View Full Version : Peruvian Rainbow Boa

12-12-11, 03:26 PM
I ordered one last week from Jeff Clark and she's being shipped Wednesday. She's my boyfriend's Christmas present but I'm really excited since they'll be another snake in our collection :D

Here's a pic of her. Isn't she cute? :D


12-12-11, 04:01 PM
She's a cutie! My Rainbow was a sweetheart! :D

12-12-11, 04:05 PM
So tiny! Congrats! I bet your boyfriend will be happy :D

12-12-11, 04:13 PM
He better! lol He originally wanted a BRB, but when I started researching the peruvians, he liked them a little more for their coloration. They're almost identical to a BRB, but they have larger scales (smaller scale count) and their color and pattern is a little more intense. Everything else, including temperment and husbandry is pretty much identical.

Now I have to sneak around and finish getting her home set up. He already knows I'm up to something lol

12-12-11, 05:35 PM
It's rare to see a Rainbow that's not a good-looking snake, and that one is no exception :)

Looking forward to see updated pics once it arrives home!

CK SandBoas
12-12-11, 05:43 PM
What a little cutie! Rainbows are gorgeous,hands down:D

12-12-11, 06:05 PM
Looks the same as a Brazilian, AWESOME!!!

12-12-11, 06:28 PM
Sweet! I love RBs.

12-12-11, 08:47 PM
Looks the same as a Brazilian, AWESOME!!!

this is what I thought too. I honestly don't think they're really any different, just depends on the individual snake.

12-12-11, 09:14 PM
This is a few years old, but here's an example. iHerp : Member Blog : Peruvian vs. Brazilian Rainbow Boas (http://iherp.com/Public/Blog/Detail.aspx?uid=10497)

It's more of a locality thing I think. But there are some subtle differences

12-12-11, 10:59 PM
scale count, ok...
it looks like the Brazilian is a reduced pattern Peruvian. I'm still skeptical.

12-13-11, 09:25 AM
There are 11 different subspecies of rainbow boas, the difference being color,pattern, and size. Just depending on the region they are from some will look similar to a brazilian but wont reach the same size, brazilians being the biggest reaching up to 7 feet and the smallest the guyanan only reaching 4 feet. The brazilian is just the most readily available and I believe holds its colour the best throughout its lifetime.

IIRC, there are now 5 species with no subspecies. Peruvian Rainbows Boas used to be a seperate subspecies. They are now combined with the Brazilian Rainbows Boas as one species with the common name Brazilian Rainbow Boa and the scientific name Epicrates cenchria. There are now no recognized subspecies of Epicrates cenchria. My adult Peruvian locale snakes are more intensely colored than typical Brazilian Rainbow Boas. They also have fewer and larger scales and have thicker darker markings. As babies they are plain and often dark and do not get their best color until around 2 years of age.

I know there's the Brazilian, Peruvian, Colombian, Argentine, and Guyana. I'm still trying to research the others but as with the Peruvian, they may have been reclassified into another.....

12-13-11, 10:01 AM
PRBs are great! I have a 2009 male from Ben Siegel,..and he's smoking! PRBs tend to hold higher contrast and brighter reds than the BRBs, and they withstand higher temps better.

12-17-11, 12:12 AM
This is a few years old, but here's an example. iHerp : Member Blog : Peruvian vs. Brazilian Rainbow Boas (http://iherp.com/Public/Blog/Detail.aspx?uid=10497)

It's more of a locality thing I think. But there are some subtle differences

Cool comparison, thanks. I am glad that I have a Brazilian! I like smaller snakes lol