View Full Version : DH Sharo sunglow?

01-03-12, 07:18 AM
I have seen regular sunglows before but just saw one that is being sold as a DH Sharp sunglow yet it looks pretty normal to me. So what is a DH sharp? Isn't sharp the name of the original producer of that albino strand?

01-03-12, 07:53 AM
Sharp and Kohl are the two main strains of albino boas. The two strains are incompatible with each other, so a Sharp albino cannot breed a Kohl albino and produce albinos.

Sunglow refers to a hypo albino, meaning the boa carries the gene for hypo as well as the two genes for albino. Sunglows tend to be higher contrast with more orange saddles than do regular albinos.

Since sunglow is a double-gene trait (hypo + albino), a snake would have to be both hypo and het for albino to be considered het for sunglow.
Therefore, a hypo het albino boa is referred to as "double het for sunglow" or "DH sunglow."

You are looking at a hypo het Sharp albino boa. It should look fairly normal, but with a richer red color and reduced black in the saddles. It might also have a good degree of black flecking over it. Hypo boas are still some of my favorites. :)

01-03-12, 08:00 AM
Wow! That made so much sense! Thank you. I love it when I get good answers! +1 for you!

On a side note what would you breed with aforementioned snake to get sunglows?

What if you bred it to another hypo? More hypos and some hets and normals?

What if you bredit to a sharp albino? Albinos, hets and normals?

01-03-12, 08:36 AM
This is what I am up against right now. I have a sunglow that I am breading with a pastel that I have no idea about his genetic make-up. Some say he might be hypo some say not. If he is then my outlook is completely different. I won't know his genetics until the birth of their young :( Lets hope for anything other than all normals ;)