View Full Version : UVA / UVB info - Interesting reading.

12-28-11, 07:19 AM
I have been doing research (go figure) on UVA / UVB lighting and wanted to share some of the information I have found for those that are interested. I am pasteing the links so You can educate yourself at your leisure.

[url Copy and paste the link, the editor doesn't like the link. http://web.mac.com/breadnbutterdesign/[CND]/MegaRay_Lamp_Review.html

**Also includes a very informative picture of proper temps/distance according to the output of a Mega ray UVB Bulb


Break down (intense) of UVA & UVB
Articles: ATP's Guide to UV-B Lighting (http://www.austinsturtlepage.com/Articles/guidetolighting.htm)

UVB Meter to ensure the lights are produing the correct levels:
UVHAWK Q3I-UVHAWK UV Tester and Warning Alarm (http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=UVB+Meter&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1&rlz=1I7ADSA_enUS460&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=17494078661117065197&sa=X&ei=8wz7Tr7sNsLs0gGSvNiOAg&ved=0CHUQ8wIwAA)#

Mega-Ray SB 160 watt Self-Ballasted Flood UVB Lamp - ReptileUV (http://www.reptileuv.com/megaray-sb-160-watt-self-ballasted-flood-uvb-lamp.php) - Major $$$ but still informative.

12-28-11, 10:54 AM
i use 2.0 natural sunlight bulbs with my diamond pythons

the rest are ok without them,but i did experiement with 2 pairs of hatchling bredl

the bredl under uvb had a much better colour to them,imo uvb brings out the colour in carpet pythons

cheers shaun

12-29-11, 05:07 AM
I found another website with detailed info on UVB lightening:

UV Guide UK - Ultraviolet Light for Reptiles - UVB reptile lighting on test (http://www.uvguide.co.uk/)

Also very informative concerning damage to the eyes "photo-kerato-conjunctivitis":

Special Report : A problem with some of the new high UVB output fluorescent compact lamps and tubes

UV Lighting for Reptiles: A new problem with high UVB output fluorescent compact lamps and tubes? (http://www.uvguide.co.uk/phototherapyphosphor.htm)

12-29-11, 10:15 AM
i use acrcadia lighting

http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=arcadia%20uvb%20lighting%20pack&source=web&cd=12&sqi=2&ved=0CIwBEBYwCw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.northernpettrade.com%2FLighti ng-from-Arcadia-Abrand_arcadia%2F&ei=dpD8TqjqLYLs-gaxkIT6AQ&usg=AFQjCNFDbJv6rJ_slXWWzYMF3EYm5qmg0g&cad=rja

also arcadia's manager john,keeps flying snakes and is a regular on another forum i use

he's very helpfull guy and a mine of information regards uvb lighting

cheers shaun