View Full Version : Woma pythons

12-15-11, 05:10 PM
For a very long time now, I've dreamed of having a woma python. Ever since I held one at a reptile show, I knew that I wanted one some day. I've been doing a lot of research on them recently and I'm seriously considering getting one in the near future.

There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of info about them on the internet, so I am hoping to get some input from those who have experience with this species. The main thing I've been wondering about is housing. Would something like the VE 175 tub from this site be adequate for an adult? ReptileTubs.com - Welcome (http://reptiletubs.com/main.htm)

I have heard that they are generally very docile and easy to handle. Is this true for the most part? I would also appreciate any other tips and tricks relating to woma husbandry. Thanks!

12-15-11, 05:18 PM
This is me holding one of Will0W783 (Kim)'s woma pythons.


and this is Kim holding one:


She keeps them in a tub, but I don't remember what size, etc. They have a hide and a water dish, on aspen, and both are in great conditions. The one I held was really docile and I loved it. The other one I was told was more likely to nip. Hopefully Kim will chime in and tell you more. :)

12-15-11, 07:10 PM
For a very long time now, I've dreamed of having a woma python. Ever since I held one at a reptile show, I knew that I wanted one some day. I've been doing a lot of research on them recently and I'm seriously considering getting one in the near future.

There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of info about them on the internet, so I am hoping to get some input from those who have experience with this species. The main thing I've been wondering about is housing. Would something like the VE 175 tub from this site be adequate for an adult? ReptileTubs.com - Welcome (http://reptiletubs.com/main.htm)

I have heard that they are generally very docile and easy to handle. Is this true for the most part? I would also appreciate any other tips and tricks relating to woma husbandry. Thanks!
Those tubs would work perfected.

12-15-11, 09:16 PM
why those? Target or walmart have what you need at about half the price.
are woma's semi-arboreal?

12-15-11, 09:23 PM
why those? Target or walmart have what you need at about half the price.
are woma's semi-arboreal?
No they're terrestrial dry-climate snakes :)
A wild woma from google images:
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_CgS37hMevQE/Sz9hBGdv5AI/AAAAAAAABQU/ZTh60ZhXI8s/s400/Woma_Python_Uluru_National_Park_Australia+(wallpap ersbay.blogspot.com).jpg

12-15-11, 09:56 PM
why those? Target or walmart have what you need at about half the price.
are woma's semi-arboreal?

I was just using those as a size reference. I wasn't sure if you could find tubs that long at Walmart, but I'll have to check.

12-16-11, 02:25 AM
yup, and you probably won't need anything that big for a while, I picked up 2 44x18x6s for about 20 bucks each, not quite as big as the biggest on that site, but pretty good, not sure what the absolute biggest is though.

nevermind, they are, here's the ones I got.
Sterilite - 1996: 74 Quart Ultra™ Underbed Box (http://www.sterilite.com/SelectProduct.html?id=360&view=0&picture=1&tab=Specifications&ProductCategory=253&section=1)

12-16-11, 02:28 AM
looks like max length on a woma is around 7.5ft, so for a really big girl those are gonna be a bit cramped, but anything under 6.5 ft should fit nicely.

12-16-11, 12:38 PM
I actually keep my male BP in one of those exact tubs. The only thing I don't like is the 6 inch height. I think I'd want something a bit taller when I get a woma.

I plan on getting a male though. I've heard the males usually get to be about 4-5 feet long.

12-18-11, 11:19 AM
If you want to get the Ve Iris tote get it from this site. IRIS Holiday Tree Box | USP Home ® (http://www.usphome.com/catalog/item.aspx?itemid=107328&catid=1056)

Shipped they are $55.00. They are the same tote, but a lot cheaper. reptile tubs .com it cost $110.00 with shipping. I was going to get some from them till i found out how much they charge for shipping.

12-18-11, 01:50 PM
Good to know. Thanks!

12-19-11, 11:31 AM
Wow, how did I miss this thread? lol. The pictures Alessia posted are of my male woma python, MacGyver. I also have a female named Haze. Mac and Haze are 2009 babies produced by my good friend Mike Curtin.
Womas are overall great snakes..they tend to be very hardy and do not require high humidity. They are native to the semi-arid outback region of Australia, and therefore do just fine on aspen or newspaper. Never use sand as a substrate for any snake, regardless of its natural environment, as sand can easily become lodged in the belly scales and cause infection and rot.
Womas need good warm temperatures..too hot can kill them but too cool can quickly lead to infections. They do best when the cage is between 80 and 90F, with a good gradient. Womas grow very quickly, as they have voracious appetites and will eat generally anythign you offer them.
Mine are almost too big for my rack, and in the next few months they will be moved to 3'x2' melamine enclosures. Womas will utilize hide boxes and should have one in the cool end and one in the hot end.

Other than that, care is really easy, as they are hardy and beautiful snakes.

12-19-11, 02:04 PM
Wow, how did I miss this thread? lol. The pictures Alessia posted are of my male woma python, MacGyver. I also have a female named Haze. Mac and Haze are 2009 babies produced by my good friend Mike Curtin.
Womas are overall great snakes..they tend to be very hardy and do not require high humidity. They are native to the semi-arid outback region of Australia, and therefore do just fine on aspen or newspaper. Never use sand as a substrate for any snake, regardless of its natural environment, as sand can easily become lodged in the belly scales and cause infection and rot.
Womas need good warm temperatures..too hot can kill them but too cool can quickly lead to infections. They do best when the cage is between 80 and 90F, with a good gradient. Womas grow very quickly, as they have voracious appetites and will eat generally anythign you offer them.
Mine are almost too big for my rack, and in the next few months they will be moved to 3'x2' melamine enclosures. Womas will utilize hide boxes and should have one in the cool end and one in the hot end.

Other than that, care is really easy, as they are hardy and beautiful snakes.

Awesome! Thanks for the info. Your woma is gorgeous, by the way!

12-19-11, 03:07 PM
Thanks, reptile65. I love them- they are fun, curious little snakes...and always ready to hoover up leftovers the others don't want. Everyone needs a "garbage disposal snake" or two. ;)

03-02-12, 07:40 PM
I have a woma. Got it last year. He had an infection in his mouth that made him wheeze a lot and he wouldn't eat. I had a vet check him out and he is doing fine now. They are very nice snakes and they are a great pet.

03-04-12, 04:29 PM
I have a woma. Got it last year. He had an infection in his mouth that made him wheeze a lot and he wouldn't eat. I had a vet check him out and he is doing fine now. They are very nice snakes and they are a great pet.
You should post some pictures.

03-19-12, 08:20 AM
Thought I would chime in on adult housing.
My adults all live in either 2ft X 4ft X 1.5 or 2ft high.
Adult Pythons with the exceptions of BPs, Childrens, Spotteds etc. need enclosures not tubs.
Unless one is running snake mill of course as you see so called "reputable" breeders stuffing Carpets etc. into them all of the time now or so it would seem :( Mark

03-19-12, 08:48 AM
Thought I would chime in on adult housing.
My adults all live in either 2ft X 4ft X 1.5 or 2ft high.
Adult Pythons with the exceptions of BPs, Childrens, Spotteds etc. need enclosures not tubs.
Unless one is running snake mill of course as you see so called "reputable" breeders stuffing Carpets etc. into them all of the time now or so it would seem :( Mark

Thanks for the input. Could you please explain why an enclosure is better than a tub of the same size?

03-19-12, 08:56 AM
I have yet to see a tub thats 4ft X 2ft X 1.5 or 2ft high ;)
A tubs just fine as long as its big enough, most are not suitable for adult Boids, Cheers Mark

03-19-12, 09:06 AM
Heres a direct comparision of the one tub mentioned above Vs the enclosures I would use.

Tub 44 X 18 X 6 = 4752 cubic inches of space with a 792 square inch "footprint"

An enclosure 48 X 24 X 18 = 20736 cubic inches of space with a 1152 square inch "footprint"

An enclosure 48 X 24 X 24 = 27648 cubic inches of space with a 1152 square inch "footprint"

Note the considerable difference in the "footprints" & the HUGE difference in overall space.

One can provide nice comfortable enclosures or cram them in like sardines with almost no space to even turn around.

Bigger the footprint more room to provide suitable hides etc. as well as offer a better temperatue gradient for thermoregulation as well ;) Mark

edit - Womas don't really need the height so a 1.5 ft or even a 1 ft high is likely sufficent, but a large footprint is a must IMHO

2nd edit - checking out the link & the tub mentioned in it (VE 175) those are actually BIG tubs LOL so not too bad at all for an adult Woma as they are 20.875 X 52.875 X 14.0625 so an 1103.7656 "footprint" & 15521.703 overall cubic space directly comparable to a 2 X 4 X 1ft high.
Same tubs still NOT acceptable for Carpet Pythons or ANY aboreal species as they do not have the required height, but fine for ground dwelling snakes

03-19-12, 09:41 AM
I would rather spend the money on a viv rather than a tub.. Unless you are a breeder I don't understand people using tubs. I only use a tub for quarantine.

03-19-12, 10:25 PM
I would rather spend the money on a viv rather than a tub.. Unless you are a breeder I don't understand people using tubs. I only use a tub for quarantine.

space constraints (I'm in an appartment) and the youngin's do just fine in their tubs. Also my dwarf burm girl is in one because she's a very nervous little girl and I try to give her as much security as I can and I still can't find a hide that she would fit in.

03-20-12, 09:15 AM
I just moved my womas to adult enclosures- they were getting too big for the tubs and I had the space so they are now in their permanent 2' x 4' x 1' melamine enclosures. Like Mark said, adult pythons need more space than tubs generally provide. I think Alessia didn't realize that my womas were only in tubs until they grew large enough for the bigger cages I have.

03-21-12, 11:32 PM
Womas are the bomb. It's great to see people discover how really cool they are. They grow into regal, magnificent adults. I keep a collection of these, and
I've bred multiple generations of them.

04-18-12, 04:38 PM
Definitely a dream snake of mine. I have tried looking them up here in Ontario to not much luck

04-18-12, 04:41 PM
Definitely a dream snake of mine. I have tried looking them up here in Ontario to not much luck

Womas most definitely ROCK! Mark
P.S. there are cargo planes from AB to Ontario multiple times daily ;)
P.P.S. shameless plug :o LOL also check out Reptiles Canada its Ontario based, Roy Stockwell is producing them in Ontario this year.

04-18-12, 07:50 PM
Womas most definitely ROCK! Mark
P.S. there are cargo planes from AB to Ontario multiple times daily ;)
P.P.S. shameless plug :o LOL also check out Reptiles Canada its Ontario based, Roy Stockwell is producing them in Ontario this year.

VERY appreciated

05-06-12, 07:44 PM
Here are some that hatched this week. These will grow to have a nice gold background colour, like this 2009 male that was photographed when he was young.

05-06-12, 07:46 PM
I want one!

05-06-12, 07:53 PM
oh my gosh they are so cute as babies! :D

05-07-12, 06:11 AM
I would rather spend the money on a viv rather than a tub.. Unless you are a breeder I don't understand people using tubs. I only use a tub for quarantine.

i share your sentiments Kat

i only use tubs for quarantine,and hatchlings during their early months

cheers shaun

P.S.not having a go at tub users,i just personally don't like tubs for carpet pythons ;)

05-07-12, 07:01 AM
Great pics. That is a lot of money in that little tub, good for you. Simply gorgeous

05-07-12, 07:39 PM
What's the going rate for a woma these days?

05-07-12, 08:59 PM
Lately I've seen them for anywhere between $200 and $500

05-07-12, 09:16 PM
Want want want want WANT! Congrats :D

05-08-12, 07:27 AM
What's the going rate for a woma these days?

In Canada from around $300-$500+ depending on age/sex/looks etc. Mark

edit - I have an 11 egg clutch incubating :)

05-08-12, 10:37 PM
fun fact: A study a few years ago determined Womas and BHPs DO have heat pits. Anyone say where?
I'm torn, I couldn't say whether I like Woma's or BHPs more. I need more convincing... somebody send me one.

05-09-12, 05:39 AM
In Canada from around $300-$500+ depending on age/sex/looks etc. Mark

edit - I have an 11 egg clutch incubating :)

Wow really? That gives me hope haha

red ink
05-09-12, 05:54 AM
fun fact: A study a few years ago determined Womas and BHPs DO have heat pits. Anyone say where?
I'm torn, I couldn't say whether I like Woma's or BHPs more. I need more convincing... somebody send me one.

Heat pits are right in front just inside the mouth scales from memory... BHP for the win lol.

05-09-12, 06:51 AM
Heat pits are right in front just inside the mouth scales from memory... BHP for the win lol.

awe... that's not fair. Yeah its crazy, I was handling one and it was pointed out to me, crazy location, but makes sense based on the way they hunt.

05-09-12, 09:36 AM
Simply gorgeous

Thanks! I'm a multigenerational breeder of these. Womas are really cool animals.

I'll post more pics as the hatch season progresses.

Coffee Black
05-09-12, 09:59 AM
Their faces have always weirded me out. Held a few and they are super docile, or so my experience has been. Neat animal but I don't know if I'll ever be getting one.

05-09-12, 10:30 AM
If I can find anyone in Ontario I will definitely get one. I saw one at Big Al's for $1200, she was gorgeous. I know I was referenced a guy bythe hasn't msg'd me back so I will continually envy those in those thread :)

05-15-12, 02:55 PM
Their faces have always weirded me out.

They are merely blushing, with shy politeness. :)

05-15-12, 04:21 PM
Their faces have always weirded me out. Held a few and they are super docile, or so my experience has been. Neat animal but I don't know if I'll ever be getting one.

Lil Groucho Marx's ;) LOL Mark

05-27-12, 10:00 AM
hi, i keep these.

i keep them in a 4x2 viv, on a mix of sand and clay. these love to burrow and this set up works well for them and keeps the humidity as low as possible.

they have a hide but do trash everything in the viv!
these are docile to a point of being a bit dopey but their feeding response is fearsome!
they are pure pigs and will eat and eat so no matter what the cute face looking all hungry is telling you dont over feed them!
as youngsters this is really really important to ensure healthy adults.

they are terrestrial but as some of the photos will show one likes to hang out in the top of her viv!

as for size im sure i read a post earlier in the thread saying 7.5ft?
my lad is was imported from canada and not much over 4ft but my female is the biggest woma i have ever seen and she is only just over 6ft (this is not normal!)
the thinking behind the size and type difference is that they are from different areas origionally and whilst many lines are blurred she is very typical of a more southern animal where the male is more typical of the NT animals.

they are a great species to keep and really funny to watch.

my female
hanging out in the top of the viv (she is up there now and has been there all day!
and my leg after a bite! she is a sod for biting but thats also not too usual!
just shows the wide bite they have

my male, he has retained his panda mask
in his quarantine home when he first came

hope you find some of this useful!

06-02-12, 09:55 AM
Definitely a dream snake of mine. I have tried looking them up here in Ontario to not much luck

Really? Because I am located not too far from Toronto and there are quite a few people that are selling Woma's. I'm thinking that is going to be my next snake and I've already been in contact with 3 or 4 reputable breeders, as well as Reptile stores that have Woma's, and if not are planning on having some in the near future.