View Full Version : rtb not eating

12-23-11, 06:15 PM
i just got a rtb almost 2 weeks ago and she (rosy)isnt eating ive tried 3 times at diferant times the 1st time she struck but didnt do any thing else.i was told that she was aeting avery 2 week on the 1 and the 15.

12-23-11, 08:18 PM
What is your set up like...temp, size, substrate...?

12-23-11, 08:30 PM
hello and welcome

with only having had her 2 weeks and her already had 3 feeding attempts.i would give her more time to settle in and feel secure,before trying to feed her again

don't handle her until you get her eating regular

only go near her to change her water once every 4 or 5 days

are rosy boa's burrowers ? if so make sure she has the correct substrate to a depth of their liking (sorry but i only keep carpet pythons,a rosy keeper should be along shortly)

you want to keep her in a nice quiet spot in the house,then leave her in peace to settle and feel secure,after that i'm sure she will start to eat

2 weeks of not eating is NOT a long time for a snake.they can go months without eating with no ill effect

i'd leave her alone for 7 to 10 days before i attempted another feed

please let us know how it goes

the answers to spooky's question,will help rosy boa keepers rule certain things out and give them a little more insight

cheers shaun

12-23-11, 08:48 PM
i have a glass fish tank 5'x18"x2' it has a wood top that opens on one side the cool side the timp is 72 80 the hot side is 90 95 humidity is 55 60% unless i mist then it goes up.

12-23-11, 08:53 PM
rosy is her name she is a columbian red tail LOL.and i will do my verry best not to handle her thats going to be hard.and i will keep you posted thank you

12-23-11, 08:53 PM
i have a glass fish tank 5'x18"x2' it has a wood top that opens on one side the cool side the timp is 72 80 the hot side is 90 95 humidity is 55 60% unless i mist then it goes up.

thats great,there will be rosy boa keepers on the forum that can help you out

sorry as said its only carpet pythons i keep,so i'm not up on my rosy boa husbandry.

cheers shaun

12-23-11, 09:02 PM
i think my next snake i going to by a coastal carpet from every thing that ive read about them i like.im hoping by middle of 2012.i first want to get my red tail adjusted to her new home.

12-23-11, 11:01 PM
Hey Shaun the snake is named Rosy. It is a bci.

Welcome Nick. How old is she? How big? And is she on live or frozen thawed?

12-23-11, 11:12 PM
Hey Shaun the snake is named Rosy. It is a bci.

Welcome Nick. How old is she? How big? And is she on live or frozen thawed?

I don't think it was mentioned if it was a bci.

12-23-11, 11:18 PM
[QUOTE=nickseran;660331]i have a glass fish tank 5'x18"x2' it has a wood top that opens on one side the cool side the timp is 72 80 the hot side is 90 95 humidity is 55 60% unless i mist then it goes up.

Do not let temperatures drop below 75 degrees. The cooler side of the tank should be mid-80s.

Give your snake time to settle a stressed snake will not feed. Try again in 7-10 days, at night.

12-23-11, 11:22 PM
I don't think it was mentioned if it was a bci.

Is a Colombian red tail a bcc?

Nick posted in slot 5 " rosy is her name she is a columbian red tail LOL.and i will do my verry best not to handle her thats going to be hard.and i will keep you posted thank you"

12-24-11, 05:14 AM
Hyas & Welcome! Hang tight, a specialist will be along shortly. Like Shaun said, 2 weeks without eating is nothing to a snake. It's like us skipping breakfast and lunch.

12-24-11, 09:46 AM
the person that i got here from fed here in here cage on live med rats and she is suposed to be alittle over a year and she is approx 3'7"

12-24-11, 09:57 AM
and i dont know if she is bcc or bci or what that means.ps thank you to all who have replied.

Ridge Runner_20
12-24-11, 11:23 AM
and i dont know if she is bcc or bci or what that means.ps thank you to all who have replied.

BCC = Boa constrictor constrictor - True red-tailed boas from South America, ie Suriname, Guyana, Peruvian, etc.

BCI = Boa constrictor imperator - Typically Colombian boas, encompassing many different localities, ie Colombian, Hog Island, Cay Caulkers, etc.

They are all the same species, just recognized as different sub-species, based on general size, coloration and pattern. Taxonomy is a VERY inexact science. :suspicious:

RR_20 (Mike)

12-24-11, 11:52 AM
so i think she is a colombian boa.

01-02-12, 10:36 AM
So rosie went into bleu on the 28th and she finely shed on 1/1-2/2012.i havent handled her sence the 23rd as suggested by jay0133.im going to feed her tonight (i hope she is ready).lesson 1 patience

01-02-12, 11:41 AM
So rosie went into bleu on the 28th and she finely shed on 1/1-2/2012.i havent handled her sence the 23rd as suggested by jay0133.im going to feed her tonight (i hope she is ready).lesson 1 patience

i wish you all the best in getting her to feed,let us know how it goes mate

cheers shaun

01-02-12, 01:19 PM
Good luck... And your right about lesson one, patience is the key. :)

01-08-12, 11:52 AM
:suspicious:ok rosie still hasent eaten.she had a good shed all in one piece and i was hope full that she would eat after that but she didnt:( i think since the person that i bought her fed her in her cage she is having a hard time adjusting to eating in a tub.so this is what im doing im giving her tub time and just letting her hang out in the tub with out feeding her just tub time.ive taken a piece of the mat from her cage and put it in the tub also i worm up the tub to about the same temp as the cage.so Lord willen and a good plan rosie will be eating good soon.

01-08-12, 12:26 PM
:suspicious:ok rosie still hasent eaten.she had a good shed all in one piece and i was hope full that she would eat after that but she didnt:( i think since the person that i bought her fed her in her cage she is having a hard time adjusting to eating in a tub.so this is what im doing im giving her tub time and just letting her hang out in the tub with out feeding her just tub time.ive taken a piece of the mat from her cage and put it in the tub also i worm up the tub to about the same temp as the cage.so Lord willen and a good plan rosie will be eating good soon.

Why not just feed her in her home so that there is no stress involved for the snake being moved around all the time?? It is usually recommended to have zero interaction (apart from changing water) with any non feeding snake so you could then leave the snake alone and try to feed it in 7-10 days time in its tank (i place prey items on a plastic plate to avoid substrate being ingested)

01-08-12, 12:30 PM
Why not just feed her in her home so that there is no stress involved for the snake being moved around all the time?? It is usually recommended to have zero interaction (apart from changing water) with any non feeding snake so you could then leave the snake alone and try to feed it in 7-10 days time in its tank (i place prey items on a plastic plate to avoid substrate being ingested)

i agree with rob 100%

why feed in a tub,when the snake feels most secure in its tank

imo your only putting your snake through more stress using this method

cheers shaun

01-08-12, 01:03 PM
my concern is that when she get bigger that she will mistake me for food when i get her out of the cage. from what ive herd its not a good practice to feed inside the cage.thats why ive been trying to get her to eat out side of the cage.how ever i dont want to freek my snake out ether:unhappy:

01-08-12, 01:08 PM
my concern is that when she get bigger that she will mistake me for food when i get her out of the cage. from what ive herd its not a good practice to feed inside the cage.thats why ive been trying to get her to eat out side of the cage.how ever i dont want to freek my snake out ether:unhappy:

Working on this theory that each time you open the cage it will think you are food - everytime you take it out of the cage it will also think you are food.

We all go into our vivs daily to check water, spot clean etc and only once in every 7-14 days do the snakes get food - there are obviously exceptions but snakes will not mistake you for food unless you handle rodents and dont wash your hands before reaching in the viv.

01-08-12, 01:11 PM
my concern is that when she get bigger that she will mistake me for food when i get her out of the cage. from what ive herd its not a good practice to feed inside the cage.thats why ive been trying to get her to eat out side of the cage.how ever i dont want to freek my snake out ether:unhappy:

if you apply that exact same logic to taking her out the tank to feed,then surely she will associate being taken out with food and get bitey when taken out

i feed carpets into double figures in their tanks and only 1 carpets a biter and he's been like that from a hatchling

if your snake was associating doors opening with food,then biting everytime the door opened,surely it would make the same assumption about being taken out

you really need to let the snake settle in and feel secure in its tank

as a rule i do not handle snakes until they are eating regular,4 to 8 feeds

until then i only go near their tanks to change their water every 5 to 7 days

i'm not having a go at you pal,just explaining how to settle a snake into new surroundings

cheers shaun

01-08-12, 01:14 PM
I beat you too it Shaun :)

01-08-12, 01:24 PM
I beat you too it Shaun :)

you certainly did mate

i always find it strange why folk only apply that logic,to the one part that suits their beliefs;)

they don't apply it to both parts of the equasion

not being cheeky

cheers shauin

01-08-12, 01:59 PM
ok i get it and yes i have thought about the different ways of feeding (that is )in cage/out of cage and what the snake may associate with feeding.i made that decision from what ive read and herd from others.so ill start feeding in the cage ill would like to start to night what do you think?
ps.thank you for your input.:D

01-08-12, 02:12 PM
my concern is that when she get bigger that she will mistake me for food when i get her out of the cage. from what ive herd its not a good practice to feed inside the cage.thats why ive been trying to get her to eat out side of the cage.how ever i dont want to freek my snake out ether:unhappy:

That is actually a very common misconception. When you feed a snake in a tub, you actually put yourself at more of a risk of getting bitten. This is because once your snake has eaten in the tub, it is still in feeding mode. This means that you have to grab your snake out of the tub and move it back to the tank while it is in feeding mode. It's a great way to get bit, actually.

The REAL issue with feeding snakes in their enclosure is fear and risk of impaction. If you have your snake on a particle substrate and it accidentally ingests it while it is swallowing its prey, they can become impacted. The safest substrate for a snake is paper towels, newspaper, tank lining, linoleum, or tile.

There are other measures you can take to prevent mistaking your hand for food. My favorite method is snake hook training. When you open the enclosure, gently touch your snake with a snake hook when you are not intending on feeding it. Once the snake realizes it isn't food coming into the tank, you can pick it up with the hook or your hands. When you are intending on feeding your snake, don't use the hook. Simply open the tank, drop in the prey, close the tank, and walk away. Easy enough.

01-08-12, 02:21 PM
verry good info and mutch appreciated.i never even thought about getting bit taking the snake out of the tub(du).:shocked:
and i use a grass like mat on the bottum of her tank so she wont choke on any thing.i feeling alittle bit better about feeding in her tank now thank you.also the snake hook idea sound great:D

01-08-12, 06:46 PM
:Dso rosie just ate with in 10 min of putting the rat in the cage awsome im so relieved.

01-08-12, 06:51 PM
Congrats, bet that's some weight off your shoulders :)

01-08-12, 06:53 PM
Great news man. I'm very new to this, but one thing i've found out is the folks on this forum know their stuff and the advice they give is pretty spot on.


01-08-12, 08:32 PM
Glad to hear. A lot of keepers stress when their snakes wont eat, it's no big deal.

01-08-12, 10:20 PM
thats great news pal

you'll be able to relax now

i also can never relax properly until a new snake feeds:hmm:

cheers shaun

01-08-12, 10:33 PM
verry releived and thankfull thank you all big time!