View Full Version : is something wrong with Vlad????

12-16-11, 01:46 AM
Okay so I tempted to handle Vlad today even though he hasn't eaten for me yet but he did potty so I figured it would be okay. I didn't handle him much I let him stay half way in his cage but I was holding his tail and looking at him and I noticed where that little vent is Where he pottys was kind of purple-ish and open?
I know thats not normal at all anyone have any idea what it might be and if its treatable? I tried to take a picture but he was gettng agitated so I left him alone.

I think I'm going to keep him if I can calm him down. i'm going to try and convince my dad to let me. I haven't did much with him but I think I might be getting attached even though he is a meany. lol

12-16-11, 02:01 AM
i think i might have fiund out what is wrong with him. If this is what it is.

Prolapses: A prolapse occurs when an organ inverts itself inside out and protrudes through the usual external opening of that organ. Prolapses of the cloaca and reproductive organs are not uncommon among captive snakes. Often the cause cannot be determined. Straining during egg laying can precipitate prolapses or straining related to uric acid stones. Parasitic infections or other intestinal disease may also result in prolapses. Veterinary assistance is essential in these cases to treat the prolapse and determine the underlying cause, if possible.

quick question: How do vets look at aggressive snakes?

12-16-11, 02:31 AM
I was gonna say, sounds like prolapse, get him on newsprint or paper towels or something similar and off any bark, give him warm baths and keep him hydrated.

12-16-11, 09:36 AM
quick question: How do vets look at aggressive snakes?

It usually takes two people. An assistant will hold the first half of the body, and the vet will be able to look at the prolapse on the other half. The assistant will probably wear gloves if the snake is "aggressive" or nervous and has a tendency to bite. :)

12-16-11, 05:38 PM
I was gonna say, sounds like prolapse, get him on newsprint or paper towels or something similar and off any bark, give him warm baths and keep him hydrated.

would repticarpet work? Thats what I've been having him on. I could switch to news paper if needed and I'm about to give him a warm bath when I get off here.

12-16-11, 05:39 PM
It usually takes two people. An assistant will hold the first half of the body, and the vet will be able to look at the prolapse on the other half. The assistant will probably wear gloves if the snake is "aggressive" or nervous and has a tendency to bite. :)

Lately I've been thinking he is just nervous, stressed and cage defensive and thats why he bites through the cage but I'll know for sure in a little bit 'cause i'm going to soak him in some warm water.

I hope the guy who did this too him burns in hell. This is messed up.

12-16-11, 06:08 PM
There is a very good chance he was preparing to musk you. I'm not saying "don't get a vet check", but they often do that when they are very unhappy being handled. This is not uncommon for stressed ATB's. He needs to feel secure and be eating before you handle him.

12-16-11, 06:14 PM
There is a very good chance he was preparing to musk you. I'm not saying "don't get a vet check", but they often do that when they are very unhappy being handled. This is not uncommon for stressed ATB's. He needs to feel secure and be eating before you handle him.

Sorry for the double post

12-16-11, 06:17 PM
There is a very good chance he was preparing to musk you. I'm not saying "don't get a vet check", but they often do that when they are very unhappy being handled. This is not uncommon for stressed ATB's. He needs to feel secure and be eating before you handle him.

Sorry for the double post

It's all good. And I didn't know ATBS musk!
Jeeze I thought I read everything I could! lol

12-16-11, 07:34 PM
can you post a picture of the prolapse ?

best to soak him in a tub with sugar water until you see a vet

if you don't keep the prolapsed tissue moist it will dry out and die

just mix some sugar with water and stir until the sugar dissolves

put around a half inch to an inch of water in a tub and soak him in it

then put him in a tub with some white paper toweling thats been soaked with sugar water

the important thing is to NOT let the prolapsed tissue dry out

let us know how it goes at the vet please

that said the first thing that i thought when i read your first post,was that he was about to musk you ?

all the best shaun

12-16-11, 07:46 PM
I thought he was going to musk also. When we were treating striker for mites I saw these two purplish gray things and thought they were the hemis. Then he misled on my wife which made me laugh. When I looked for atb musking I didn't find anything so I just thought he pooped.

12-16-11, 08:05 PM
GREAT NEWS!!! He doesn't have prolapse!!!
I mean I havne't taken him to the vet yet but I am going to anyway but i just finished soaking him in the bathtub and I looked at his tail and it was normal!
So apparently he was about to musk.

He didn't even try to bite me in the tub!
I didn't really let him get close enough though but it's still progress being made but he did let me hold him a little bit and he locked onto my hand with his tail.

Guys, I think I'm falling inlove with Vlad.

12-16-11, 08:12 PM
OH! I took some pictures :D
he is A LOT longer than I though he was. I acidently deleted the picture of him with his head touching one head of the tub and his tail touching the other[verticle].

Sorry for the bad lighting I plan on taking a lot more pictures of them though so no worries :3

One more thing, Is it possible to sex an amazon without probing?
because I know that some male snakes have spurs[not sure about females] and I was wondering if it's the same for amazons? I'm going to do look it up and see if I find anything but when I take him to the vets I'm going to see if they can check for me.
A friend of mine works at a pet store and knows a vet that looks at reptiles who goes there a lot and are going to get their number for me.

12-16-11, 08:21 PM
He's looks nice, I just saw a CL ad for an ATB and it's tempting. probably won't happen though :p

12-16-11, 08:24 PM
He's looks nice, I just saw a CL ad for an ATB and it's tempting. probably won't happen though :p

If your parents say it's okay I'd deffinately do it.
even if they didn't I'd do it anyways but don't listen to me. lol
This is my first arboreal snake and I adore him already and I havne't had but what? a week?
i don't think there is anyway possible I can listen to my dad and get rid of him, i can't and I'm not. lol

12-16-11, 09:20 PM
wow, he is really long in that bath tub picture!!

and it's such a relief to hear his tail has gone back to normal :)

12-16-11, 09:23 PM
wow, he is really long in that bath tub picture!!

and it's such a relief to hear his tail has gone back to normal :)

He is!!!!
I was so surprised! He looks so tiny all coiled up!

12-16-11, 09:24 PM
In addition to probing you can take a good guess with spur size. If its a male, usually you can get a fingernail under the spur to inspect it and by doing so you can see the muscle attached. Most females have a very tiny spur or almost none at all with more of a modified flat scale. You can also palpate like in bcc's but that takes a lot of practice to feel what you are looking for.

12-16-11, 09:25 PM
Oh and guys, vlad has some shed stuck on his head but I'm not sure how to get that off. he has been rubbing his head on things in his cage and I don't want him to hurt his self. what should I do?

12-16-11, 09:26 PM
In addition to probing you can take a good guess with spur size. If its a male, usually you can get a fingernail under the spur to inspect it and by doing so you can see the muscle attached. Most females have a very tiny spur or almost none at all with more of a modified flat scale. You can also palpate like in bcc's but that takes a lot of practice to feel what you are looking for.

i don't see any spurs at all when I'm looking at him there. I think I'm just going to wait till he sees a vet. I don't want ti hurt him trying to look.

12-16-11, 09:27 PM
It may have been stated already but what is the humidity in his enclosure?

12-16-11, 09:36 PM
It may have been stated already but what is the humidity in his enclosure?

right now it's between 60 and 70%