View Full Version : Scales falling off of boa constrictor?

12-25-11, 04:58 PM
My friend has these two boas het for albino and the females scales seems to be falling off of her? what can cause this?

12-25-11, 05:10 PM
It could be scale rot. Is her tank clean?

12-25-11, 05:31 PM
If her tank isn't cleaned, or is damp, it could be scale rot. It could also just be from rubbing and scrapping against things. Blue is always falling and hurting herself. >.> Is something wrong with my snake's skin? (http://www.herpcenter.com/ball-pythons/9001-something-wrong-my-snakes-skin.html)

12-25-11, 05:32 PM
Ack double post -kick-

12-25-11, 07:14 PM
He showed me her enclosure and he has a heat rock in there.. tried to tell him that heat rocks are bad.. it's the heat rock that's causing it right?

12-25-11, 07:29 PM
That's what I would think. I hate how they put snakes on heat rock packaging.

12-26-11, 04:46 AM
The part that is coming off, can you describe what it looks like? Scales have a clear protective layer on them, looks like plastic, if that is what is chipping/flaking off, it's because there isn't enough humidity.

12-26-11, 05:18 AM
Unplug the heat rock, get a pair of scissors and chop the wire off, there is NO reason to ever have a heat rock in a snakes enclosure. :no: :sad:

12-26-11, 05:40 AM
Unplug the heat rock, get a pair of scissors and chop the wire off, there is NO reason to ever have a heat rock in a snakes enclosure. :no: :sad:

I do agree. Heat rocks are dangerous. Unless there is a built in thermostat that keeps the temp no higher than 90-95, I don't know if they make those....

12-26-11, 06:37 AM
Unplug the heat rock, get a pair of scissors and chop the wire off, there is NO reason to ever have a heat rock in a snakes enclosure. :no: :sad:

I like what Rob said +1!

But if your friend is a tool tell to leave it plugged in while cutting off the wire.

@ Zaradozia

I think some do have a built in thermostat. I think I saw one at our local pet store.

12-26-11, 09:26 AM
Unplug the heat rock, get a pair of scissors and chop the wire off, there is NO reason to ever have a heat rock in a snakes enclosure. :no: :sad:

I just did this today, i got a heat rock for my beardie (for decor, not for use) lol

12-26-11, 09:40 AM
[quote=KORBIN5895;661082]I like what Rob said +1!

But if your friend is a tool tell to leave it plugged in while cutting off the wire.
