View Full Version : BRB in a tree **PICS**

04-24-02, 11:32 PM
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to post some pic I took of my BRB today.
<img src="http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=lilB&album_id=51932&image_id=48&show=image&param=96961">
<img src="http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=lilB&album_id=51932&image_id=47&show=image&param=67821">
<img src="http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=lilB&album_id=51932&image_id=50&show=image&param=6928">
Hope you like. :)

:cool: Brian

04-24-02, 11:42 PM
Great pics!! and wow that's impressive that you managed to photograph him in a tree... that must've been a fun session...lol! Was he ok to get out?

Darren Hamill
04-24-02, 11:46 PM
Neat pic's Brian!

04-25-02, 04:14 AM
lol great pics Bri! :)

04-25-02, 09:45 AM
Once again....your pics. are awesome!:) What a treat to see!

04-25-02, 11:09 AM
Wow, that's awesome. Don't you get afraid that he'll go up too high and you wont be able to get him back down?

Still very cool pics tho!!:thumbsup:

04-25-02, 06:12 PM
Thanks all! :w

Yeah, as you guys suspected, it wasn't very *fun* getting him out of the tree! lol

The branch isn't nearly as high off the ground as it appears in the pic. He did make a few attempts to go upward though, but I kept 'persuading' him to go elsewhere. Unlike my red tails, the BRB sits still about as much as a toddler. :p So I could only feel comfortable enough to shoot the pics when he had a few moments of 'contemplation' or something.

Getting him out took some sharp thinking and quick reflexes. lol
BRBs keepers are more than aware of their constricting strength so I had to 'beat'em to the punch' and use my hands and arms as a false branch.

Hey it was worth it though, I guess?!? ;)

:cool: Brian

05-18-02, 03:34 AM
nice looking snake:grab:

05-22-02, 06:30 PM
Really nice snake, how big is he ? :)