View Full Version : How many invertabrate keepers used to have a phobia?
I would love to keep a few tarantulas, but I'm still quite afraid of them. I've done leaps and bounds in trying to overcome the fear though, before I couldn't be in the same room as one, see one in a book or on the computer, etc. but now I can even pick up a tank with one in it and give it water and crickets :D I really hope one day I can overcome this thing completely, they are truly beautiful animals. Irritational fears, gotta love 'em :rolleyes:
01-11-03, 12:07 AM
Used to be FREAKED of little spiders... now, I actually punched my friend because he squished one of those little red spiders...
Dan Conner
I got 2 emperor scorpions. Im not afraid of them at all. I havent picked them up, but thats just because i thimk it will stress them. But if i ever want too pick them i, ill probably will be alittle nervous. More afraid too drop them, then holdong them i think
Greetz Doenoe
01-11-03, 11:30 AM
I'm mildly arachnophobic, but I had no problems dealing with my tarantula...I think the fact that I payed to have it made it seem more "pet-like"...I dunno, lol...but apart from being fine with tarantulas, I still hate those gross small yellowish spiders that are all over my house and will squish 'em with no hesitation (I call them "Arachnophobia spiders" because they look like the baby spiders from that movie, and they're just as prolific!)
01-11-03, 12:24 PM
I used to keep some tarantulas. They used to freak me out a little, what I didn't like was the urticating hairs on new world species and the nastiness of old world species. I couldn't find any that were fairly docile and didn't kick hairs, so my spider keeping days were fairly short lived...
I've had my Charlotte for about a year and a half and love her!
Tarantulas are wonderful pets in my opinion but they are different from anything else. Many handle their tarantulas and even more so don't. I am one of the latter. The main purpose for me getting one was that I loved looking at them, I've always found them absolutely gorgeous and facinating so I wanted one that I could see every day :) It's not a pet that needs to be handled (unless you really want to on a regular basis to tame it), in fact, it's preferrable not to. From all the research I have done, and I can tell you it's been pretty extensive, all discourage handling.
That said, they are one of the easiest animals to keep, here is a pic of my Charlotte's setup, 10 gal tank. It's great because I can always see her, even when she's in her burrow (which can be a very long time).
Mine being pretty much fully grown with a good 5" legspan and with my phobia of crickets, I feed her pinky and fuzzy mice which she seems to enjoy. The great thing about these is that I only have to feed her every 3 to 6 weeks. These meals keep her nice and plump and I all I have to do is supply fresh water and clean her water dish every now and then. Their poop is minimal and easily cleaned up and you only have to do a thorough clean out of their terrariums once or twice a year.
So, it all comes down to why you would want to have one. If you want a tarantula that you can play with and handle, that may take some time before you overcome your fears. Heck, I'm not even afraid of spiders and tarantulas and I don't pick up mine! If you want a facinating and wonderful visual pet that's easy to care for, and from what you wrote in your post you'd be able to care for one well. Then by all means go for it and enjoy!!!
A couple of things to think of: Females live way longer than males, male lifespans generally between 3 and 5 years, female lifespans are generally between 15 and 30 years all depending on the species. Colours also tend to be brighter in the females.
Another thing, if you have a tank with a screen top. Be ready to do some rescue operations! It's fairly common for tarantulas to go wandering around their tanks, climbing the glass and the screen top. The problem is that they often get their claws caught in the screen and can't come down. This can result in a tarantula ripping it's leg off to get free. I can tell you it is extremelly stressful and panicky to come home to your tarantula dangling by one leg frantically and spazing out every 30 seconds.
What I've done to remedy the situation and it's worked for me everytime is that I grab a big kitchen spoon and very slowly lift the lid of her terrarium. As soon as I have enough space. I slip the spoon in the tank and under the T and lift her gently so she can free her leg. I then put her back down in her terrarium and all is well.
I tell you this not to freak you out but to prepare you for the worst. If you think you can handle that, I'm sure you're gonna love having a tarantula. Then again, if your T is big enough and you have a wire top instead of a screen top you wouldn't have to deal with that kind of problem!
I hope you do go for it, I'm sure you wouldn't regret it. I'm looking to get my second pretty soon, a haplopelma lividium, an absolutely striking T. I can't wait!!!
Kyle Barker
01-12-03, 04:54 AM
Ive never been afriad of them. Even as a toddler i was outside catching anything and everything :) . Im sure with time you will overcome your fear. I have a couple friends that were extrememly arachnophobic and they over came it gradually by first looking at pics, then coming over and being in the same room as one, and eventually actually touching one while i held it. In fact i have talked one of them into getting a black widow (for watching not touching:) ). Any thoughts of getting any yourself??
Pixie, gotta say NICE cage! I love it. where do you get those insert things? and what size do they come in?
01-12-03, 09:47 AM
Hey Pixie, that's one of the better setups I've seen for a tarantula! Good job
I second that. That setup looks amazing.
Originally posted by rattekonigin
I still hate those gross small yellowish spiders that are all over my house and will squish 'em with no hesitation (I call them "Arachnophobia spiders" because they look like the baby spiders from that movie, and they're just as prolific!)
LOL! Ironically enough those are the only spiders that don't give me the willies, I can carry them around, share space with them, in fact I even had about 20 of them living in my car in the summer. Hehehe... one fell into my pocket so I couldn't get it, but it mustve crawled out when I was driving 'cause I found it in my car the next day. I just loved the way the little guy would drop down and surprise me so I added a few more :p
Great setup and beautiful spidey! She's absolutely gorgeous! :D
01-16-03, 01:36 PM
LMAO! That dropping down out of nowhere is the thing I hate most about those spiders...I can't count the number of times they've dive-bombed me as I passed through doorways, and then they're all in my hair and I freak out! If they just left me alone (like all the other spiders) I wouldn't have a problem with them.
Hahahaha for sure!! My front porch gets swamped with them in the summer, every time you open it like 10 spiders fall on your head! :p
01-17-03, 03:44 AM
I love that display Pixie...also great post about the tarantulas.
I haven't been scared of spiders but scorpions tend to make me a lil more nervous.I have recntly just started handling an emperor scorpion at my work for short periods of time and they are real hard to get off your hand when you wanna go.
I also have handled a number of tarantulas aswell..just the species that tend to be less aggressive such as rose hairs and pink toes. If you are interested in getting a T I would suggeest Avicularia(pinktoes) or B.Smithi(mex red knee) both great colours and easily taken care of. Other Brachypelma,like the mex red knee,are pretty good too but I do believe the red knee is most docile.
In all my readings i have found that most if not all say do not handle but I believe they do this as a big safety precaution since most if not all tarantulas sold in the pet trade do have venom and if you happen to be allergic would give you some nasty pains.
here's a link to a site with some nice pics and info
Kyle Barker
01-18-03, 06:32 AM
They usually warn people because it will freak the spider out. Ever see one with a bald butt? Those are the new world species that are harassed too much, they kick off their hairs in self defense. I think all these publications say not to hold them because they dont want the spider to get freeked, they just disguise it saying you may get bit and that makes people not want to touch them. Also just a thought i will share. For the people who think the only good spider is a dead one, just remember how mad we get when people say that exact thing about snakes, or to lesser extent lizards. Makes no sense to me why people kill em, if you dont like them just go somewhere else, after all they were here first. Just my thoughts.
There are many reasons for not handling a tarantula, the most important in my opinion is to prevent injury. T's a surprisingly fragile especially when it comes to falls, just a fall of a few inches is enough to kill them. It doesn't take much to rupture their delicate abdomens and once that happens, it's pretty much game over unless you're fast enough with superglue (yes, you did read that right!).
Personally I have no opinion on if it should be done or not, I feel that's up to each tarantula owner to decide for themselves. Although it would be cool for me to pick up my pretty 5"+ T, I prefer keeping pretty and safe in her terrarium :)
01-18-03, 09:17 AM the worst person in the world to be freaked by spiders!
once i was in the shower and the tinyest spider was about 5 feet away from me, and i dived out the shower and ran screaming down the stairs. wow i cant believe how sad that sounds/is!!!!
Lizzy xxx
Kyle Barker
01-18-03, 04:00 PM
LOL! try to imagine its just a loose cricket:)
A loose cricket, now that's MY nightmare!!! Honestly, I have a very intense phobia of grasshoppers and crickets. If you want to have a blast, just throw one my way and you'll be laughing on your *** for hours, real cheap entertainment! Seriously, if anyone ever tries that... let's just say they'd have a Pixie phobia after!!!
Anyways, I've always loved spiders and thought they were the neatest things. Other bugs... not so much!
jason h
01-18-03, 09:50 PM
this is my little guy(actually a little girl) but dont tell her she might get a complex, any way i other than her and my scorpion im terrified of little house type spiders *shivers*lol
Kyle Barker
01-18-03, 10:08 PM
uhh crickets (funniest thing ive heard, sorry). You dont have many lizards do you? I swear if half of you just stepped inside my house you would prbably have heart failure:) SOOOO many loose spiders and crickets, i could probably make a small fortune just selling whats loose.
Any other different fears out there? This is actually quite interesting to see what everyone doesnt like.
I actually did get my first lizard over the holidays, a leopard gecko. She is fed a nice varied diet of mealworms, silkworms, pinkies and waxworms. I had been holding of lizards for that very reason: crickets. Now that I've discovered that I can still give them a healthy diet without them, I am one very happy camper!!!
Kyle Barker
01-20-03, 02:12 PM
Good stuff. Glad you got some type of lizard.
01-22-03, 10:07 AM
Hmm... I have a fear of *** masks... (Seriously...)
and moths
EW even spelling the word freaks me out... butterflies too... ahh my hands tickle and hurt from typing that
01-22-03, 10:08 AM
The only thing I don't like about crickets is that I always think I'm going to squish their eyeballs when I pick them up.. weird eh
Well as for phobias..... I am kind of afraid of all inverts :rolleyes: Not really afraid but the thought of something that feels soft probably has a lot of small hairs walking over me keeps me away from them. However I still beleive that they should not be killed. In fact, some weeks ago at university, I saw a daddy long legs (Pholcus phalangioides) spider with a leg span of about 6cm. I decided to make the spider walk on a piece of paper and then let it go outside.....
The problem started when the spider decided to walk off the other side of the paper (the side I was holding the paper from). I ended up throwing the sheet of paper together with the spider.... and having all of my friend laugh at me :( :rolleyes:
Oh well, at least I saved it from being squished.....
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