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12-17-11, 11:14 PM
Minnie (Pearl) and Andrea (Andi for short). Huge thank you to Dave Colling (rainbowsrus.com) who produced these gorgeous girls!

12-17-11, 11:46 PM
Both look great; Congrats! Lovely little babies :)

12-18-11, 12:19 AM
Congrats! A friend of mine just purchased a BRB from them and had great things to say! Love Andi! :D

12-18-11, 07:21 AM
Very nice! I love BRBs. :)

CK SandBoas
12-18-11, 07:24 AM
Beautiful babies!:D

12-18-11, 07:41 AM
Congrats they are sweet looking. I really like the Pearl Phase. Once they settle in i really love to see more pictures. Did you see the Zebras that he got out of the Pearl Phase litter? They are wicked looking. Seems to be a lot of new BRB morph. Got to love it.

12-18-11, 07:43 AM
Beautiful. Congratulations!

12-18-11, 07:46 AM
The 2nd one looks to be a Brazilian, but what exactly is the 1st one? The side pattern (or lack thereof) tells me it's something a little different.

Gotta get this thread moved to the Epicrates section so we Rainbow Boa lovers don't overlook it :)

12-18-11, 09:19 AM
The 2nd one looks to be a Brazilian, but what exactly is the 1st one? The side pattern (or lack thereof) tells me it's something a little different.

Gotta get this thread moved to the Epicrates section so we Rainbow Boa lovers don't overlook it :)

They are both Brazilians. The first is known as a Pearl phase because of the empty lateral markings. She's even a bit more unique in that most of her "pearls" have a center dot, not unlike a "bullseye" phase, but both her parents were pearls. Both of Andi's parents, Ann and Diablo are amazing high red animals, so she's really going to have incredible color! I really can't wait for these girls (Cici included) to grow up and see what they produce for me. The breeding collection has begun!

Infernalis, please move to Epicrates forum. My apologies for the oversight.

Thanks for looking.

12-18-11, 09:25 AM
They are both Brazilians. The first is known as a Pearl phase because of the empty lateral markings. She's even a bit more unique in that most of her "pearls" have a center dot, not unlike a "bullseye" phase, but both her parents were pearls...

Ah, okay. Thanks for the clarification. I thought it was a little different. Really nice to see something unique like that. Thanks for sharing!

12-18-11, 09:28 AM
Ah, okay. Thanks for the clarification. I thought it was a little different. Really nice to see something unique like that. Thanks for sharing!

NP. Yeah Dave Colling has some really smokin' BRB's. Maybe one day I'll be able to afford somethin' from his new striped phase!

12-18-11, 09:45 AM
NP. Yeah Dave Colling has some really smokin' BRB's. Maybe one day I'll be able to afford somethin' from his new striped phase!
Zebras is what he calling them. They are so sweet looking. The Pearl and Zebra have such different marking it's hard to believe they where born in the same litter. Dave produce some amazing snakes.

12-18-11, 10:34 AM
I forgot to mention, they both live up to the reputation of young Rainbows. They're fiesty! Andi broke my skin last night. Darn! That means I'll have to handle 'em more!

Stand by for more pics, coming soon!

12-18-11, 11:13 AM
Very nice indeed!!

12-18-11, 11:16 AM
Very nice indeed!!

Can I breed them yet?! Lol Oh wait, I need a male first....and a few years of patience. :suspicious:

12-18-11, 11:19 PM
I think you might have bought some from the same litter as mine :D

12-18-11, 11:28 PM
I forgot to mention, they both live up to the reputation of young Rainbows. They're fiesty! Andi broke my skin last night. Darn! That means I'll have to handle 'em more!

Stand by for more pics, coming soon!

Mine will strike at just about anything that moves....she's just not doing it as quick as what she was a couple of days ago lol

12-18-11, 11:30 PM
Mine will strike at just about anything that moves....she's just not doing it as quick as what she was a couple of days ago lol

I laughed so hard when you told me how she puts her whole body into it haha :P or was that big brother... man its hard to remember which of you says what to me sometimes x.x

12-18-11, 11:33 PM
I think you might have bought some from the same litter as mine :D

Yeah, both Ann & Diablo have amazing color! Minnie is from his Akoya (Pearl phase) x Baroque (also Pearl Phase) litter. Pearl x Pearl produced a cool, updated version of "the ol'" Bullseye as shown by Minnie. Not sure you can call anything about a breed that's been in the trade such a short time "ol'" though. :blink:

12-18-11, 11:43 PM
They do! and lol yeaaa you got a point :P

Here's Xochi when i had her out to clean her enclosure, its not the best pic but whatever haha.

(I don't know why its sideways and how to correct that)

12-18-11, 11:45 PM
They do! and lol yeaaa you got a point :P

Here's Xochi when i had her out to clean her enclosure, its not the best pic but whatever haha.

I'm guessing by the darkness of her sides that picture was taken during the day? (That read terribly!) I meant nothing bad by that! She's gorgeous! I was just inferring the color of his animals are amazing, even better than depicted. Sorry if that came across harshly.

12-18-11, 11:48 PM
Is she even old enough for her colors to change? Thought that happened as they got a little older but I could be wrong. I haven't even looked at mine long enough during the day or night to see if I could tell a difference. I'm leaving her alone as much as possible.

12-18-11, 11:55 PM
I'm guessing by the darkness of her sides that picture was taken during the day? (That read terribly!) I meant nothing bad by that! She's gorgeous! I was just inferring the color of his animals are amazing, even better than depicted. Sorry if that came across harshly.

Is she even old enough for her colors to change? Thought that happened as they got a little older but I could be wrong. I haven't even looked at mine long enough during the day or night to see if I could tell a difference. I'm leaving her alone as much as possible.

I'm wondering if i'm reading what you said wrong or something because i don't see anything for me to take as being harsh :P and yea it was taken in the day

12-18-11, 11:56 PM
Is she even old enough for her colors to change? Thought that happened as they got a little older but I could be wrong. I haven't even looked at mine long enough during the day or night to see if I could tell a difference. I'm leaving her alone as much as possible.

My 6/11 female from Twin Cities definitely changes!

12-19-11, 12:01 AM
I'm wondering if i'm reading what you said wrong or something because i don't see anything for me to take as being harsh :P and yea it was taken in the day

Cool. Sometimes I get a bit over-sensitive via E-mail/text/forum... written word, as your tone never comes across. The part where I assumed by her color she wasn't as beautiful as possible in the picture, could have been read in a somewhat arrogant tone. I just wanted to make sure that wasn't the intent.

12-19-11, 12:05 AM
I used to write for a living, so I was very frequently "coached" on how to not leave ANY chance that what you type in black and white can IN NO WAY be taken as rude, harsh, condescending, etc. etc. etc.! Lol!

12-19-11, 12:10 AM
lol well i wasnt offended or hurt or anything haha, even if you didnt think she was pretty i still do and in the end thats all that matters :P but yea i heard that they change colors (i think it was throughout the day, right?) but i havent actually gotten to witness it full on because i don't handle her (as much as i want too).

12-19-11, 12:21 AM
Well they actually do change color as they grow, to more resemble their parents, but they also "whitewash" I think it's called, where some will have really nice, high white sides. Those white sides happen to be my favorite BRB trait. You wanna see some CRAZY day-night color changes? Dig this: Dominican Red Mountain Boa - Day/Night Photos (http://dominicanredmountainboa.com/daynightphotos.html)

Umm, did I just highjack my own thread?

12-19-11, 12:26 AM
Umm, did I just highjack my own thread?

lol i do believe you did and wow those pictures are amazing!

12-19-11, 07:12 PM
Metachrosis, or "whitewalling," is I believe what you are thinking of. A snake showing this will have white sides at night where color would normally appear during the day. There is a dedicated thread on this same board from a few months back.

Brazilians often take 1.5-2.5 years to show their final adult coloration. Some even seem to go through a less attractice juvenile phase before brightening up.

Hope this helps!

12-19-11, 07:25 PM
Metachrosis, or "whitewalling," is I believe what you are thinking of. A snake showing this will have white sides at night where color would normally appear during the day. There is a dedicated thread on this same board from a few months back.

Brazilians often take 1.5-2.5 years to show their final adult coloration. Some even seem to go through a less attractice juvenile phase before brightening up.

Hope this helps!

Cliff, you da man!

I'm looking for that thread now. You say it can take up to 2 1/2 years to show their FINAL color. The change to that color BEGINS to change as early as the first shed, yes? But to my understanding, the transformation becomes quicker, and therefore more noticeable at about the one year mark, is that also correct?

I presume then it is also metachrosis that is responsible for the day/night change in the Dominican Red Mountain Boa as well?

Dominican Red Mountain Boa - Day/Night Photos (http://dominicanredmountainboa.com/daynightphotos.html)

12-19-11, 08:07 PM
Metachrosis, or "whitewalling," is I believe what you are thinking of. A snake showing this will have white sides at night where color would normally appear during the day. There is a dedicated thread on this same board from a few months back.

Brazilians often take 1.5-2.5 years to show their final adult coloration. Some even seem to go through a less attractice juvenile phase before brightening up.

Hope this helps!

Hey Cliff, I found that thread but it's too old to still contain the pictures. Might you still have them?

12-20-11, 05:05 PM
wow, those red mountain boas are sweet!
Your new girls are gorgeous strutter,

12-20-11, 05:08 PM
Thank you. Still trying to let them acclimate but it's tough leaving them to hide in their enclosures!

12-21-11, 05:45 PM
Stutter, I forgot and apologize -- that picture hosting site went down for good. However, if you look at the Living Gems Facebook page, there is an album with those same picts.

Yes, color change begins with the first shed, and is usually most intense at the beginning, tapering off as time goes on. However, I've also had Brazilians that started strong, went down in appearance, and then came back up...so it's hard to tell. You usually have a pretty good idea by 18 months though; the time after that is mostly finishing, and some snakes don't chnage much at all.

Sorry, can't help with the Dominican Reds -- not familiar.

Let me know if I can help further!