View Full Version : Plastic vs. glass

12-10-11, 10:14 PM
I have been reading some of the threads on the python forums...there has been a big discussion going on about how bad glass enclosures are for pythons. I have never heard of a problem with glass enclosures for garters...is there a problem with glass tanks for garters? Mine are in glass tanks. Should they be in PVC enclosures? Good grief please tell me I don't need to come up with more money...I am a starving nursing student!

12-10-11, 10:20 PM
I'm no expert by any means but I would assume it would have to depend on the reasons people weren't thinking glass was a good idea. If it was because temps were difficult to get proper and there is the risk of a bigger snake like a python breaking the glass i would say it's a bad idea. If all your husbandry can be correct and the glass won't be broken by your snake going crazy or you accidentally hitting it with a tank decoration or something I would think it's fine.

My ball python is in a wooden enclosure with two sliding glass doors, only problem I had is that he figured out how to open the doors and escaped, we got him back safe and sound and now there's a lock there :)

12-10-11, 10:24 PM
I think they were talking about temps and humidity problems...but I do know that many of my friends from the garter forum have glass enclosures and don't have any issues with temps or humidity. My temps and humidity seem to be fine. I haven't had shedding issues. I don't think garters are strong enough to break glass.

12-10-11, 11:23 PM
It is perfectly suitable to keep garters in glass enclosures. As long as your temps and humidity are at the proper levels, I wouldn't worry about it.

12-10-11, 11:28 PM
Thanks...good to know!

12-11-11, 12:32 AM
Yes Marnie, Garters thrive in aquariums, Pythons do not.

You can house multiple garters, Pythons you cannot.

Apples and oranges, both are fruit, both are round, both hurt like hell when someone throws them at you, but they do have different flavours.

12-11-11, 04:42 AM
Apples and oranges, both are fruit, both are round, both hurt like hell when someone throws them at you, but they do have different flavours.

I need more coffee. I read this and was thinking "Why are you feeding snakes apples and oranges?" ...DUH Dumbbutt, it's an analogy.

Hey...if I can't laugh at myself, what fun is it?!

12-11-11, 04:47 AM
Can I laugh at you too?

12-11-11, 04:57 AM
I need more coffee. I read this and was thinking "Why are you feeding snakes apples and oranges?" ...DUH Dumbbutt, it's an analogy.

Hey...if I can't laugh at myself, what fun is it?!

Oh you don't feed yours oranges and apples? I do all the time :wacky:

I don't think that glass is the problem as mush as those full screen lids. Man I had the hardest time regulating anything before I gave up on aquariums with screen lids. But if you aren't having any issues with temperatures and humidity I wouldn't stress about it :)

12-11-11, 05:42 AM
Can I laugh at you too?

No, but you can laugh with me as I laugh at me...lol

12-11-11, 05:50 AM
No, but you can laugh with me as I laugh at me...lol

That's more like it;):p

I'm so wiped right now, can't believe I'm awake.

12-11-11, 08:53 AM
I use glass for everything and no problems, so I guess I am the exception my tanks even have screen lids..

12-12-11, 01:11 AM
Two of my tanks have screen lids and one has sliding glass front opening doors. The one tank I really do not like because the screen lid is one of those regular screen lids that is obviously not made with garters in mind...no locks or anything, and the little holes on the corners that they can escape from. But I had to use it in a pinch recently when I suddenly found out that my snake Selena was a male...he is now Seeley...and I had to move him out of the enclosure he was in with my female, Cee Cee, because I do not want them to breed if they haven't already. So...until I can get a better tank with a lock-lid (I need to save money)...I am making do by putting heavy books on top and keeping the plants inside low so that Seeley doesn't pull an escape attempt.

12-12-11, 01:13 AM
Good thinking Marnie