View Full Version : Breits are beautiful too

12-23-11, 08:25 PM
It's been brought to my attention that my brongs are hogging the spotlight in my Blood Python posts, so here's a little Boom-Boom for ya. Boomers is a classic in the Python breitensteini department, and she's Canadian-bred, eh! :)

Unlike my brongs, she's bold and she doesn't shy from *anything*. She's quite comfortable trucking around while people are moving about. She's a great snake and I wouldn't trade her for the World!




12-23-11, 08:32 PM
I don know that I'll ever have my own but I really enjoy seeing pics of the bloods. The T shape on his head is cool. About how much does he weigh?

12-23-11, 08:39 PM
Well, I'd *strongly* recommend a Borneo over a Malaysian if you do ever decide to test your luck with one. Breits are much different than brongs are - usually considerably more mellow.

That T on her head is Fate. She was bred by one Todd and destined for another. I didn't pick her - her previous owner picked me, so I can't help but think it's of significance, lol.

I'd say she's about the same weight as my 10 year old male brong, even though she's about a foot shorter. I'd guestimate her weight at 12-14 pounds. She's heavier than a 10 pound weight, but not as heavy as a 20 and that's all I can tell you for sure, lol. For something as small as she is, she's surprisingly hefty :)

I should add that by no means is she overweight or fat. That's all muscle. She gets tons of exercise to avoid getting pudgy. I don't allow excess weight on any of my animals, it's unhealthy and it shortens their lives. I like to see the muscle tone and feel the potential of their power - it makes me feel like I'm doing the right thing somehow.

12-23-11, 08:50 PM
Oops, her. Yea I meant her. :-) neat story on the T. Fate indeed.

I think black bloods are really cool looking, how are they personality wise?

12-23-11, 08:58 PM
I've never had a Black. There's probably one out there right now trying to find it's way to me though, lol.

I know someone who keeps those and hers sound as moody as my Malaysians (brongersmai) are. She has had times where she's nearly lost her face to them, and times when she's literally been chased out of the room by them, but there are times when they're really quite mellow, but that's just going from what I know of her individuals that I've known for a long time.

For the record, I'd be happy to shoot the breeze with you about these things anytime using the contact info in my profile :)

12-23-11, 09:33 PM
Nice pics!! All of your bloods are gorgeous, and this one is no exception :yes:

12-23-11, 09:37 PM
Nice pics!! All of your bloods are gorgeous, and this one is no exception :yes:

Well thanks so much, Alessia, but it's not just the Bloods, lol. I've got some rockin' Carpet Pythons, some fantastic Rainbow Boas, a great little Royal and a really rare Solomon Island Tree Boa, not to mention the shiniest dog you'll ever see, as well as a French-Canadian roommate. It's an exceptional collection, LOL :P

Visit the Capital sometime and meet the clan! We've got room for tents, lol.

12-23-11, 09:38 PM
Well thanks so much, Alessia, but it's not just the Bloods, lol. I've got some rockin' Carpet Pythons, some fantastic Rainbow Boas, a great little Royal and a really rare Solomon Island Tree Boa, not to mention the shiniest dog you'll ever see, as well as a really bizarre roommate. It's an exceptional collection, LOL :P

oh I know... I've seen your website ;) All of your animals are great!

12-23-11, 10:22 PM
Todd, I may take you up on that one of these days if I ever get serious about a blood. It's still down the road as I'm still very much a beginner. LOL. Maybe sooner though to talk about my JCP not eating.

And I've always wanted to go to Ottawa and skate on the canals. Every time the Penguins play the Sens they show that and it's always been something I wanted to do. Ottawa also has the best national Anthem singer in the business, can't remember his name but he wears a uniform. Awesome.

12-23-11, 10:29 PM
Ottawa is one of the most beautiful cities you'll ever see, and it's steeped in history and innovation, I can guarantee that. It's safe, too. On the down side, it's very much a government town, so there's no such thing as night life, but that's okay 'cause I have a rockin' iTunes Library and lots of room for tents in the yard :)

Bring your own ice and clean-up your own blood, okay? Okay! Good chat :P

12-24-11, 05:10 AM
There's something about these guys that tugs at my heart. When I am ready for another snake I am going to get one of these. I am sure I will have a billion questions for you CD when the times comes. I hope you don't mind. :)

12-24-11, 06:09 AM
There's something about these guys that tugs at my heart. When I am ready for another snake I am going to get one of these. I am sure I will have a billion questions for you CD when the times comes. I hope you don't mind. :)

I can talk herps all day and I'm always happy to help where I can, so feel free to pick my brain anytime. It's just sitting there doing nothing, so I might as well put it to some use :D

12-24-11, 07:29 AM
Well, I'd *strongly* recommend a Borneo over a Malaysian if you do ever decide to test your luck with one. Breits are much different than brongs are - usually considerably more mellow.
I can testify to that. Borneo are much mellower. Also weather it be Bloods or Borneos I think it's more a male female thing. Every female i have had or met was mellow and laid back. The male tend to be more high strung and willing to bite. At least from my experience that what i seen.

BTW Boom Boom looking good.

12-24-11, 08:07 AM
Awesome looking blood. A friend of mine got into them a long time ago, because you can still have an impressive size blood without going over the 6' Des Moines limit (he still doesnt have his permit yet). Ive seen them first hand and I was impressed with what he had. All of his snakes are and were tame and handleable just because he handled them a lot. We even had a borneo for a short time and she was no exception.

12-24-11, 08:19 AM
For sure there are much more mellow individuals, but speaking for my brongs, it doesn't matter how much I handle them - they're almost always the same and have never really gotten over feeling threatened when people move around them. While one does have times when it bothered less than usual, the other brong is just a bundle of nerves (but he's still only 2 1/2 and will likely be bothered less by movement once he gains more size).

I can and do handle all 3 regularly, but Boom-Boom is certainly the easiest because nothing phases her. Perhaps there's something behind Chuck's male/female attitude theory :)

12-24-11, 09:19 AM
There can be so much variance in the attitudes of these guys. I've been lucky enough to never own one that was agressive, or even really that was defensive. Mine have the occasional off day where they are clearly a little agitated, but those don't seem to come very often.

I'd agree with Todd about breits being a little easier going though. My brongs are quite tame, my breit is a puppy without fear.

Part of me thinks it's a shame that more people don't keep bloods; part of me is plenty happy to be a little unique in keeping them.

BTW, my breit is related to the one that Todd has posted. Same mom for sure (not sure whether or not they have the same dad) and produced by the same Canadian Todd from Alberta.

12-24-11, 11:31 AM
That snake is awesome! Congrats on having her!