View Full Version : new conda and bite pic

ding ding
01-05-12, 03:29 AM
hey folks picked up this wee guy before the holidays but could only post pics now being back on work pc, not the best pic but hes still settling in, will put more up once hes had a few feeds.


he gave me quite a few kisses the 1st time i picked him up, this is it cleaned up but if you had seen the amount of blood you would have thought he bit my hand off lol.


thanks for looking

01-05-12, 04:17 AM
Looks like a cool little guy... And he definitely likes your fingers "nom nom" :D

ding ding
01-05-12, 05:17 AM
hehe yea hes a wee nutter, think im gona call him sharptooth if he doesnt calm down lol...

01-05-12, 06:13 AM
how big is he? hard to tell by the picture.

01-05-12, 06:24 AM
Nice. How old is he?

ding ding
01-05-12, 07:00 AM
thanks man, im not 100% on age but i think hes around a year, going on size... hes about 3ft

01-05-12, 09:31 AM
Nice snake.

You better stop scenting your hand before picking him up LOL. JK

ding ding
01-05-12, 09:34 AM
hehe thanks man, and i wish it was that simple, but im afraid i think its gona be a long and bloody road lol...

01-05-12, 11:17 AM
Congratulations and good luck with the 'little guy'.. lol

01-05-12, 12:26 PM
3 feet in a year? seems a bit small for a green. Or are they significantly slower growing than a retic or burm?

ding ding
01-05-12, 04:10 PM
Congratulations and good luck with the 'little guy'.. lol
thank you very much, i think im gona need it lol...
3 feet in a year? seems a bit small for a green. Or are they significantly slower growing than a retic or burm?

yea man condas dont grow nowhere near as fast as burms or retics. My yellow is around 14 months and is around the same size just not as chunky as the green.

01-05-12, 04:54 PM
thanks man, im not 100% on age but i think hes around a year, going on size... hes about 3ft
First off he a cute little guy.

As for the size 2.5 to 3 foot is the size of a new born. My yellow was 2 foot and a month old when i got him. He grew 3 foot in the first year. I bet anything you have a baby. If he is a year old and that size it could explain why he's biting so much. He may just be super hungry. Any idea how often they were feeding him? I feed all my babies once a week till they hit 6 months old the switch to once every two weeks.

I would try feeding him a small rat once every 6 to 7 days and i bet with in a month he'll start to calm down for you. Maybe even try two the first meal.

01-05-12, 05:06 PM
yea man condas dont grow nowhere near as fast as burms or retics.

Good to know, thanks.

ding ding
01-05-12, 05:14 PM
First off he a cute little guy.

As for the size 2.5 to 3 foot is the size of a new born. My yellow was 2 foot and a month old when i got him. He grew 3 foot in the first year. I bet anything you have a baby. If he is a year old and that size it could explain why he's biting so much. He may just be super hungry. Any idea how often they were feeding him? I feed all my babies once a week till they hit 6 months old the switch to once every two weeks.

I would try feeding him a small rat once every 6 to 7 days and i bet with in a month he'll start to calm down for you. Maybe even try two the first meal.

Thanks man, he could well be younger than i put him, i am only guessing. As far as in aware he changed hands a few times in quick succession before i got him so dont really have much history which would also contribute to him havin a bit of an attitude. He hasnt ate with me yet gona try him this weekend so hopefully once he gets a few feeds in him and he realises hes in a steady home he will calm down. It would be nice if he does but he has a forever home with me even if he stays a complete lunatic lol.

01-05-12, 05:35 PM
Thanks man, he could well be younger than i put him, i am only guessing. As far as in aware he changed hands a few times in quick succession before i got him so dont really have much history which would also contribute to him havin a bit of an attitude. He hasnt ate with me yet gona try him this weekend so hopefully once he gets a few feeds in him and he realises hes in a steady home he will calm down. It would be nice if he does but he has a forever home with me even if he stays a complete lunatic lol.
That's good to here. (the forever home) My Yellow started out mellow then got aggressive, but with work we come to a understanding. I move slow when handling and i never put him down. He knows how to read what i am going to do and me the same with him. I also found keeping the handling secession under 10 minutes he does ok over that is pushing it.

Anyway once he settle in and is eating good i hope he calms down for you.

ding ding
01-05-12, 05:54 PM
That's good to here. (the forever home) My Yellow started out mellow then got aggressive, but with work we come to a understanding. I move slow when handling and i never put him down. He knows how to read what i am going to do and me the same with him. I also found keeping the handling secession under 10 minutes he does ok over that is pushing it.

Anyway once he settle in and is eating good i hope he calms down for you.

yea man i have wanted a green ever since i first seen one when i was a child so i doubt il ever let him go. My yellow on tho other hand is a wee darling. She bit me the first time i picked her up before bringing her home and hasnt bit me since. I tap train her to an extent. She is usually burrowed in her bark so if im taking her out i urn a wee piece of wood to stroke the bark off her and then use it to keep the pointy end away while i lift her up. Once shes in my hand she is happy and will sit there as long as i let her. I made the mistake once of putting her in a tub while i cleaned her viv out but she came out like a lunatic trying to bite me so now if i hav to do maintenance i lift her out let her coil up on one hand and do what i have to do. Can walk about doin whatever and she will quite happily sit there. Thats why i was kinda taken aback by the green as they are ment to be the calm ones lol.sorry about the spelling and 1 big paragraph im on my phone and its making life hard lol.

01-05-12, 06:20 PM
Like yours mine's fine once out as long as he wrap around my arm. The only thing mine does that i don't like is he gets up in my face. I just don't trust him when he does. Knock on wood he hasn't even try to strike or bite in 5 months. Learning to read his mood has made it a lot less stressful when handling on him and me.

ding ding
01-05-12, 06:43 PM
yea man mine likes to go up round the face and im always on edge but been all good so far. If im just sitting chillin i sometimes sit with the hood on my jumpers up and she likes to climb up in and sit on my head using the hood as a wee cave lol. I think she must feel the warmth of my head, i does make me a bit nervous but shes always been good. But like you say once you get to know their wee ways and personality it makes it a bit easier to know what they are going to do and you can be a bit more relaxed.

01-05-12, 06:57 PM
I need to get some new pictures of mine one of these days. My camera been acting up so i am getting new one hopefully this pay check or next. I did a really sweet video of my Yellow on the one i have now and the dam thing wouldn't upload to my computer. So decided it's time to up grade. When i do get it i'll be post pictures and video of him and all my other snakes.

ding ding
01-05-12, 07:03 PM
Sweet man would be nice to see them. Have been toying with investing in a decent camera myself. Im just using my phone at the min but it is 12mp and shoots video in HD so kinda suits my photography skills or lack of i should say lol. But yea definitely looking forward to seein some pics of your lot.

ding ding
01-07-12, 04:46 PM
had my 1st real handling session with the green tonight, its the 1st time i have went anywhere near him in over a week and i cant believe the difference in the wee guy. Lifted him straight outa the viv with no hassles whatsoever. He slithered about on me for a bit then coiled up round my hand and sat there for around 15 mins nice as you like. Soo happy like, things are looking good for him taming down. Even managed to snap a few pics while he was out and my yellow shed today so i will snap some of her tomorrow and get them uploaded on Monday when i get back on the pc in work!

01-07-12, 04:54 PM
Glad to he calming down for you. Can't wait to see them pictures.

ding ding
01-07-12, 04:58 PM
yea man i was all psyced up to get the hand chewed off me and he was completely fine. No striking or flailing of any sort. I was able to let him go through my hands pick him up and move him where i wanted him with no issues at all, hope this is the start of things to come.

01-07-12, 05:06 PM
Got my finger cross for you that he stays this way. Just don't let your guard down around him. I found some Anacondas spook real easy like Blood Pythons do.

01-07-12, 05:51 PM
Nice looking conda. I look forward to seeing more pics.

ding ding
01-07-12, 06:14 PM
Got my finger cross for you that he stays this way. Just don't let your guard down around him. I found some Anacondas spook real easy like Blood Pythons do.
Thanks man yea i think we should be ok if today is anything to go by but yea it will be a long time before i trust this guy like. The fact they dont show any signs of striking before they to keeps ya on edge but things are definitely lookin promising.
Nice looking conda. I look forward to seeing more pics.

Thanks mate more pics coming soon.

01-07-12, 06:50 PM
Congrats on the success with him calming down... I couldn't imagine dealing with a green "Annie" that's in a bad mood :D

01-07-12, 07:37 PM
had my 1st real handling session with the green tonight, its the 1st time i have went anywhere near him in over a week and i cant believe the difference in the wee guy. Lifted him straight outa the viv with no hassles whatsoever. He slithered about on me for a bit then coiled up round my hand and sat there for around 15 mins nice as you like. Soo happy like, things are looking good for him taming down. Even managed to snap a few pics while he was out and my yellow shed today so i will snap some of her tomorrow and get them uploaded on Monday when i get back on the pc in work!

Thats awesome! Thats really the to key having a tame snake... Handle them frequently when they are little so that way when they get bigger, they're as docile as can be.

ding ding
01-08-12, 05:24 AM
Congrats on the success with him calming down... I couldn't imagine dealing with a green "Annie" that's in a bad mood :D
Thanks man, yea it is definitely an experience working with a green that doesnt want to be worked with but a week on his own and time to realise he has a new home has made a world of difference.
Thats awesome! Thats really the to key having a tame snake... Handle them frequently when they are little so that way when they get bigger, they're as docile as can be.

yea man im Well pleased like, just bit the bullet and pulled him out and he was soo calm it was great so he will be out every few days to start with then im gona work up to daily handling and he should be grand.

ding ding
01-09-12, 03:22 AM
As promised here are some more pics of my green, still cant believe the difference in this guy and he didnt really seem to mind at all getting a camera shoved in his face so you will prob get sick of looking at this guy before too long as there will be lots more pics as he grows lol...


thanks for looking...

01-09-12, 03:22 PM
*sigh* If only

01-09-12, 03:27 PM
awesome snake

thanks for posting!

01-09-12, 07:38 PM
As promised here are some more pics of my green, still cant believe the difference in this guy and he didnt really seem to mind at all getting a camera shoved in his face so you will prob get sick of looking at this guy before too long as there will be lots more pics as he grows lol...


thanks for looking...
Love this picture. Don't worry you can never post to many pictures of him.

01-09-12, 10:33 PM
*sigh* If only

I know right? That's got to be my ONLY complaint with these guys, they look really cool until they get huge and chunky.

01-10-12, 01:32 AM
geez that looks painful! Looking forward to more pics of your anaconda :yes:

ding ding
01-10-12, 02:25 AM
thanks alot guys, and dont worry there will be plenty more pics of this guy to come...