View Full Version : Capetonian's snakes!
12-21-11, 09:18 AM
Hi there, ... after my introduction (see here some of you prompted me to post pics of my corn. There are lots more on the way, ... and I will soon post some pics of my old collection.
Anyway, here is my Corn, she's a Butter and I picked her up at the Houten reptile show in Houten (NL) last week:
Here she is after eating 3 (small!) pinkies.
Close up of her head.
Here is a pic of her in her current housing. Small snakes really do not need a larger bin/terrarium/cage to live in, more space = less security.
I also keep all new snakes on white kitchen towell or newspaper for the first three weeks. This makes it a lot easier to spot mite, other parisite or any other abnormalities that you might notice when using a different substrate.
12-21-11, 09:23 AM
Oh, forget to mention that she is from SERPENTARIUM.CZ – Tomáš Pohl, Police nad Metují, Czech Republic ( The had some lovely 2011 corns on thier table but I knew that if I picked up more than one snake things would go completely wrong ;-)
I keep referring to her as 'she', that's because I have not decided on a name for here. Candidate names are Buttercup, Maya, Honey, ... any more suggestions?
12-21-11, 09:43 AM
She looks wonderful, Congrats :) and I really like the name Honey!
Wow. Very pretty corn you have there. Names? How about Parkay? (a brand of margarine, but it *looks* like butter). LOL.
12-21-11, 10:23 AM
Awesome little corn.... Congrats :D
12-21-11, 11:18 AM
good looking little one, my vote is for buttercup.
Congrats! My female butter motley is named Buttercup.
Here are all my corns.
12-24-11, 05:02 AM
Congrats! My female butter motley is named Buttercup.
Here are all my corns.
I checked out your corns , .. wow, you really have some stunning snakes there.
Thanks! I just love them!
She's amazing! I love the color and her little face is just so cute. :D You make me want to go out and get a butter.
01-08-12, 03:31 PM
Hi there guys.
Earlier I mentioned having purchased two snakes that I still neede to pick up ... wel, I finally managed to make it to the North of Holland, actually almost into Germany to pick up my snakes.
The breeder (Gerard Heijnen from Beautysnakes ( showed me hes awesome Regius collection and a bunch of baby corns and obseleta's. I ended up taking a third corn home with me, a male pewter. the male pewter had eaten yesterday so when I got home I just transferred him to his new hide and gave him some water. I fed the butter and offered the two new gals a pinkie or two .. and they gladly munched away.... here a few pics of my new babies:
The Lavender. She is really stunning and I have not been able to capture her true colors with the flash , .. I'll have to wait until I can photograph her in proper daylight,
The Pewter het hypo. She is a fiesty one.... and I was probably the first person to properly handel her today so she had no idea what was going on and she bit me about 20 times in total ..... not that I felt anything .... it did get her a name though: Mamba!
And of course Buttercup ;-)
Beautiful babies man. Congratulations ;-)
Beautiful! As you can see corns are my favorite!
01-09-12, 04:27 AM
The Pewter het hypo. She is a fiesty one.... and I was probably the first person to properly handel her today so she had no idea what was going on and she bit me about 20 times in total ..... not that I felt anything .... it did get her a name though: Mamba!
This one is my favorite!!
01-11-12, 11:51 PM
I am really starting to notice more and more, I like corn snakes, and wow your pewter is stunning!!
I am really starting to notice more and more, I like corn snakes, and wow your pewter is stunning!!
Well, what are you waiting for? Get some, you won't regret it!
01-12-12, 02:47 PM
.... and the happier I get with my little babies each day the less motivation I have to start breeding mice again... so now slightly torn .... snakes or no snakes.
01-12-12, 02:48 PM
I wouldn't care if I had to breed mice, rats and rabbits I would never get rid of my
01-12-12, 05:16 PM
I am really starting to notice more and more, I like corn snakes, and wow your pewter is stunning!!
I agree with you totally except my conversion happened last February when I first bought the male bloodred stripe.
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