View Full Version : Brazilian Babes

12-21-11, 12:17 PM
Now that I have your attention, enjoy!

12-21-11, 12:18 PM
That tree thingy is sick! Where'd you get it? :D
Nice boas BTW

12-21-11, 12:19 PM
That tree thingy is sick! Where'd you get it? :D
Nice boas BTW

Thanks! I picked up the driftwood at Scott Smith's All Animal Expo.

12-21-11, 12:20 PM
Very cute!!

12-21-11, 12:50 PM
Very nice. Some of the care sheets I've seen for BRBs say they are semi-arboreal. But when I look at youtube videos of them they're invariably hiding somewhere. Do you find that yours climb around much? I really like BRBs but I'd like to make a nice naturalistic enclosure for them (way down the road) but not sure if it would be worth it if they hide 23 1/2 hours a day.

12-21-11, 12:55 PM
If you want a nice active snake to decorate a viv for I recommend a garter. (or two :D)
I don't own any but I come across them in the wild fairly often.
I'm sure Wayne can attest to that.

12-21-11, 01:03 PM
Very nice. Some of the care sheets I've seen for BRBs say they are semi-arboreal. But when I look at youtube videos of them they're invariably hiding somewhere. Do you find that yours climb around much? I really like BRBs but I'd like to make a nice naturalistic enclosure for them (way down the road) but not sure if it would be worth it if they hide 23 1/2 hours a day.

Hi Norm. Mine definitely hide during the day. In fact, I've only seen Cici out at night. The two new girls I got just over a week ago I haven't seen out at night yet. But j have every one of my snakes in a natural-looking viv. It's murder on the electric bill, and my wife probably won't allow all 3 BRB's in such larege enclosures when they grow out of their 5, 10 and 20 gal tanks respectively.

But definitely not diurnal (daytime) snakes.

12-21-11, 01:13 PM
Those are some sexy Brazilians... Stunning :)
Usually 90% of the time my brb is hiding as well.. However sasha has been out exploring a lot over the last 2 weeks. My gf said she was out today all day while I was at work. :D
I've found that they climb more when they're young if given the chance, but with age and size increase they become less prone to climb. Just my own experiences so far.

12-21-11, 01:18 PM
Thanks Jay! They appreciate the compliment! When I first got these two new girls, Cici was out and about "sniffing" around like crazy! See, for now I've got their three enclosures in one giant tank, so they share the heat/humidity, so she was definitely interested in who ever was invading her space. Guess she had to check out her future breeding competition! (-:

12-21-11, 01:22 PM
I'm sure they'll make some stunning worms. Are they as light on they're back and dorsal as they look in those pics? Or were the pictures taken in the evening/night when they get "whitewall".

12-21-11, 01:31 PM
I'm sure they'll make some stunning worms. Are they as light on they're back and dorsal as they look in those pics? Or were the pictures taken in the evening/night when they get "whitewall".

Yes! The colors really came out nice. I just took those today, right before posting, so those are daytime colors. They all have some really nice whitewalls at night. Minnie's "pearls" look really cool at night.

Great, now I've gotta post some night pics. Thanks a lot Jay!

CK SandBoas
12-21-11, 01:46 PM
Beautiful Brazilians!! My adult male tends to hide quite a bit during the day, but at the moment, his head is poking out from underneath his bedding. He reminds me of my Sand Boas, with only his head visible:p

12-21-11, 01:51 PM
Beautiful Brazilians!! My adult male tends to hide quite a bit during the day, but at the moment, his head is poking out from underneath his bedding. He reminds me of my Sand Boas, with only his head visible:p

Thanks KK. I'm sorry. I can't believe you have an adult male. I think I'm gonna have to sees PICTURE as proof. :crazy2:

CK SandBoas
12-21-11, 01:59 PM
Thanks KK. I'm sorry. I can't believe you have an adult male. I think I'm gonna have to sees PICTURE as proof. :crazy2:

Here ya go! This is Pedro, my 10 year old sweetie:)



Cruddy cell phone pic, i know, lol

12-21-11, 02:10 PM
Here ya go! This is Pedro, my 10 year old sweetie:)



Cruddy cell phone pic, i know, lol

He's awesome! Very handsome red color. I cannot wait until these girls start to color up like that. Very nice KK, thanks!

CK SandBoas
12-21-11, 02:13 PM
He's awesome! Very handsome red color. I cannot wait until these girls start to color up like that. Very nice KK, thanks!

You're very welcome:D And thank you for the very nice compliment on my big boy!

12-21-11, 02:13 PM
my little guy would climb on the vine/tree thing that I had in his 20 gallon, but he's in a tub now so he doesn't have the opportunity to climb. I've been seeing him out and about more and more during the "day" lately. That can probably be attributed to the fact the daylight hours are so short now his normal waking up "time" is no really early.

12-21-11, 02:39 PM
Here's a few recent pics of my female brb if u fancy a look.. http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/epicrates/89333-sasha-s-updated-pics.html (hope that works... Sorry it's a thread link, on my iPhone so can't post pics.)

*strutter*... thats a nice lookin male u got there, how long is he at his age?

12-21-11, 03:37 PM
[QUOTE=*strutter*... thats a nice lookin male u got there, how long is he at his age?[/QUOTE]

I can't take credit for that big guy. KK Gal is his proud human. Thanks for re-posting those pics. I really like the fact BRB's only get more and more colorful growing up, but the anticipation is killing me! These girls from Dave Colling are gonna be head-turners like yours & KK's. Their parents are just amazing.

12-21-11, 03:42 PM
Ah sorry, looked at the wrong post lol... Kkgal-- he's stunning, how long is he?

CK SandBoas
12-21-11, 03:51 PM
Ah sorry, looked at the wrong post lol... Kkgal-- he's stunning, how long is he?

I'd say around 5 1/2 feet, give or take a few inches. Hard to get an accurate measurement when your specimen won't stay still, lol

12-21-11, 04:27 PM
Lol... If only they fell asleep in a straight line eh.. I remember someone on here saying to lie a snake near a wall and it will naturally follow the wall and stretch out.

12-21-11, 04:54 PM
Lol... If only they fell asleep in a straight line eh.. I remember someone on here saying to lie a snake near a wall and it will naturally follow the wall and stretch out.

I have used this method a few times with great results.

12-21-11, 05:08 PM
Nice pics! I really like that tree thing too. Great for photos :D Nice BRBs :) :)

12-21-11, 05:52 PM
Great photos!!!!

I've found that they climb more when they're young if given the chance, but with age and size increase they become less prone to climb. Just my own experiences so far.
Jay is 100% correct. The "semi arboreal" fact, much like the high end temp of 90 degrees, is a myth that has somehow survived.

Beautiful Brazilians!! My adult male tends to hide quite a bit during the day, but at the moment, his head is poking out from underneath his bedding. He reminds me of my Sand Boas, with only his head visible
Mine do that a lot as well: completely hidden except for their head, which they then proceed to watch my every more with.


12-21-11, 06:02 PM
Nice pics! I really like that tree thing too. Great for photos :D Nice BRBs :) :)

Thanks Alessia. Its actually the first time I've used that for a background. I think I'll be using it much more in the future. Well, at least until my yet-to-be-chosen additions get to big for it! (-:

12-21-11, 06:07 PM
Thanks Cliff. Off to Facebook I go!

12-21-11, 06:45 PM
Thanks for the info. Funny how things stick that aren't really true. It's part of why makes the pace so valuable.

KK - love Pedro. Great head shot.

01-09-12, 12:51 AM
I might've already posted these, but even if I had, please enjoy again:

01-09-12, 12:58 AM
Are there ever enough?

01-13-12, 10:58 PM
I had to take a hit for these! Well worth it. Enjoy!

01-13-12, 11:02 PM
Part deaux.... (Did I spell that right?)

01-16-12, 02:50 PM
I had to take a hit for these! Well worth it. Enjoy!
:::mental image of owner getting beaten up for his snake "fix"::: ;-)

Are these new?

01-16-12, 04:11 PM
:::mental image of owner getting beaten up for his snake "fix"::: ;-)

Are these new?

I picked these up from Dave a month or so ago, so yeah, somewhat new. I'm waiting for two of the three girls to shed so the can eat. I haven't checked today... They're really close.

01-16-12, 04:23 PM
Somewhat disappointed. :P

01-16-12, 04:27 PM
Somewhat disappointed. :P

Disappointed? How is that even possible? :hmm:

01-16-12, 05:09 PM
Hi Norm. Mine definitely hide during the day. In fact, I've only seen Cici out at night. The two new girls I got just over a week ago I haven't seen out at night yet. But j have every one of my snakes in a natural-looking viv. It's murder on the electric bill, and my wife probably won't allow all 3 BRB's in such larege enclosures when they grow out of their 5, 10 and 20 gal tanks respectively.

But definitely not diurnal (daytime) snakes.

My 1 beardie alone with 1 basking bulb (75 watt) 1 uvb (15 watt) on for 14 hours and 1 heat pad (15watt) on for 10 hours is KILLER on my electric bill but how is heat tape?

01-16-12, 07:25 PM
Strutter, the pics are nice. But since they are due for a shed, I demand post-shed pics :yes: :p :p

CK SandBoas
01-16-12, 07:27 PM
[quote=alessia55;669550]Strutter, the pics are nice. But since they are due for a shed, I demand post-shed pics :yes: :p :p[/quote

I so agree with Alessia! Those babes should look absolutely stunning in their new skin, so pics as soon as possible:D

01-16-12, 07:39 PM
Ahhhh, demands from beautiful women. Does it get any better than that? Ladies, you have my word. In fact, I will be checking tonight for sheds. If I find any, there may be feeding pics to share too! Stand by. It won't be long now, their lights just went out. I'll check right after Armageddon. The movie. Lol. They're just about to take off for the asteroid!

CK SandBoas
01-16-12, 07:41 PM
Ahhhh, demands from beautiful women. Does it get any better than that? Ladies, you have my word. In fact, I will be checking tonight for sheds. If I find any, there may be feeding pics to share too! Stand by. It won't be long now, their lights just went out. I'll check right after Armageddon. The movie. Lol. They're just about to take off for the asteroid!

I'm glad the end of the world hasn't arrived just yet, lol:D

01-16-12, 07:56 PM
I didn't want anyone to think I was turning this into another 12/21/12 thread. Hahaha

CK SandBoas
01-16-12, 07:58 PM
Can't wait to see the post shed pics, if the babes cooperated that is:D

01-16-12, 08:08 PM
Yay!! Always happy to see more pictures....

01-16-12, 09:54 PM
Well, as is typical, the girls didn't do their part. (Hey! Who typed that?!) No one shed, but since Andi shed last week, I figured shed be hungry. So, while I was in the freezer, I just got food for everyone. Buuuut, all is not lost! Meet me in the Boa forum in 10 minutes!

01-18-12, 07:38 PM
Still no shedinng goin' on. I've upped the humidity a bit to help move things along.

Ok, by show of hands, how many are surprised to learn that Spartacus is not coming any time soon? Anyone? Nah, I didn't think so. Not only is it a TERRIBLY irresponsible decision at this point in time, but I've got a LOT to learn about genetics before I decide what males get to make babies with my girls. They're going to have a lot of responsibility, and in order to select the right males, I need to be SURE they ate going to get me further down a path, that leads to one of my goals.

So, nose back in the book, and OUT of the Classifieds!

CK SandBoas
01-18-12, 07:41 PM
Still no shedinng goin' on. I've upped the humidity a bit to help move things along.

Ok, by show of hands, how many are surprised to learn that Spartacus is not coming any time soon? Anyone? Nah, I didn't think so. Not only is it a TERRIBLY irresponsible decision at this point in time, but I've got a LOT to learn about genetics before I decide what males get to make babies with my girls. They're going to have a lot of responsibility, and in order to select the right males, I need to be SURE they ate going to get me further down a path, that leads to one of my goals.

So, nose back in the book, and OUT of the Classifieds!

Smart Decision, Roy. In the long run, not only will it better you as a breeder, your animals will benefit from your knowledge also.:)

01-18-12, 07:45 PM
Ok, by show of hands, how many are surprised to learn that Spartacus is not coming any time soon? Anyone? Nah, I didn't think so. Not only is it a TERRIBLY irresponsible decision at this point in time, but I've got a LOT to learn about genetics before I decide what males get to make babies with my girls. They're going to have a lot of responsibility, and in order to select the right males, I need to be SURE they ate going to get me further down a path, that leads to one of my goals.

I typed this into google translate..... Ok, by show of hands, how many are surprised to learn that Spartacus is not coming any time soon? Anyone? Nah, I didn't think so. My wife found out and cancelled the cheque lol

CK SandBoas
01-18-12, 07:47 PM
Ok, by show of hands, how many are surprised to learn that Spartacus is not coming any time soon? Anyone? Nah, I didn't think so. Not only is it a TERRIBLY irresponsible decision at this point in time, but I've got a LOT to learn about genetics before I decide what males get to make babies with my girls. They're going to have a lot of responsibility, and in order to select the right males, I need to be SURE they ate going to get me further down a path, that leads to one of my goals.

I typed this into google translate Ok, by show of hands, how many are surprised to learn that Spartacus is not coming any time soon? Anyone? Nah, I didn't think so. My wife found out and cancelled the cheque

LMAO!!!!! Swany, you must be a mind reader:D

01-18-12, 08:09 PM
:mad:You guys crack me up! In all honesty, it was going to be purchased by my cousin (the previous owner of Heath & Heather), since she was initially going to be a silent partner" in this idea of breeding g. She has a degree in biology with an emphasis on genetics. So, the plan was that she would help select animals (mostly Ball Pythons), tell us what she would like to see produced, and Marcy and I would do all the "behind the scenes" stuff, house the animals, brumate, breed, care for, etc.. Well, like most things, those ideas quickly vanished, and here I am with a new addiction, err, ummm, a new PASSION!

To be honest with you, I've never in my life wanted anything so badly as I want to succeed at this! I really want to be mentioned in the same sentence as all the big names we already know and learn from right here on this board and in others. That's why I get so excited about all these animals. I see in my mind what I want to do to make generations even better than the last.

But in this thing they call "life," or "reality" or whatever its called, I truly have many other, unfortunately more important (well, at least to some, apparently) priorities that need money thrown at them.

I thought all I had to say was "I reject your reality and substitute that of my own!" and that would be enough. Magically, Spartacus would appear on my frond doorstep after our next 40° night. Then, here comes Mr. Reality slapping me in the face, again!

Man, I hate that guy!!

01-18-12, 08:12 PM
Sorry Roy. Was it a cheap shot ?

CK SandBoas
01-18-12, 08:15 PM
I'm sorry Roy:(

01-18-12, 08:47 PM
Sorry Roy. Was it a cheap shot ?

No way mate! No offense taken at all! All in good fun my friend.

01-18-12, 08:47 PM
I'm sorry Roy:(

Why is everyone apologizing to me? What happened?

01-18-12, 08:49 PM
No way mate! No offense taken at all! All in good fun my friend.

Cool man ;-)

01-22-12, 08:11 PM
It's been a while sine the girls have made an appearance, but Cici and Minnie are back to show off some new skin!

CK SandBoas
01-22-12, 08:14 PM
Roy, those babes are truly gorgeous!!

01-22-12, 08:16 PM
And Ms. Cici

01-22-12, 08:26 PM
Nice! I really like Minnie a lot :yes:

01-22-12, 08:32 PM
Roy, those babes are truly gorgeous!!

Thanks Chris! They spend altogether too much time in their enclosures! I like to let them "stretch their belly scales" as often as I can. :-D

CK SandBoas
01-22-12, 08:35 PM
Now that i no longer have a dog, i want to have Pedro stretch his "legs" more often=)

01-22-12, 08:35 PM
Nice! I really like Minnie a lot :yes:

Ty! Im really wondering how she's going to "color up." Now to me, she looks brown/beige, whereas Cici and Andi are turning really nice shades of reds.

01-22-12, 08:40 PM
I keep "finding" reason to mess with their enclosure, just to be doing somethin' with them
It's a shame they hide all darn day!

CK SandBoas
01-22-12, 08:44 PM
I keep "finding" reason to mess with their enclosure, just to be doing somethin' with them
It's a shame they hide all darn day!

When they get older, they might become more visible, especially at night. There are times Pedro will just be chilling on, not in, his hide when i come home from work in the late afternoon:)

01-22-12, 09:02 PM
I would like to see that each night. I remember when I first got into snakes, it was all about "Red Tails." (Of course back then I also thought Lucy was a true Red Tail. I couldn't care less about Rainbows until one day Marcy and I had a table at the All Animal Expo (selling Madagascan and Lobster roaches)and one of the vendors had a couple he was selling a couple BRB's.. I think he had one left that I didn't really have any interest it. Then I saw a picture of one of the parents in FULL whitewall (Metachrosis)! I was like "WTH IS THAT?!" and the guy selling them didn't really have much to say other than "They seem to do that mostly at night."

That was it. I was hooked. Big time! It made me so mad (still does) that none of the very few rainbows I could find displayed this coloration, because of course, it was during the day. Even now, if I stumble across a BRB breeder's site (Hey! It could happen!), neither the pictures of their collection or babies show the animal whitewalling.

So, one of the many things I look for when choosing a BRB, is the "higher white sides."

And now you know... the rest of the story!

CK SandBoas
01-22-12, 09:06 PM
Hopefully yours develop the really high white sides, because Pedro did not, his are more of a beige color when they come out. Oh well, can't have everything in life, lol

01-22-12, 09:12 PM
I see that in the picture of him that you posted. He is so cool! I cannot wait to have a living showpiece that spectacular! (No offense, Lucy! You're beautiful in your own right!)

CK SandBoas
01-22-12, 09:14 PM
I see that in the picture of him that you posted. He is so cool! I cannot wait to have a living showpiece that spectacular! (No offense, Lucy! You're beautiful in your own right!)

Yours are going to be showpieces, that's for sure! I would love to gert a girlfriend for Pedro, but space is very limited right now, so it will have to wait.:(

01-22-12, 09:18 PM
I know a place where he can find some real hotties in a few short years. These are expensive call girls though, not your average dames! Lol

CK SandBoas
01-22-12, 09:20 PM
I know a place where he can find some real hotties in a few short years. These are expensive call girls though, not your average dames! Lol

High class only for my big boy! lol

01-22-12, 09:22 PM
High class only for my big boy! lol

Class doesn't get any higher than this, Baby. :shocked:

CK SandBoas
01-22-12, 09:24 PM
Class doesn't get any higher than this, Baby. :shocked:

Trust me, i've been drooling over his BRB'S for a couple of years now, i would love to aquire a truly beautiful female from him:)

01-22-12, 09:28 PM
Trust me, i've been drooling over his BRB'S for a couple of years now, i would love to aquire a truly beautiful female from him:)

Well then there're a couple sites you're gonna need to stay away from: Rainbow...

Well, you'll figure out which are the dangerous ones. You know, the the sites that make it impossible to keep money in any of your bank accounts. :angry:

CK SandBoas
01-22-12, 09:32 PM
Well then there're a couple sites you're gonna need to stay away from: Rainbow...

Well, you'll figure out which are the dangerous ones. You know, the the sites that make it impossible to keep money in any of your bank accounts. :angry:

I am glad space is limited, because it makes it easier for me to keep my money in my pocket. I also want to add a few more Sand Boas to my collection as well, lol

01-22-12, 09:38 PM
You'll see I commented specifically on one of your Sands in the headshots forum.

CK SandBoas
01-22-12, 09:46 PM
You'll see I commented specifically on one of your Sands in the headshots forum.

I did see that!! She seriously does look like a fish in that photo, lol

01-23-12, 04:36 PM
Ty! Im really wondering how she's going to "color up." Now to me, she looks brown/beige, whereas Cici and Andi are turning really nice shades of reds.
Brazilians typically reach adult coloration somewhere between 18 and 30 months of age.

I keep "finding" reason to mess with their enclosure, just to be doing somethin' with them

It's a shame they hide all darn day!
You'll have more luck finding them out and about around dawn and dusk. My snakes become very active just after the "sun" sets. If a light comes on after that, many of them will be frozen right outside of their hides waiting to see what moves.

Even now, if I stumble across a BRB breeder's site (Hey! It could happen!), neither the pictures of their collection or babies show the animal whitewalling.
Check our Facebook page. ;-)

02-18-12, 05:31 PM
Who doesn't like feeding day? Got an added bonus shed from Andi too....in one perfect piece of course. As I sit here watching (when I should be doing chores), Cici has thought about eating her lunch about nine (9) times now and still hasn't taken it.

I want to take more pics since she's all over her tank, but I moreso don't want to disturb her at all. Enjoy!

02-18-12, 05:40 PM
Forgot one.

02-18-12, 08:56 PM
So that's how she shed so well...you gave her scissors! ;-)

02-18-12, 08:59 PM
So that's how she shed so well...you gave her scissors! ;-)

Hahaha! Notice I didn't show her belly scales!

I never know what to use for size reference and grabbed something recognized worldwide.