View Full Version : Lobster V. Dubia

01-02-12, 05:06 PM
We all know Lobsters climb and Dubias don't. What about nutritional comparisons? I've long wondered which is the better food item? My hypothesis is that lobsters appear to have a higher meat:shell ratio and thus I believe more beneficial.

Any concrete facts out there to confirm or bust my uneducated guess? Amy other opinions?

01-03-12, 01:19 AM
Really? Not an opinion in the crowd, eh? :hmm:

01-03-12, 04:27 AM
I just recently got dubias. I do not know anything about any of them other than what I have learned here. I know lobster roaches are disgusting and remind me way too much of german browns that infest Florida and I can't stomach them....lol (From Florida)

*Disgusting because they remind me of german browns

01-03-12, 04:45 AM
I read the post, but had no intelligent words to post...

I don't know of any nutritional studies done on roaches.

Wish there was.

01-03-12, 02:06 PM
XD Bahaha when I read lobster I had no clue there was a roach named lobster.. My first thought was O.o sure lobster (may be better???) but that's about $20 a pound (or something that crazily expensive.)
My second thought was "Mmm Lobster"
Third thought after finding out it was a roach.. "Gag, ewww they climb?? Dubia's all the way.. we just gut-load ours with oranges"