View Full Version : Shelves...

12-09-11, 01:51 AM
I had to redo everything in the house since finding out that my one eastern garter Selena is a male...He is now Seely (after Seely Booth on Bones)...Seely had to be moved into his own viv to stop the hanky panky between him and my female eastern Cee Cee...because I need to try to avoid babies if I can. I just really do not have the space and money for babies now (Btw...since there is a strong possibility that Cee Cee is already gravid...if anyone is interested in an eastern baby in the spring...let me know...if she is gravid...I will be looking for homes) Anyway...so Seely is now in his own viv...and the new albino checkered baby is in a 20 gallon of his own...so...I got metal shelves to set-up all of the tanks. I wish I had a better pic...my camera has decided to crap out on me...but here is a pic just to give you an idea of the set-up...

12-09-11, 04:28 AM
What kind of substrate is that purplyness? lol I love it!

12-09-11, 08:41 AM
Looks pretty cool, I would definitely be up for 2 or 3 sirtalis if she turned out to be gravid.
What state are you in?

PS it's Seeley, but you can spell it however you like :p

12-09-11, 03:02 PM
The purple substrate is Carefresh...It doesn't look as natural as some of the other substrates, like say, reptibark or aspen, but I swear by it because there is little chance of the snakes ingesting it while eating and ending up with an intestinal blockage. You can get it in all different colors. Actually...thanks for telling me the correct spelling of Seeley...I have been wondering that! I am in Delaware...I will be making arrangements to ship babies when they are ready (around 3 or 4 mos) if she ends up having some.

12-09-11, 05:00 PM
I would be interested in one, just whatever is left after other people get what they want. Don't really care about male or female.

12-09-11, 05:12 PM
also, how does the carefresh hold humidity?

12-09-11, 10:17 PM
That would depend on how high of humidity you need...I am guessing that wood substrate would give better humidity than carefresh...carefresh is basically recycled paper. (But it's very soft). I have never had a problem with humidity or retained sheds...but garters do not need a lot of humidity. As long as I occasionally mist, my humidity stays around 50-60%. As far as eastern babies go...like I said, I'm not sure she is gravid at this point...and if she is...I'm not sure she will successfully give birth. Last July she had 30 stillborns. But, if she does have babies...I will need to find homes for them and there is not a huge demand for easterns on my garter forum...(people are usually looking for rare morphs) so I'm sure I will have some for you guys if she has them. I will just be asking for help with shipping costs if I have a lot of babies to ship.