View Full Version : Bittersweet news :/

12-08-11, 03:00 PM
So I have to find my Amazon tree boa [I JUST GOT!] a new home :/

My family thinks he is too aggressive and they don't like him at all and want me to get something else.

BUT on a good note, I know a breeder and they are willing to give me a baby blood python for him.

12-08-11, 03:04 PM
That sucks hard core!!!! Aren't bloods also a handful?

12-08-11, 03:16 PM
Lol ATB too aggressive so your gonna get a blood?

12-08-11, 03:18 PM
He said they are tame and he handles them on a daily basis.

12-08-11, 03:21 PM
Someone who knows Bloods will chime in but I know that they are one of the snakes I've read about on here that you have to really work with to keep. They can be paranoid and have super hard strikes.

Im no expert though its just what I've read, someone should be in here soon.

12-08-11, 03:21 PM
Umm.... bloods can also be a handful. Why don't you go with something that has a reputation of being more tolerant? Ball pythons, corn snakes, california king snakes, rosy boas, to name a few. Your family might be happier if you get a snake that has a tendency to lean towards being "nice"

12-08-11, 03:22 PM
I would think an ATB would be MUCH easier than a blood.

12-08-11, 03:29 PM
My Ball Python snuggles with me when I lay in bed, loves to explore, never has been aggressive towards me, and all the ladies love him ;)

12-08-11, 03:30 PM
I've been reading about them and so far what I've read it says that if you raise them from when they are babies and handle them regularly you should have any aggression problems.

12-08-11, 03:34 PM
I know some bloods can be more tolerant of handling if started young... but I wouldn't take the risk, seeing as you're already having to get rid of a snake for some aggression. Why not just go with a safer option that you won't be taking such a risk on?

12-08-11, 03:36 PM
Also, I hate to be a kill joy but... it's possible that the breeder will tell you he's "tame" and that he "handles him a lot" but that might not be true. Most breeders don't have the time to handle a snake "a lot" and raise it that way for you. He might be telling you it's tame and gets handled a lot just to get you to take it. Unless you can go in personally and see the snake for yourself and handle him before you buy him... I'd go with a safer option like a ball, corn, king, rosy, etc. who's characteristics tend to be on the more docile side.

12-08-11, 03:36 PM
from what I've read, ATBs are going to be easier than bloods. From what some blood keepers on here have said baby bloods seem "tame" but once they get some size to them, they can get aggressive.

12-08-11, 03:39 PM
Awe, they're really that bad?
He has some ball pythons too.

12-08-11, 03:42 PM
Awe, they're really that bad?
He has some ball pythons too.

yes yes yes! go with a ball python! they are great, typically very tolerant of handling (my 2yr old will sit with me for hours if I let him), very gentle, and hardly ever aggressive if raised right. a great snake overall. :D (ok ok, I'm biased lol, but it's true!) And you'll have tons of morphs/colors to pick from!

edit: and your family will love a ball python too. they make great family pets for all ages really (children supervised of course) :)

12-08-11, 03:44 PM
they can be that bad, what all does he have besides bloods and balls?

12-08-11, 03:55 PM
I think i might go with the ball python. I really love the bloods though, here is a picture of them.

and here is a picture of the balls. I hope he has some babies. These are some type of morph but I forgot what he said.

If there is any way,shape, or form he has a caramel or bumble bee I'm soooooooo going with the ball python. I love those!

And he has a lot.
He is actually breeding a 6 foot jungle carpet with a ball python [I've never heard of before in my life] and he has a few red tails and I'm not sure what else. he said he has like 50 or so snakes.

12-08-11, 04:03 PM
Grr, why didn't my post show up? :/

Anywho, I think I might go with a Ball python, I had one before and he was pretty awesome, he got to be about 3.5 feet and he bit me once when he was smaller but it was my fault. But I really loove love love the bloods. Here is a picture of them.

And here are some of the ball pythons. He said they are some type of morph but I don't remember which kind. they are lighter than the normals. I hope he has some babies.
And if he has a caramel or bumble bee I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO going with the ball.

12-08-11, 04:03 PM
Oh. It did. El oh El.

12-08-11, 04:05 PM
Oh and he has about 50 snakes in all. a few rad tails and a 6 foot jungle carpet the he is breeding with a ball python which I've never heard of in my life.

12-08-11, 04:27 PM
Well if he is giving a caramel BP for you atb let me know cause I will send mine to him!

I myself would go with a red tail. They are a sleeker snake and well I just prefer them. Now I honestly think this dude is lying to you about the docile blood. How could you handle 50 snakes every day? Check what ever you get from him very well cause it sounds a little iffy to me...... but I am suspicious of my own grandma.
Pm CDN_Blood and ask him about bloods.

12-08-11, 04:34 PM
He won't let me get any of his red tails, I already asked him -.-
I adore red tails, I will have one one day but he told me he doesnt handle all of his snakes
He seemed like and honest guy and he was straight forward with me.
Whenever we meet up if he still wants to trade I'm going to ask if I could handle them first and I'm going to tell him to bring the balls first. I don't think he has any caramels but I sure hope so. Those, platinum, and bumble bees are my favorite balls.
Thank you1 I'll send him a pm right away. I definately need his input. Honestly though, the more I keep reading about bloods and watching videos the more I want one. I've seen a lot of videos with docile bloods.

12-08-11, 05:35 PM
Any snake has the ability to bite, not many are "aggressive" some are "defensive" tho. You will always find info on the net to prove or disprove any animal as being "dangerous" or "tame".

I personally would base any judgement on the opinions of the fellow keepers on here that have experience over a number of years with various numbers of the breed of snake that you are looking for.

I also want a Blood python, but i am considering seriously not getting one until my daughter has left home - they are very powerful snakes and have a hit as hard as a retic (things i have gathere on this forum)

12-08-11, 05:42 PM
Oh, that sounds pretty bad.
Update: He is'nt willing to trad for the blood anymore because supposedly the atb's "value" isn't as high as the bloods but I think he is willing to trade for a ball morph.
As long as I get a happy, healthy snake, I'll be happy :3

12-08-11, 05:56 PM
Poor Bloods, always the villains, lol. It's not the animals that are the problem, it's the people that keep them that don't *understand and respect* them that give them that reputation, and I'll stake my own reputation on that :)

12-08-11, 05:57 PM
^^^ AMEN!
Nicely said Todd C:

12-08-11, 05:58 PM
And thats for any animal [to an extent], not just snakes.

12-08-11, 06:23 PM
If you need a snake that is family friendly until your family warms up to snakes in the house i would definitely recommend the ball python. I have one and he's amazing, he has never tried to bite me (though he's a picky eater 8 months of the year) and I like that I can handle him (in moderation of course). My friend who used to be terrified of snakes will go and look after him when i go away, she likes that he's calm and she has even "pet" him while he's out of his habitat.

We had a smooth green snake when i was a kid but i don't really remember it much.

The only other snake I've had was a jungleXjaguar carpet, she was evil and has since been given to a better home that can take proper care of her and deal with her temper

12-08-11, 06:30 PM
Now the guy doesn't want to trade at all so I have to find someone who wants him but I'm not complaining to much because it gives me time to hopefully try and tame him after I feed him tomorrow and that was all about the money and value of snakes and he told me he power feeds which i think is wrong and inhuman. People make me sick. No offense anyone.

12-08-11, 06:32 PM
if that is how the guy is than it is probably better that this didn't work out. This way you have a little bit more time to see if you can tame down the snake you have (but i'm not sure what this requires) and if it's not happening and your family would still like you to get a different snake you could always sell and use the money to purchase a new snake from a reputable breeder instead of trading :)

12-08-11, 07:13 PM
Thats exactly what i was thinking. do any of you guys know any online breeders with good prices?

12-08-11, 08:34 PM
Thats exactly what i was thinking. do any of you guys know any online breeders with good prices?

I don't think we can personally recommend breeders on this forum, but, whatever breeder you do look into, check with fauna's BOI threads to see their reputation. You can search their name in that forum, and see what experiences other have had with them. On the BOI, people will post good and bad experiences with breeders, so you can be more reassured about who you're buying from. Here is the link to the BOI forum (http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=13).

12-08-11, 09:35 PM
Thanks :D
I'm going to try and get a red tail or a Brazilian rainbow boa <3

12-08-11, 09:38 PM
Or another carpet <3 :3

12-08-11, 09:48 PM
Why not a colubrid?
Seems like nobody likes colubrids :shocked:

12-08-11, 10:16 PM
Someone who knows Bloods will chime in but I know that they are one of the snakes I've read about on here that you have to really work with to keep. They can be paranoid and have super hard strikes.

Im no expert though its just what I've read, someone should be in here soon.

blood pythons are one of the most powerfullest snakes i have ever seen

by far the hardest strike i've ever witnessed when feeding

i don't know if theres any truth in it,but a guy i know who keeps bloods in high numbers,wreckoned that a blood had the power to break a human leg,with the power of its strike.(i would love to hear blood keepers thoughts on this matter ).

i've heard that bloods temprements can change for the worst with age

any blood keepers,please feel free to correct anything i may have been misinformed on

cheers shaun

12-08-11, 10:48 PM
I still think the breeder was shady ....

12-08-11, 10:54 PM
I'll chime in and say, you can never tame a snake. You may possibly get a snake to tolerate handling, but never tame. Each individual snakes is different from the next.

12-08-11, 11:39 PM
Why not a colubrid?
Seems like nobody likes colubrids :shocked:

Because I'm getting my boyfriend one :D

and Korbin, the more I think about it the more I think he was pretty shady too.
He said to me about Vlad "The boa not got any value"

Douche bag. He has more value than your stupid ***.
Excuse my lango. lol

12-08-11, 11:41 PM
Why not a colubrid?
Seems like nobody likes colubrids :shocked:

Also, I've already had one. It was a creamcicle cornsnake named Jupiter. He was a handsome guy about 2 feet but he died :'c

12-09-11, 03:27 AM
I agree with Alessia, if you are looking for a tame, easy to handle snake, Balls are the way to go. I am also bias because I own one, but Sasha has never struck me or attempted to stike me.

12-09-11, 04:23 AM
I agree with Alessia, if you are looking for a tame, easy to handle snake, Balls are the way to go. I am also bias because I own one, but Sasha has never struck me or attempted to stike me.

I've had a ball python before, Kalypso, he got to be 3.5 feet!
He bit me once when he was itty bitty but not entirely a baby but it was my fault.
Here is a picture of him chillin on his climbing log. I miss that guy so much </3
I think thats part of the reason why I keep avoiding getting a normal because I'd just feel like I was "replacing" him and the morphs are so expensive!

And this is Jupiter, my creamsicle cornsnake that died unexpectedly :'c

And last but certainly not least, Tarzan, my jungle carpet python that I gave to a friend that I sooooooooo much terribly regret. I've lost contact with them and I have no idea where my little Tarzan is now :/


I really want to get another carpet python or something I've never had before. Something different. I think I will find something when the time is right. Everything happens for a reason. Till then I'm going to keep working with Vlad and see if I can cheer him up a little bit.

12-09-11, 07:37 AM
Not all ball python morphs are expensive... There are a few under $100 and if you trade your current snake for one, you might see that you have a few options! It's a matter of asking and looking around. No one can replace Kalypso, hun. Even if you did get another normal, it would be a different personality, and the worst that could happen would be that it would remind you of Kalypso- and that's not a bad thing :)

12-09-11, 08:38 AM
Check Craigslist. Garden phase atb don't have a lot of value to the average person but a real breeder would be interested. The atb have no rhyme or reason when it comes to coloring. At least that is what I have gathered from the posts on here.

12-09-11, 09:20 AM
I think it is good that this trade didn't happen. Am I the only one who caught this...
and a 6 foot jungle carpet the he is breeding with a ball python which I've never heard of in my life.

Now I could be mistaken, I have not ever gotten to into the whole breeding thing but as far as my knowledge goes a carpet and a ball breeding does not make sense.

Sounds shady.

12-09-11, 09:33 AM
Nope I saw it but I know next to nothing about python breeding so I assumed it was ok. I know that they breed Burms to retics so........ what do I know?

12-09-11, 09:43 AM
Awe, they're really that bad?
He has some ball pythons too.

you're talking about a snake that could be 6-8ft long and weigh up to 30 lbs of pure muscle that generally will want NOTHING to do with you. They're insecure, they like to be left alone. and they hit like a mack truck.

they're beautiful and there are blood keepers on here that handle them but you only do so on their terms.. not yours

12-09-11, 12:56 PM
^^^ Carpet Python x Ball Python = Carpall
Burm x Retic = Bateater

12-09-11, 01:46 PM
Burm x ball = burmball

12-09-11, 04:47 PM
I think it is good that this trade didn't happen. Am I the only one who caught this...

Now I could be mistaken, I have not ever gotten to into the whole breeding thing but as far as my knowledge goes a carpet and a ball breeding does not make sense.

Sounds shady.

Thank you! Thats what I was thinking when I heard that. It didn't sound right and he is alllll about the money and not about the welfare of the animal. Prick.

12-09-11, 04:50 PM
And I posted an ad on craigslist seeing if anyone is interested and I got a couple of replies but one stood out the most. This chick named Kim Hobbs who is experienced with aggressive and large snakes is very interested in him. I can tell she is more interested than anyone else and I promised her I'd wait a week before I sell or trade him and she is helping me find something. I'm hoping a baby red tail. That would be awesome <3

12-09-11, 05:19 PM
Yes a red tail is a great snake. ( pointing down to my signature)

snake man12
12-09-11, 05:25 PM
Maybe a blood after a few years experience. I know I would have my hands full with a blood now

12-09-11, 05:32 PM
if it a baby blood and a baby ATB id say they both would be abit of a handful at first, just need to build up the trust with them

12-09-11, 06:23 PM
The blood would have been a baby but the ATB is an adult I think. He is about 5 feet long.

12-09-11, 06:24 PM
Yes a red tail is a great snake. ( pointing down to my signature)

I absolutely adore red tails <3

12-09-11, 06:45 PM
Man talk about getting a bad rap.
Bloods Are not mean, evil biting machines like most think.
They can be tame with work just like any baby snake.
As babies they are very insure and can be jumpy. They do tend to stress out easier than some other snakes. If you get one as a baby and take the time to work with them they can make great pets. Just like any animal or person they can have good days and bad.

Like with Retic or any other big snake it all about route. With Bloods you want to use slow movement. Bloods can spook easy, but with time and they can become more confident. With confidants they will become less jumpy and mellow out. If work with on a regular basis they can become true gentle giants.
One of the thing i like most about Bloods is they are some of the easiest snakes to read their mood. All you have to do is watch their breathing. If they are breathing heavy they are scared or stressed.

Out of the 7 Bloods i have had over the years i only been bitten twice. One was a feed response and the one last week i spooked him by just reaching straight into his hide to pick him up.
Out of 7 Carpets i owned i only been bitten twice both feeding response. But people say Carpets are nippy as babies.
Out of the 5 Ball python i use to have i took well over 30 bites. So i personally think Balls are more aggressive than Bloods.

12-09-11, 07:02 PM
What????? Bloods aren't the devil incarnate? Lol. I believe all snakes have the ability to be worked with but I have no experience to back that up. Now the op is not as experienced as you or Todd would be with larger snakes. Also her family is saying she needs to get rid if her atb for something more "tame". It really would be in her best interest to get something with a laid back reputation just for her family's sake.

Also could you have been bitten by so many bps because you were not as vigilant with them as you were the bloods and carpets?

12-09-11, 07:24 PM
There is a member on here who got a blood for his second snake and he seems fine, if you're confident and read a lot you could get most of the common snakes in the pet trade without a problem.
Don't count out bloods because they get a bad rep.

12-09-11, 07:33 PM
Also could you have been bitten by so many bps because you were not as vigilant with them as you were the bloods and carpets?
Actually it was just two of them that gave me all the bites both babies. When ever i did anything in either one of their cage i get a tags by each. After a few months they settled down. Thinking about it i took more bites from them two Ball pythons than all my other snakes together that i own in 20 years of keeping snakes.

12-09-11, 08:12 PM
Well if he is giving a caramel BP for you atb let me know cause I will send mine to him!

I myself would go with a red tail. They are a sleeker snake and well I just prefer them. Now I honestly think this dude is lying to you about the docile blood. How could you handle 50 snakes every day? Check what ever you get from him very well cause it sounds a little iffy to me...... but I am suspicious of my own grandma.
Pm CDN_Blood and ask him about bloods.

are you trying to sell your ATB?

12-09-11, 09:09 PM
Me? Either sell him or trade for another snake.

12-09-11, 09:10 PM
Does anyone know anything about Dumeril Boas?

12-09-11, 09:52 PM
Me? Either sell him or trade for another snake.

No, she was talking to Korbin.

12-09-11, 11:23 PM
Garters are the way to go.

12-10-11, 12:04 AM
Does anyone know anything about Dumeril Boas?

exwizard has several, what do you want to know about them?

12-10-11, 02:11 AM
Does anyone know anything about Dumeril Boas?
Yeah they make greats pets. Much better than Bloods or Balls. Mine is one of the mellowest snake i ever had. Easy to care for and very rewarding snakes to own. Mine never seems to mine handling and love to explore when out.

12-10-11, 09:14 AM
Unfortunately my wife wants me to get rid of my atb. I have an add up but have had like 4 people back out. I have also refused a couple of tools that knew nothing about snakes. On wanted to buy it cause it is so big and here bf would be terrified. She was gonna keep it in a "thing I used to have crickets in".

12-10-11, 04:05 PM
Yeah they make greats pets. Much better than Bloods or Balls. Mine is one of the mellowest snake i ever had. Easy to care for and very rewarding snakes to own. Mine never seems to mine handling and love to explore when out.

Sweet, that sounds like my kind of snake C:

Someone offered to trade a 18" long dumeril. What do yall think? I'm 'bout it :3

12-10-11, 04:06 PM
exwizard has several, what do you want to know about them?

Just seeing what people have to say about them. Someone offered to trade my atb for one and I've never had one before.

12-10-11, 05:34 PM
I would check out the snake before making the trade, but I think they're cool, everything I've read says they're pretty docile, don't get TOO big. They're heavier bodied than ATB, more along the lines of an RTB. I held a few adults at the last expo and they were really calm and fairly inquisitive.

12-10-11, 05:37 PM
I would check out the snake before making the trade, but I think they're cool, everything I've read says they're pretty docile, don't get TOO big. They're heavier bodied than ATB, more along the lines of an RTB. I held a few adults at the last expo and they were really calm and fairly inquisitive.

Hahah thats what I've been doing since she made the offer. I even told her that I need to read about them first.
But I don't mind them being heavy bodied, I actually like that more than slender snakes not that I'm saying I have anything against them. I do love them equally though, there is a diffference ;3

12-10-11, 07:36 PM
Seems like it would be a good trade.

12-10-11, 08:18 PM
Seems like it would be a good trade.

I agree. C:
But I'm still going to check him out before I make it final.

12-10-11, 08:22 PM
Yeah they make greats pets. Much better than Bloods or Balls. Mine is one of the mellowest snake i ever had. Easy to care for and very rewarding snakes to own. Mine never seems to mine handling and love to explore when out.

I second this on every point.

12-10-11, 08:24 PM
I second this on every point.

sweet! I just posted on your profile thread for black betty! She is humongous!

12-11-11, 12:48 AM
Yeah they make great pets. Mine is one of the mellowest snake i ever had. Easy to care for and very rewarding snakes to own. Mine never seems to mine handling and love to explore when out.

I agree. I have 2 rescues I've had about 2-3 months now. Both girls are close to 5' long. Very mellow, curious, and almost act a little shy lol They're also a very muscular snake. You can really feel how strong they are when they move. Best part is they don't mind handling at all. I was worried about that since I handle daily.

I've really enjoyed them in the short time I've had them. One of them loves to tangle herself in my hair and just lay in it forever....or until I get tired of holding her weight up lol.

12-11-11, 02:51 PM
Well I'm bummed. The guy said his wife thinks he is too big[ he isn't that big at all, just long] and he's buy him for $60. I don't want to sell him now. I'd rather trade. I mean I know if I sell him I can just buy a new snake but I don't want to risk it. I don't trust buying snakes from pet stores and there are no breeders around here that I know of. Should i look around first and see if I can find a good one? Maybe ask craigslist. I'm not sure if I should trust breeders either though. I've never bought a snake from one.

12-11-11, 02:57 PM
The guy said he's sell me his if I can sell mine! That seems like a good deal to me. what about you guys?

12-11-11, 03:00 PM
I REALLY want this Dumerils boa man.

12-11-11, 04:01 PM
I totally understand. Its my favorite species and I think its a great choice.

12-11-11, 04:07 PM
All I have to do is sell Vlad. I feel bad for him though. He hasn't eaten for me. Poor guy :/

12-11-11, 04:07 PM
He did try to bite me through the mesh top though when I was getting another picture of him! I'll show them to yall :3

12-11-11, 04:16 PM

I wish he wasn't so mean and my family liked him. His face is so damn cute! >.< Kind of reminds me of a cute little kitten.