fridge. Perhaps you could check the warm spots around your apartment, hopefully you will luck out and catch your bci basking.

Hope you recover your snake soon!

Them and Us
01-12-03, 11:09 AM
Well all is well people. i had a friend over this morning and he bent down to tishoe and the renamed Dillenger struck at him and missed his face by about a centimeter haha. that was hilarious. he/she was hiding under the bookshelf by the baseboard. i also found out how he/she got. the rubberai thing i was using had a space just big enough or a sall boa and well there it is. so for now i have Dillenger in a small glass cage until go and buy the plywood to make a small rack to fit the rubbermaids in. thanks all.

01-12-03, 11:33 AM
glad to see you got him back good for you



01-12-03, 04:57 PM
So glad to hear that it turned out well for you :)

01-12-03, 05:30 PM
yay! lol.. nice to here u found her/him!

01-12-03, 07:10 PM
My 7' coastal escaped today and I said to myself "look up" I turned around in the room and he was sitting in my window

Glad to here you found him


01-12-03, 09:26 PM
Glad to hear you recovered your snake.

01-12-03, 11:15 PM
Glad to hear that you found your snake.


Them and Us
01-13-03, 02:19 PM
thanks everyone. yeah and today i picked up some melamine so i can use the rubbermaids for snakes and it will be escape proof. i kind of feel like a bad keeper since Dillenger escaped you know. i don't want to be the cause of a reptile ban around here because there was a hole i didn't notice. i should have checked it all out.

01-15-03, 11:36 PM
Glad you found her.